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HARRIET'S EYES WIDENED and she snatched the paper from Adeline's grip, reading the piece of paper. Alarmed, Harriet scrunched it up. Adeline rose to her feet, meeting alarmed gazes and questions.

"What does that mean?" A girl quizzed

"It means they're not sending up anymore Newbies, ya stick!" Someone retorted.

"Shut it!" Harriet looked purely alarmed and agitated at the same time. Climbing out of the Box, she requested to get the rope and slowly get the boy out of the Box. Adeline hoisted herself out of the Box and out into the courtyard. Getting the boy out of the Box carefully was the hard part, but by the time they got him out and lowered his body onto the grass, everyone crowded around to get another look at him. The boy had olive skin, and his brown hair was cut short. Once again, she couldn't help but think that the boy seemed so familiar to Adeline. Like everyone else had when she arrived.

"He looks like Adeline somewhat." Someone said. "They have familiar features."

"She's right." Harriet peered back at Adeline, then towards the boy. "Maybe you're related? Do you recongnise him?"

"How would I recognise him?" Adeline quizzed. "I can barely remember who I am."

"Are you sure?" Harriet quizzed

"I can't be sure, you know that, Harriet." Adeline retorted. "But what I know right now is that I don't recognise him."

"Okay." She nodded, then averted her eyes to Rachel. "What 'bout you, seen him before?"

"Not that I can recall." Rachel shook her head. "Which isn't a lot, obviously."

"There has to be a reason why —"

Before Harriet could finish her sentence, the boy jolted forward, eyes snapping open. The boy blinked numerous times, his breathing faltered. His eyes watched the crowd of girls, and many jumped back in alarm. Harriet stumbled backwards, letting out a shriek of fright, while Adeline flinched and almost stumbled over her feet. The boy looked like he was in a slight daze, and his brown eyes scanned the crowd of girls. For a moment, it appeared he recongnised Adeline. Until the boy started muttering words under his breath that were barely audible. After a moment, he stopped muttering complete nonsense, and his eyes glazed, almost like someone was controlling him.

"Everything is going to change."

And then, his eyes rolled back into his head, falling backwards onto his back, back into unconsciousness. As soon as he fell back into unconsciousness, the Sector became awfully quiet. Nobody dared to speak, many in a state of shock.

They got the boy to the infirmary and made sure that he was kept an eye on. That night, when the Mappers returned for the night, Sonya had been informed on the recent events. Nobody had any words to say about the earlier events, and it caused many girls to be too shocked to work. Harriet had told many to keep working and not to worry, but the whole situation just made them worry and unable to keep their heads focused on their jobs or anything else.

The boy was still unconscious, and the Medics had been trying to get him to eat, but apparently he ate less and less. Then, to make matters worse, there had been word spread around the Sector of a dead Griever found in the Maze. The word got around obviously quick, and it wasn't something to ignore. Harriet and Sonya were starting to worry, and after everything that had just happened, they had the right to do so. Sonya and Harriet had discussed the possibility of bringing the dead Griever back to the Sector, but the idea was disagreed on by many of the Keepers, and so they decided to leave the Griever alone. After what had just recently happened, they couldn't afford for anyone to get stung again, in case the Griever itself wasn't fully dead.

Adeline hadn't talked to Matt since she woke up from the Changing. He'd tried to talk to her, but Adeline ignored him. She hadn't felt comfortable talking to him after she'd woken up, but after the boys arrival, she wondered if this was happening back in his Maze. Later that night, when everyone was pretty much asleep, she called out to him.

Matt? I'm sorry I've been ignoring you, I just haven't felt comfortable with doing so. But, I need for you to answer me. We've just had a boy arrive here, and it's sparked chaos.

Matt answered her almost immediately. The exact same thing just happened, but a girl. She arrived unconscious, we believed she was dead. And then she woke up and told us everything is going to change before she fell back unconscious. She also had a note in her hand stating that she was the last one ever.

Holy crap! That's exactly what happened with the boy, except it said he was the last one ever. What the crap is going on?

I don't know, but let me know if anything else happens.

Okay. You let me know, too. There has to be a reason why this is happening.

Matt hadn't said anything else. Instead, his voice had gone as quickly as it had came.

Adeline was woken up by something dripping onto her face. The substance was cold and dribbled down her cheek. Jolting forward, she craned her neck up towards the sky. Grey clouds had appeared, and drops of water were raining down. It was raining. Actually, raining. It never rains here. Adeline threw her blanket off of her body and quickly placed on her boots and tied them up. The rain came down in spitting rain, and Adeline found other girls gobsmacked by this news, too. Rachel, who slept a couple of hammocks from Adeline, had been woken up by the rain and looked confused at everyone's reaction.

"Oh my god." Adeline gasped, staring up at the grey shaded clouds above. Rain continued to come down, until it became heavier. The ground became muddy and slippery, and girls started racing towards the Keepers House while, others ran towards other sheltered places. By the time Adeline got inside the Keeper's House, the rain was pouring down heavily, and Adeline's hair was soaked, her hair dripping water in puddles around her feet as she stood inside the Keepers House, watching the rain pour down. The sound of the rain pattering against the roof of the Keepers House was calming, but she was still trying to process the fact that for the first time since she'd arrived, it was raining. Or, according to Harriet, the first time in two years.

Instead of the usual hot days, the weather was unpredictable. One day it'd be hot, the next cold. One day it'd rain leaving them unable to work, but helpful for the crops. After a week of the weather being unpredictable, the girls woke up to something else that they'd never guess to happen. Adeline woke up to Rachel shaking her shoulders in alarm on the day it happened, and the moment she had realised what was going on, she understood the reason why everyone was panicking.

The crazy, unpredictable weather that they'd experienced for a good week, had stopped, and now the sky held a grey, artificial look to it. Which meant no sun for crops, and if there was no sun to help the crops grow, the supplies were the last option to keep them alive. But, with the unconscious boy and the note that read he was the last one ever, Adeline was unsure that the box was coming back up. But maybe Adeline was just overthinking. Would the people — the Creators, as Matt had called them — really let them starve to death?

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