08 → "AWAKE"

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08 → "AWAKE"

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08 "AWAKE"

Okay. So you live in the middle of a Maze sort of like a big encampment, with doors that open and close each night? Do you live with at least fifty girls or boys?

Yes, and I live with at least fifty boys, and I'm guessing you live with all girls.

It's like whoever put us here is running an experiment.

I've had a bad feeling about this place since I've arrived. All the boys here call the people that sent us here the Creators. I think we're here for a reason.

I think this place is an experiment and we're all just lab rats. I know something bad has happened to the world.

How do you know that?

I don't know. I've gotten bits and pieces of my memories back since I was stung by a freaking Griever and they gave me some serum.

Wait, you're going through what the boys in my Maze call the Changing. According to our leader, Alby, it gives you back some parts of your memories but once you wake up, you're not the same person.

Well, ain't that just peachy.

What Matt had called "the Changing", had come to its end. Adeline returned to consciousness after what had felt like eons. Each and every memory was gone, but came back in blotchy pieces, like her brain was trying to solve a puzzle. She tried to hold on to these memories, as they deemed important to her, but many aspects of them had gone. The moment Adeline had woke, Ruth was peering down at her, a relieved smile plastered on her face. Adeline gave a weak smile; her body felt heavy.

"You're finally awake." Ruth said. "You're the last to have woken. We were starting to get worried something was wrong."

Adeline was too weak to move, but she so desperately wanted to sit upright. She went to move her arms but her arms were restricted by her sides. Gaining some strength, she peered down at her arms, to find them being held down by rope.

"How long was I out?" She croaked, her voice hoarse.

"Nearly a week." Ruth answered. "The others were awake after two full days."

"And did anyone ... die?" She forced the question out, unsure of what she heard while out was real or not. Ruth's face fell, and she shook her head.

"Don't worry 'bout that." she replied. "Just focus on gaining back your strength and getting yourself back up and walking. Gotta keep moving forward."

Adeline knew the reason to why Ruth wasn't answering her question; it was obvious that some girls might've not been as lucky as her to survive the attack. Adeline frowned but nodded, promising not to worry. Ruth disappeared from the room, leaving Adeline alone for a couple minutes, before she returned with Harriet.

"Glad to see you're awake." Harriet flashed her a warm smile.

"Have the Griever's come back?" Harriet shook her head.

"No, thankfully." Relief flooded Adeline at those words.

"And what about Victoria?" Adeline questioned. "Is she okay?"

At the mention of Victoria's name, Harriet's face fell. Hesitating to answer Adeline's question, she gave out a sigh.

"Adeline, there's no easy way to put this but," Harriet paused, hesitating once more. "Victoria, well —"

"Yeah?" Adeline pressed, worry now spreading through her body.

"Adeline," Harriet finally looked her directly in the eyes. "Victoria is dead."

It was like the entire world exploded, and everything around her had stopped at Harriet's words. Adeline couldn't process it.

Victoria is dead.

"By the time we got her to the infirmary, she was in and out of consciousness." Harriet explained. "We got the serum into her, and it seemed she was healing from the Griever sting until yesterday. The serum killed her, instead of saving her life. I'm sorry."

Tears sprung in Adeline's eyes. Victoria and Adeline were so quick of becoming close friends. It was like before the Maze they were as close, and that's why they got along so well. That's why it hit her harder. That's why Victoria's death impacted her deeper. Harriet left the room while she'd let the news sunk in.

The Griever serum killed her, instead of saving her life.

Adeline was let out of the infirmary, but was not allowed to start working. She'd been given a couple of days to rest, but was allowed to move about and walk around, but anything else wasn't allowed, as the Medics feared it would put strain on her, as she was still slightly weak. They buried Victoria at the Graveyards. Another girl lost, a bright soul. Adeline watched as they dug a grave, shoveling dirt before burying her. She didn't know why she was watching the Guards bury her, didn't know why she felt like she had to. Maybe because she hadn't had the chance to say goodbye to Victoria. Harriet and Sonya stood beside her as the Guards finished burying Victoria's body. But Adeline couldn't move. Her eyes were locked on the dirt grave that Victoria laid dead in. Adeline had only been here a month, and since then things had started happening. It was like she was cursed. A trigger for bad things to happen. But, she didn't want to feel that way. Like a burden. Harriet and Sonya left her alone, Harriet placing a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to show her sympathy. Sonya forced a fake smile, but it morphed more into a grimace. Both stalked off, and while Adeline was left alone, she made a promise to Victoria.

"We'll find a way out of here." she promised. "And we'll get payback from the people who placed us in here. The ones who created the Griever's and the Maze."

And with that, she turned away from Victoria's grave and stalked away, ignoring the tightening of her chest as she said her final goodbye.

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