Chapter 13: Flashes

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Warning : sometimes cursing, do not read if you are religious and would be cursing about how I got the angel names wrong or when I basically write about lucifer being a good guy, in short do not read if you are close minded

This book is inspired by, Kuroshitsuji an Anime not owned by me, another anime called Nanantsu no Taizai which I also do not own, and the tumblr blogs about which sin would the members of bts fit.

Eris's p.o.v

I plopped down on my own bed, face first. The training took out my energy for I have never used that much power before. I forced myself to stand up and slowly walked towards the bathroom. I stood under the running shower. Steam around me, fogging my sight. I closed my eyes, sighed and let the hot water run down my back. As I closed my eyes flashes started whirling around my mind. Flashes that seems to be thoughts and memories. Flashes that I couldn't decipher. It's terrifying if you would think about it. Your own thoughts and memories going our of control.

Memories that I could make out was a yin yang symbol. A sun necklace, White wings and 12 people on a throne. A man who I could not see and black and white feathers raining from the sky. I gasped and in my panic, I slipped and fell on the floor. I began to breathe heavily, scared of what I have just witnessed. (You could say it's a Panic ! At the Bathroom)

I groaned and I stood up rubbing my butt. I fiddled with my necklace nervously. What is it ? What could it mean ? Is this Seraphina's doing ?
I sighed once more and turned the shower off. I went out and got dressed and slipped in under the covers. I took out my the book that my father gave me and began flipping through the pages. One chapter caught my eye.

Hemera and Nyx

The first and last recorded queens of heaven and hell are named Hemera and Nyx. Daughters of the twelve powerful Gods in the sky. Hemera the daughter of the Gods with a powerful angel became the Queen of Heaven while Nyx the daughter with a moon Goddess became the Queen of Hell. Hemera was named Goddess of Day after her pure white wings and blonde coloured hair, sun kissed skin and crystal blue eyes. She resembled the sun and the perfect angel
. Nyx, of the night with her charcoal black hair, red eyes and pale skin was named Goddess of the Night.

Both of the queens have their protectors. Princes from different kingdoms. Assigned to protect the queens at all costs.  Queen Hemera's guardians are called the Seven archangels. Queen Nyx's  guardians are called Seven Deadly Sins. For years the people in both heaven and hell lived prosperously and happily until the downfall of both queens.

I flipped to the next chapter, completely entranced on what I was reading.

The Downfall of the great queens

It is said that the fathers of both queens were displeased about their choices of their future kings. The fathers did not approve of their lovers and Hemera obeyed. Nyx refused for she loved the man dearly. This angered the Gods.

The great Queen Nyx fell first. One of the Gods went behind the other's back and cursed Hell's Queen. It is said that she is cursed to become mortal and age and die, only to be reborn not to remember anything from her past life. Not only she is cursed, but also her seven protectors. One of them is her love. She is not to be immortal and remember all her past lives unless she becomes Queen again and reunites with her lover. It is not yet known which of the seven is her lovet.

Queen Hemera fell after. She could not bear the thought of staying away from her lover. She snuck out from her father's sight and meets up with him. Like Nyx, it is not known which of the seven is  her lover. The Gods found out and this angered them. Like the other Queen, the cursed her to be mortal, then being reborn not remembering anything.

Shortly after their kingdoms slowly faded from the mortal's minds. The seven demons and angels spent all of their mortal lives looking for the queen they lost. The Deadly Sins continued running the kingdom in the place of their lost queen while looking for her. The Angels disappeared and left the kingdom, spending their lives on looking for their Queen. Since no one was running Heaven and God banished Lucifer as a Deadly sin, they gave the crowns to Seraphina though she mainly focused up above. To the hearts of many, Hemera and Nyx are the only queens.

What I just read is hard to believe. There were originally two queens and Seraphina isn't just Hoseok's rival. Sub-conciously, the boys remember stuff from the past. If I am the reincarnation of the one and only queen then I have a sister. An older sister. The real Queen of Heaven. How would I find her ? The boys need to know about this.

I quickly ran with the book in hand to the dining room where the could possibly be eating. I bursted in and shut the door and all seven are there.

"Oh ? Eris what brings you here ? We thought you wouldn't join us." Jin stood up and was about to call a maid but I stoppped him.

"Are you all done eating ?" I said in between pants. They all nodded and looked at me curiously. I waved my hand and the plates went to the trolly. I waved the trolly away.

"Listen. This is important." I looked at each of them carefully, silently daring them to say something.

"Does anyone of you know Hemera and Nyx ?" I asked them.

"It sounds kinda familiar why ?" Jungkook asked me. I sighed. They really remember the important stuff don't they ?

"Hemera and Nyx are the first and last Queens. Hemera is the Queen of Heaven while Nyx of Hell. No one knew of this much because this happened thousands of years ago and Seraphina probably ordered everyone to never mention Hemera and Nyx on History books, conversations and the likes." I stated. They gasped.

"Seraphina isn't originally the Queen ?" Jimin asked and I nodded. Hoseok smirked.

"I knew that bitch was crazy the first time she talked to me."  Hoseok cursed which shocked us. I shook my head.

"Hemera and Nyx both have seven protectors, namely The Archangels and The Deadly Sins.  The sins ran and looked for Nyx until they died and they were old enough to the the same cycle. They never found Nyx or if they did, they died early. The Angels left heaven to look for Hemera and the 12 Gods gave the crown to heaven to Seraphina. They were gonna give it to Lucifer but he is now a sin." I explained and they looked confused. I skipped the part why they disappeared.

"Hemera and Nyx vanished because they were cursed by their fathers. The 12 Gods didn't like their boyfriends but they still dated the boys so the gods cursed them to be mortal and reincarnate. The reason why there aren't any queens yet after them is probably the queens die before they find out the truth. Only one person could do such thing." I nodded. We all spoke in unison.

"Seraphina." We chorused. I nodded in thought.

"There is also a possibility that it was the God. But they couldn't do that to their daughters right ?" I asked them.

"Well they cursed their daughter to die and become normal." Namjoon replied.

"It's possible that you have a sister and that the angels are looking for her." Namjoon said and I nodded.

"The world is big and we still need to train her." Yoongi added.

"We'll look for her after your coronation Eris. Don't worry." Taehyung patted my back. I slowly made my way to my room after, leaving them to discuss whatever. I sighed again.

If what I'm thinking is real, where are you my sister ?

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