Chapter 19

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Warning : sometimes cursing, do not read if you are religious and would be cursing about how I got the angel names wrong or when I basically write about lucifer being a good guy, in short do not read if you are close minded

This book is inspired by, Kuroshitsuji an Anime not owned by me, and the tumblr blogs about which sin would the members of bts fit.

Eris's p.o.v

When we arrived home everyone is still sleeping. Jin and I quietly arranged the goods to different Cup boards. After that I changed to my normal clothes. When I got to the kitchen, Jin is already seasoning the meat.

"Let me help." I said standing beside him. He laughed and shook his head 'No'. I pouted.

"Why ?" I tugged at his shirt like a child.

"You can help me everywhere but not in the kitchen." He told me. I sat in the bar stool, watching him season the meat.

"Can you at least teach me how to slice it properly ? I can't slice meat to save my life." I replied. He hummed.

"Let's let the flavor sink in first." He said while putting the meat in the fridge.

"You can cut these if you want." He handed me lettuce. I sighed. We worked a little for a while. I washed the dishes we were going to use later since we haven't used them in a while.

"It's time to cut the meat." He took the meat out, and even uncooked, it smells good already. I quickly wiped my hands and went over to him. He handed me a knife.

"Show me how you slice it." He nudged me closer to the meat. "Go on." He waved. I awkwardly sliced the meat almost slicing my finger in the process. He sighed beside me.

"That's not how you do it. You do it like this." He tried to position my arms properly from beside me and failed. He went behind me and guided me from my back. I blushed from the close contact. His hands are on top of mine.

"See that's how you do it." He looked down at me and I looked at him.

'His face is so close.' I thought. 'I could just lean a bit closer. Just a few more inches then I'd hit the jackpot'

Short Jin p.o.v

She's so close. She's in my arms now. I could do it. Just a bit closer. I leaned closer to her and surprisingly, she did the same.

Eris' p.o.v

He leaned closer. Oh shit. Before I could process what is happening, I leaned in as well. Our lips almost touching. I could feel his breath. Before it could happen I looked away and laughed awkwardly.

"Oh look. Hahaha. The meat isn't slicing itself." I started cutting it and I was deep in thought.

'What were you thinking Eris ?! You aren't here to kiss guys !' I reminded myself.

'You're here to fight Seraphina, get your sister's kingdom back and to be the Queen. Hopefully destroy one of your evil fathers if you live long enough !' I thought.

'But I have to remember everything. I must be named Queen again. If I become immortal, it would be easier to end all of this. Everything. Seraphina and the awful fathers of mine.' I thought. I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a pain in my finger. I looked at it and I cut myself. I hissed and rushed my finger to the sink and washed it even though it stings.

"Eris !" Jin exclaimed. He rushed towards me and took the first aid kit out. He took some antiseptic and applied on my wound. He put a band aid on it too after.

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