Chapter 11 : Good night's sleep

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Warning : sometimes cursing, do not read if you are religious and would be cursing about how I got the angel names wrong or when I basically write about lucifer being a good guy, in short do not read if you are close minded

This book is inspired by, Kuroshitsuji an Anime not owned by me, and the tumblr blogs about which sin would the members of bts fit.

Eris' p.o.v

I sat up on my bed, gasping for air. My heart ready to burst, my breathing heavy. I looked around and saw Yoongi beside my bed.

I checked if the necklace is still there and to my relief, it is.

I stood up and teleported to Taehyung's room. When I came there Hoseok is sitting beside him.

"Taehyung !" I shouted while running to him, hugging him. My heart still feels like It's going to burst any second.

Suddenly the real Namjoon and Jin came into the room. A sleepy Jungkook and Jimin in tow.

"What's happening ? Why does everyone look so tired ?" Jungkook asked sitting at the edge of Taehyung's bed.

"It's Seraphina." Hoseok answered. I looked at him and saw him already looking at me.

"That woman you saw. The shadows. The one behind Taehyung. It's her." He told me.

"Why now ? Why so early ? What does she need from me ?!" I asked enraged.

The little shit caused me lack of sleep, made me feel like I've just ran the olympics and all that dream running is giving me visions of my early death.

"For some reason she seems to need your necklace. And of course to either kill you or messed with your head." He explained.

"Why Taehyung ? Why the wheel chair ? And what the fuck is up with those god damned zombie clowns and that guy Jiyong ?" I asked him, stroking Taehyung's head that's now on my lap.

"She wanted to control Taehyung and Taehyung is Anger. A handicapped Tae is easier to control. And those Zombie clowns ? Yeah. They shape shift to what you hate the most." He explained more looking to each and everyone of us.

"But Jiyong ? The guy who looks like, sounds like and is named like the guy from Big Bang ?" I asked no one in particular.

"Him ? Yeah. He used to court Seraphina until he found out what she's really like. Now she torments him when she feels like it." He sighed.

"Why did you come back ?" A voice spoke. I look down to Taehyung.

"What ?"

"Why did you come back ? I had a knife. I could have stabbed you." Taehyung asked looking up at me.

I looked around and either they look confused, shocked or lost.

"I came back because I couldn't leave you there. I know Namjoon and Jin aren't real there. I couldn't bear seeing you on that damned wheel chair being like a puppet. Seeing you like that scared me. Even I only knew you for a while." I told him. Stroking his head.

My heart is calm now.

"If that wasn't Taehyung. If that was one of us. Will you do the same ?" Jimin spoke up for the first time.

They all looked at me for answers.

I nodded, "Yeah. I may not know you for a long time and we basically all just met but I already feel like protecting you all. And you all are precious to me already."

"What did it feel like ? Seeing him like that ?" Jungkook asked me out of curiosity.

"My heart beated faster, my breathing became heavier and its like my heart broke. Seeing Taehyung fall to the ground like that then coming back out on a wheel chair and a cast on his legs. Then Hoseok and Yoongi came. Telling me to run." I tried to explain what I felt.

"What did we do ?" Namjoon asked me looking concerned.

"You tried to do to Yoongi what you did to Taehyung. But mostly you were just standing there." I told him.

"I knew it wasn't you or Jin. Your eyes were pure black. The whites of your eyes aren't visible and I don't know. It feels like It isn't you." I assured him and Jin.

"What could have triggered your dream ?" Jin asked me.

"It's not a dream. I know it's not. She got in my head." I got a bit mad. He looked at me with a look saying 'calm down i'm just asking.'

"How could she have gotten into your head ?" Jungkook asked.

"I'm still working on that. Right now, all I need is sleep because that little shit took it from me. It feels like I just ran in the olympics." I yawned and lied on the space beside Taehyung on his bed.

"I'm sleeping here if you don't mind. I'm too tired to go to my room. I'm sure as hell ain't sleeping on my own after those zombie clowns appeared on my head either." I said making myself comfortable on Taehyung's bed.

"Okay then. Taehyung would be strong enough if something happens." Namjoon the leader declared.

Yoongi being Yoongi, did his best to protect mine and Tae's mind from another mental attack from her.

I felt an arm snake around my waist and a sudden warmth enveloped me.

"I'll keep you safe this time Eris." Taehyung wrapped his arms around my waist.

One by one, the other boys filed out of the room, adding their own incantation so we all won't get another attack then we were alone.

I turned around and came face to face with the orange haired boy's chest.

'He's so warm' I buried my face into his chest.

'This feels so peaceful, so safe. So sleepy.' I thought to myself as I tried to fight of the sleepiness.

I'm afraid if I sleep again, another member will have to suffer. But alas, sleep won.

Tae's warmth and the safe feeling I'm getting contributed to sleepiness' win.

This time, I fell asleep in Taehyung's embrace. The boy I just saved from the horrible dream. The boy I was so afraid of touching earlier in the fear of him stabbing me. The boy whose head I came to love stroking.

I fell asleep peacefully this time. No horrible dreams.

That girl in my dream though. The girl who went with Jiyong. Why is Mira on my dream ?

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