Train Station

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"Hey, Mom?" I asked as I tied the laced on my boots that Saturday. It was the match against Nekoma today and I was buzzing with excitement at the thought of seeing the team. However, I was growing increasingly close to the Karasuno team - the third years kinda accepting me as a friend and making sure I didn't get lost on my first week at school. I appreciated it so much so I didn't really know who I'd be rooting for today. I'd been watching practically all their practices after school and Azumane had got in the the habit of walking me to the train station after. So really it was in self interest but I enjoyed watching them play - him particularly.

"Yeah?" She appeared at the door from the living room with paint smudged on her face and I smiled.

"Kiyoko said she'd be here in a minute, I'm just going" my mum grinned and nodded, bringing me into a hug as I tried to avoid getting wet paint on my black dress.

"Have fun, make sure to tell Kuroo I said hi! I miss his mother a lot!" She smiled. Her eyes crinkling in the pretty way they did when she smiled. My mum was young, like very young, as in I had not been planned when she was my age. Exiled by her parents and abandoned by my father she took refuge at her friends house - that being Mrs Kuroo's house who was already heavily pregnant with Tetsorou. Having been family friends they'd known each other most of their lives, well pretty much my mum's whole life but Kuroo's mom was nine years older than mine. Hence Kuroo and I had known each other our whole lives, him being a total of four months older than me. I think we were as close as two humans could be without being conjoined twins. I mean don't get me wrong sometimes I could just smack that smug, shit eating grin off his face but he's always been there for me and my mother too. Hence why I was named Eri - meaning "blessed prize" because according to my mother I was a gift. "I'd never have it any other way" she would say. So I grew up with crappy houses, cold meals and no family other than my mom (and the Kuroo's). Which is why I didn't kick a fuss when my mom's job moved us here. Sometimes I feel like a burden, seeing my mum painting wistfully - always wanting to be an artist but having to stick in a crap job to support me... But I'd inherited those artists genes and I wanted to be an artist - if she couldn't I'd do it for both of us.

"Eri?" My mom laughed, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Sorry" I laughed as the doorbell went off "tuned out"

"Feet on the ground when your heads in the clouds" she grinned and I rolled my eyes at the phrase I'd heard most of my life. I was a bit of a daydreamer. I opened the door and I felt heat creep to my cheeks to see Azumane standing in my door.

"Uh, hi" he smiled

"Hey" I frowned but still smiled at him as well "you're not Kiyoko"

"Keen eye you have" he chuckled "Ukai needed her for something so I'm your chauffeur instead"

"Right" I smiled, snatching my bag from the doorway.

"Oh, who's this?" Came my mum's voice

"Mum, this is Azumane Asahi, he's the ace for the Karasuno team" a sly grin pulled across her face and I cringed, might of told her about the slight crush I had on him.

"It's very nice to meet you, Araki-san" Asahi bowed and I saw my mum smile.

"So polite!" She laughed "no need to be so formal, you're Eri's... Friend after all"

"Well I'll see you later mom!" I cringed as I shoved Asahi through the door and slammed it behind me. He seemed half amused half embarrassed as he walked with me towards the train station.

"You uh.." he said followed by something so quiet I didn't hear.

"Sorry?" I smiled at him and his face went red

"You look pretty" he repeated slightly louder and I left my own face creep a blush.

"Thank you" I chuckled

"I didn't know you had your nose pierced" he mused.

"I cover the stud in makeup for school" I shrugged "it just looks like a pimple but I like to wear the ring when I can"

"It's nice" he said absent-mindedly and I felt his hand brush mine as we came to a stop at the train station.

"S-sorry" he stuttered and I let of a smile

"You don't have to be so nervous" I chuckled "I don't bite, much"

He finally laughed and nodded "I don't know why I am"

"There's nothing to be nervous about" I shook my head as our train came hurtling into the station - a huge surge if lunch hour traffic stepping to get in. I followed closely behind him - being as small as I was I got lost a lot in big crowds. I was the last to step on but a rather annoying looking business man elbowed me to get in and I lost my balance. I felt something warm enclose around my hand and tug me back into the train car before I fell over.

"Are you okay?" I heard Asahi's voice in my ear.

"Fine" I huffed, shooting daggers at the back of the man's head as the train jolted into motion. I lost my balance a little again and fell into his chest, someone stepping into the small space I'd made behind me. I felt my heart race start to thud at the situation I was in, pressed so close to him I could feel this breath moving the hairs on the top of my head, his hand still around mine in a protective hold. We stood in silence as the train was filled with loud chatter. As we reached our stop he didn't still drop my hand as we walked out the station.

"I don't want to lost you in the crowd" he explained, his cheeks flushed even though we were leaving the busy train station and there were increasingly less people around us.

"R-right" I stuttered as the Gymnasium came into view a few minutes later. Asahi opened the door and my eyes fell on the Nekoma team instantly. I saw the back of Kuroo's ridiculous hair and I found myself grinning like an idiot. Not quite realising till now just how much I missed him.

"Shitsorou!" I yelled across the court, earning a few looks but I saw a few members of Nekoma laugh as he turned, that damn, shit eating smile on his face. He only just saw me drop Asahi's hand before I ran across the room and collided, harshly with his chest, throwing my arms around his shoulders and sanding on top of his feet to get better grip.

"I missed you too but please don't break my spine" he chuckled, his arm around my waist.

"Shut up and let me hug you, asshole" I grinned and he sighed, bringing me closer into a hug an I felt like sobbing as his very familiar scent flooded my senses. It smelled like childhood. I eventually let him go and grinned up at him, he returned it with a genuine smile for once. I heard a throat clear behind me and I turned to see Kenma.

"Permission to hug?" I asked him, holding my arm open.

His lips tugged into a small smile as r said "granted" and I hugged him very, very tightly - almost scared I was gonna snap his small frame.

"God I missed you guys" I laughed, turning to the others to see the boys I'd spent ridiculous amounts of time with. Yaku, Innoka, Yamamoto, Shibiyama and Kai.

"How much do I have to pay you to come back?" Yaku joked "you're the only one Kuroo listens to!"

"Sorry Yaku" I chuckled "I also regret to inform that I will be cheering for Karasuno today" they all gasped in horror "so make it a good match!"

"You got it" Kuroo ruffled my hair fondly.

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