Unexpected Advice

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I sighed as I pressed the balls of my hands into my eyes as I dithered at the door to the cafeteria. Don't cry, Eri. Don't cry. I sighed, I could do this. Kuroo hadn't spoken to me all day yesterday or today and I was slowly breaking inside. I built up the courage and pushed open the door, the place was filled with loud chatter and laughter from all the teams.

"Araki-chan!" came Bokuto's yell, I looked over and stiffened. He was sat at a table in between Kuroo and Akaashi with various other members of both Nekoma and Fukurodani "come sit with us!"

"I, uh, can't..." I stumbled, Kuroo obviously not looking at me as he picked at his food.

"Huh?" his face fell and I instantly fell guilty "why not?"

"I - I - I forgot to tell Kenma something" I backed towards the door again

"But he's over there with Hinata?" Akaashi added

"Right, I know" I shook my head, "I meant give, I need to go get it - I'll catch you guys later" and with that I turned on my heel, crashing back through the cafeteria doors. I only made it to the next hallway before I broke down. I fell against the wall, crying into the balls on my hands. My ragged sobs broke through the silence  of the hall as I suck down the wall and hit the floor, leaning my forehead on my knees, my arms clutched around my legs. I was being so pathetic but my entire life had been built up of "me and Kuroo against the world" and now I didn't even know why he was so mad - I'd not told him plenty of things so why did this make him so mad.

"Araki?" Came a voice and my head snapped up to see Bokuto's both confused and concerned expression.

"Bokuto" I smiled, rubbing at my face frantically and standing up to make a run for it at the nearest possible opportunity.

"Are you okay?" He said warily, taking a step towards me.

"Fine" I laughed rather shrilly, I pushed past him but he grabbed on to my wrist and I spun, his expression was a soft, concerned smile and I found myself crying again. Bokuto panicked then and brought me into a bone crushing hug. There was no way a hug from him couldn't cheer me up, his arms were huge in comparison to my small frame he practically drowned me in the embrace.

"Do you, uh, wanna talk about it?" He asked, holding me by my shoulders at arms length.

I was slightly shocked at the chuckle that came from my mouth "I would love to do that, Bokuto-san"

"Let's go outside" he smiled and I sighed and followed him to the front gates of Nekoma. He sat with me on the wall by the bike sheds at the front of the school, watching as the sun went down behind the school "So.. " he said awkwardly "what's up?"

"Tetsurou's being an ass" I deadpanned, Bokuto's eyes widened before he laughed.

"Feel free to say more about it" he said "Kuroo's always an ass" he got me laughing at that.

"Well, I assume you know now that I'm dating the ace from Karasuno" I sighed

He nodded "Azumane-san?"

"The very same" I nodded "See Kuroo and I have been friends since I was still in the womb. I don't usually keep things from him but this I did. I'm not sure why. I mean, you remember him threatening to rip your arms off when you asked for my number?"

"Yeah" Bokuto shuddered "good times"

"Well, I like my boyfriend's arms attached to his body" I sighed

"Naturally" Bokuto nodded

"It wasn't wrong of me not to tell him?" I asked, looking over at him

"Not really, I mean, in all honesty yes you probably should of told him but given the fact you were going to anyway I think he over reacted" he said, my eyes widened at words of wisdom from a boy who's vocabulary rarely stretched past HEY HEY HEY.

"I should just apologise, then maybe he'll actually acknowledge my existence" I smiled meekly

"Make sure he apologises too, or I'll rip his arm off for making you cry" Bokuto grinned, giving me a friendly nudge and I giggled.

"Hey, thanks, Bo" I smiled "You're actually pretty good at advice"

"I know, aren't I the best?" he grinned, wiggling his eyebrows and I just gave him a playful shove in return.

"You're not bad" I grinned and he made an indignant "hurmph" sound. Our chat was interrupted by Akaashi's yell.

"Bokuto-san" we both spun round to see him at the door "our first game's about to start"

"We should head back" Bokuto said, jumping off the wall, holding a hand to help me down - which I gladly took. I followed him and Akaashi into the hall where Fukurodani where about to play Nekoma. I sighed and walked over to where the Karasuno team where talking.

"Hey" Asahi smiled as I approached. I didn't pause as I wrapped my arms around his waist, I could tell he'd be the colour of a tomato but his arms came around my shoulders "are you alright?"

"I'm fine" I smiled "I'm just really glad I have you"

"Awww!" came Noya and Tanaka's loud voices as I pulled away, still keeping my arms around his waist but so I could look at his rosy complexion.

"Did something happen?" he frowned, brushing a hair behind my ear.

"No" I smiled 

"Well" his blush deepened "I'm glad I, uh, have y-you too" I chuckled at his stutter but I was feeling a whole lot better after talking to Bokuto.

"Can you two break it up before I turn a hose on you" Daichi rolled his eyes, but it was in fondness and I reluctantly let go of my boyfriend.

"Sorry, Captain!" I saluted him sarcastically and he laughed as I turned back to Asahi "I'm gonna go sit with Kiyoko and Yachi, I'll see you after"

"Alright" he smiled, I tugged on the front off his uniform to bring him down to my height for a fleeting kiss - cue the return of his blush.

Daichi groaned "seriously, I will get the hose"

"I don't doubt you will" I grinned before turning to walk to the bleachers.

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