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The door of the gymnasium clanked open loudly as I walked in after school - the boys already half way through their practice. I went to sit with Shizumi only to see she wasn't there. So I just stood by the side of the court at the door, as they stretched.

"Eri" Asahi smiled and walked over

"I don't mean to interrupt" I said, "I was actually looking for Kiyoko" as if on cue the door opened again and she walked a few feet in.

"Do you all have a minute?" she asked as the boys looked round to her as a girl about the same height as me peered out from behind her. I guess she did find a new manager, though the girl looked like she was about to die. She was shaking in fear as the boys gathered round her "um, she's joining the club on a trial basis for the new manager"

"I-I'm Yachi Hitkoa" she managed

"Aw, awesome" Daichi grinned

"Well done Shimizu-senpai!" Hinata bounced

"You're a first year?" Asahi asked, leaning towards her and her eyes widened in fear. To be fair, he looked like he was in his 20's even though he was 17.

"I-I'm in class 1 - 5, sir!" she squealed

"Asahi" I rolled my eyes, giving him a very soft kick in the ankle "you're scaring her, back up a bit"

"Huh?" he said, Yachi was looked at me with a blush on her face.

"Hi, I'm Araki Eri" I smiled and held my hand out to her, she reached hers out and it was shaking violently. I smiled warmly as she shook my hand.

"A-are you a manager too?"

"No" I smiled "I just consider myself their personal cheer leader, they'd be lost without me" 

"Yeah, you wish, Araki" Suga smiled, giving my elbow a friendly nudge.

"She's not actually joined yet, I asked her rather suddenly today" Kiyoko said hastily "so she's just dropping in to say hi today"

"N-nice to meet you!" she bowed, the made a "scree!" noise as they all did the same - she looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"Can you not surround her until she gets more comfortable!" Kiyoko said

"S-sorry for the intrusion" Yachi stuttered as she left. Leaving the boys to their practice and they went back to their stretching as I stood at the side with Kiyoko - finally getting to ask her about the history homework.

"So are you coming to the Tokyo away games?" Kiyoko asked as I pushed away my book back in my bag.

"You mean I could come?" my eyes widened

"Of course" she chuckled "we're gonna need someone who knows their way around Tokyo"

"Then I'd love to" I grinned at the idea of seeing my best friends for the first time in months.


I stirred awake as the bus halted in Tokyo, I groaned, sitting up of Asahi's shoulder and rubbing my face.

"Did I sleep the whole journey?" I yawned

He smiled, tucking a hair that was sticking up behind my ear "pretty much yeah, but we're here"

"I'm so excited, I've not been back to Tokyo since I moved" I jumped up "well , I mean I've been to Kenma's a couple times but never properly back"

"You'll have to show us around, Araki-san" Tanaka grinned as I followed them off the bus, jumping down and the smell of gasoline filled the senses. Ah, home sweet home. I instantly spotted the Nekoma team waiting for us. As I got off my eyes met Kuroo's and he grinned, I felt a wave of nostalgia seeing the team standing in front of my old school. I ran over to hug him. He lifted me up and I squealed.

"Testu, I'm not a rag doll" I groaned 

"Sorry" he laughed, letting me down "it's just been far too long!"

"I know" I smiled "I've missed that dumb ass face of yours"

"You're too kind to me" he said, I heard another clearing of the throat as I turned to see Kenma. I didn't pause to ask before I grabbed him into a bone crushing hug. He didn't pause either to hug back. I then even got hugs of Yaku and Yamamoto, which was rare. 

"Come on" Kuroo took my hand and tugged on it "there's someone who wants to see you"

"What are you talking about?" I laughed as he pulled me away from Karasuno as they headed for the locker rooms. He yanked on my arm towards the main gymnasium, where yet another wave of nostalgia hit me.

"God it even smells the same" I chuckled, looking at the teams who were warming up. I barely had time to register something crashing into me, sending all of the air from my lungs. I let off an "oof", I then looked down and see the ridiculous grey hair and laughed. 

"Bokuto-san" I said, he was holding me in a hug, my feet a foot off the ground "I kinda need to breathe"

"Sorry!" he boomed happily, putting me down "it's good to see you! Kuroo said you transferred to Karasuno?"

"Yeah" I smiled up at the excitable boy. I'd been with Nekoma to the last 2 Tokyo away games, Bokuto had asked for my number at the first one, Kuroo had scared him into never asking for it again and we hit it off as friends after that.

"Are you their manager now, Araki-chan?" he asked and I laughed

"No, just a supporter" I tucked a hair behind my ear. Somewhat aware of Asahi watching, not aware however to the jealous daggers he was sending at the crowd of males surrounding me. It was then Akaashi walked over too, I remembered him from last year. A very talented first year who was a regular from the moment he joined. He was quiet but had this odd connection with Bokuto that they just seemed to click and work well together, even if they were polar opposites.

"Akaashi-kun" I smiled 

"Nice to see you again Araki-san" he said in a very polite tone and I chuckled

"Just Araki is fine" I said as a whistle signalled to say the first games were starting "good luck, you'll need it" I smirked knowingly. They looked mildly confused as I walked away, passing Asahi on the way. I reached and squeezed his hand, he smiled down at me "have fun" I grinned

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