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"Asahi" I called when my eyes fell on him down the corridor waiting for me by my locker - making me smile. It was the Monday after the beach trip.

"Hey" he smiled, sliding his fingers through mine "do you wanna go for lunch alone today?"

"Mhm" I hummed happily - suddenly aware if people whispering across the hallway. I looked over to see a group of girls.

"Oh my god, are they a couple?" one hissed

"But he's so scary and she's a cutie" another whispered. I felt a muscle in my forehead twitch in irritation, turning back to Asahi with my lips pursed.

"Pay no attention to them" he shook his head "people call me scary all the time"

"Yeah I know, but I'm not cute" I pouted

He smiled softly "saying that with such an adorable expression kinda cancel each other out"

"Assaahii" I whined

He chuckled "sorry, you're not cute, your tough as hell"

"Damn straight" I nodded. I met his gaze and there was a beat of silence before we both laughed. He stopped abruptly, his eyes widening at me.

"What?" I frowned "is there something in my teeth?"

"N-no, you're tongue..." He stammered

"Oh, right" I smiled, then clacked my tongue stud into my teeth "you've never noticed?"

"No... you know you're kinda bad ass - didn't that hurt?"

"Not particularly" I shrugged, smiling at the bad ass comment and feeling his thumb rub gently against mine - somewhat aware of Daichi and Suga smiling at us from across the corridor but not enough to do anything about it.

"What does it feel like?" He asked

I smirked "like this" I pulled him down to my height, his eyes widened as my tongue moved into his mouth, caressing his tongue gently.

"Oi, break it up you two" came Daichi's laugh and we pulled apart. Asahi was bright red and looked like he was having trouble breathing.

"Think of the children!" Suga said dramatically and I giggled, just letting my fingers lace through Asahi's again.

"Sorry" I grinned

"So, when did this happen?" Suga motioned between the two of us

"Last week" Asahi responded, his hand dropping mine and he wrapped it around my shoulder. I blushed a little, I tucked perfectly under his arm also.

"About time, I was sick off Asahi's awkward flirting" Daichi smiled cheekily and I laughed as the bell rang loudly over me. Daichi and Suga moving away to their classes.

"You coming to practice tonight?" Asahi asked

"I can't" I sighed "I'm helping my art teacher set up for some life drawing, but it should be over by the time you get out - you could walk to the train station" I grinned

"Okay" he chuckled, pressing a kiss into my forehead and leaving me smiling as I walked in the other direction towards my class.


I sighed, rubbing at the paint smeared on my cheek as I walked towards the gymnasium. The boys shouldn't be out of volleyball yet. I jumped as my phone started blaring in my pocket, I scrambled to grab it. I grinned as I saw Kenma's number flashing on my screen.

"Did you forget to get off the bullet train again, Ken?" I teased instantly without saying hello "I told you, winning Mario Kart is not worth the fare to get back to the right stop"

"Hello, Eri" he said flatly and I chuckled

"Hey, Kenma" I said, hearing the squeak of shoes from the gymnasium so I just sat on the steps outside "what can I do for you?"

"I can't just phone to talk?"

I smiled slightly, it was nice to hear his voice given I hadn't seen him in a month. It suddenly hit me then that he'd phoned. Kozume Kenma had phoned me. He hated phone calls - always opting to text people instead.

"Of course you can, how was your day?"

"Alright" he said and I rolled my eyes. He may have phoned but he was still shit at conversation "how are you?"

"I'm great" I smiled, curling a luck of hair around my finger

"Why?" he asked

"Well, uh, you know that guy Kuroo grilled me about?" I said

"Yeah?" Kenma said

"Well, we started dating" I said

"That's great, Eri" he said honestly

"Listen, Ken, could you not tell Kuroo?" I sighed "I don't know what it is but he's being weird at the moment"

"Yeah" Kenma sighed "you got it" there was a crackled voice that sounded like he was in a train station "I better go, my train's here"

"Alright, it was nice to hear from you" I said

"You too.... I miss you" he said 

"I miss you too" I sighed sadly before the line went dead just as the gym doors clanked open and I shoved my phone into my back pocket.

"Araki-san!" came Hinata's voice and I stood up, brushing the dirt from my skirt.

"Hey, Hinata-kun" as he walked out with Kageyama, followed by a couple more of the team obviously done with their practice "is Asa-"

"Eri?" came his deep voice and I smiled as he walked out "hey, I was beginning to think you'd gone home"

"Sorry, Kenma phoned" I chuckled "and Kenma never phones"

He just smiled and took my hand, making a couple of his team mates gasp "see you guys tomorrow"

"Bye, you guys" Suga grinned knowingly as the rest of them stared and I blushed a little, hiding behind my hair as Asahi tugged on my hand in the direction of the train station. I steamed in slight embarrassment but also smiled at his total willingness to be a couple in front of his team. I clutched his hand a little tighter in mine.

"So, when's your next game?" I asked, jogging a little to keep up "Asahi, slow down my legs are like a foot and a half shorter than yours"

"Sorry" he smiled, slowing down "and the Inter High preliminaries are coming up in a couple weeks"

"That sounds important" I said, biting my lip

"It is, if we get through these we go on to the Spring Tournament" he sighed

"You will" I grinned, he cracked a smile at me, then a thought hit me "crap, did you say two weeks?"

"Yeah?" he asked

I groaned inwardly "I have a camp that weekend, my mum's taking me to see a meteor shower so we can take pictures... I can cancel..."

"No you can't" he sighed "you've been talking about that for weeks"

"But Asahi" I whined "I wanna see you guys play... I could get up early and come see the later games?"

"You don't have to do that" he shook his head

"What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't" I laughed then snapped my mouth shut. Shit, did I just say that?

"A normal one" he laughed and I breathed out again. A smile tugging at my lips. I was his girlfriend.

"See you in Maths tomorrow?" he asked as we reached the train station

"Mhmm" I hummed as he pressed a chaste kiss into my lips. I smiled and waved as I backed into the station, he stood and watched me, waving as he did. 

Save Your Heart (Azumane Asahi X OC)Where stories live. Discover now