A Pebbly Shore

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"The beach?" I raised an eyebrow at Daichi as I walked beside him on our way to History.

"Yes, the beach" he chuckled "a pebbly or sandy shore, usually by the sea-"

"Oh, shut it, Sawamura" I rolled my eyes as we stopped by my locker. Suga jogging over from his to join us.

"It's been tradition since before we joined the team to go every year and play beach volleyball" Daichi shrugged

"You have to come" Suga agreed, cottoning on to our conversation.

"If I say yes will you stop bugging me about it?" I grinned cheekily

"Mhm" Suga hummed with a nod

"Then fine, I'll fit you into my jam packed weekend somewhere - you know I'll have to move my charity work with orphans 'till next week" I joked, taking my books from my locker.

"Oh, how generous of you" Daichi went along with it

"I know" I grinned as the three of us started walking towards our class "I'm a true saint aren't I?"


"Azumane are you even awake?" I giggled, he looked up sleepily from his text book as we sat in my living room a couple days later. We had this important Maths test this Friday, just before our "beach camp" this weekend. It basically meant me and Kiyoko were getting dragged to baby sit the boys so they didn't set themselves on fire or drown or anything.

"Yeah" he sighed, tucking a hair behind his ear and I smiled at his sleepy expression as he went back to doing his work. My phone beeped on the table next to me - showing a text from Kuroo. I picked it up and read the newest complaint about a anime he was watching. (lol what fourth wall?)

"Araki?" Asahi asked

"Mhh?" I responded "sorry, I just got a text from Kuroo" when I finished I put my phone in my back pocket.

"You two are close aren't you?" he asked kindly

"Yeah" I chuckled "I've known him since I think the day I was born"

"So, are you two like..." he trailed off

I laughed loudly "me and Tetsurou? No, no, no, no way! He's more like an annoying brother I can't get rid of but love anyway"

"Okay" Asahi smiled "that's good"

"Why?" I blushed

"No reason" he murmured, colour rising to his face and I smiled as I went back to my work. We sat in silence for a while, my bare knee pressed into his as we worked. I gave up half way through, flipping the page and starting to draw the curves oh his face on a fresh one. The tendrils of hair that fell into his eyes - until my front door opened, signalling my mum's return from work.

"Eri? You home?" she called 

"in here"I shouted back vaguely, her head popped round the door. Her long black hair pulled up into a neat bun that was starting to fall out - groceries in her arms.

"Oh, Azumane, lovely to see you again" she smiled

"You too, Araki-san" he said in a very polite tone, standing up "can I give you a hand?"

"Oh, yes please" my mum beamed, letting Asahi take the bigger bag from her hands. He disappeared into the kitchen.

"Promise me you'll marry that boy, Eri" she grinned at me

"Mum!" I hissed in embarrassment as she followed him into the kitchen. I sighed, putting down my notepad and following them. 

"Won't you stay for dinner, sweetheart?" she said to Asahi

"I wouldn't want to intrude" Asahi replied 

"Oh, it's no problem - there's plenty" she chuckled "I insist"

"Well, okay then" he said, his face a little red as I started helping my mother unpack the food.

"You go finish your studying, honey, I can do this" she said to me and I nodded, nodding for Asahi to follow me as we walked back into the living room.

"Hey, what's this?" he asked, picking up my notebook. I cringed instantly at the half sketched drawing of him.

"I got bored" I laughed awkwardly "my mind wandered"

"It's amazing" he said in awe "I knew you were good at art but this is..."

"It's barely anything" I chuckled awkwardly "it's crap compared to my other ones"

"You've drawn more of me?" his cheeks coloured

"A couple - I sketch you guys while you're playing. Helps me work on anatomy" I scratched the back of my ear.

"Can I - Can I see?" he asked

I dithered but sighed, down the rabbit hole we go "sure, my sketchbooks in my bedroom" I smiled warily, leading him towards the stairs. My heart hammered in my chest. A girl's bedroom was a very private thing and now I was inviting a hot guy into it. God I hope I didn't leave a dirty bra on the floor. I cracked open my bedroom door. My room was probably the nicest in the house. I'd only just finished unpacking. I had canvases out and there were bottles of paint strewn everywhere - lucky for me there was no dirty laundry. I had pictures pasted on to my wall - a lot of me and Kuroo growing up. Some of me and my mom, the Nekoma team, Kenma and me waiting in line for games at 6 am. My life on a wall.

"These are incredible" Asahi said and I turned from my pictures to see him leaning over a couple landscape pictures I'd done. Another one of Kenma. I found Kenma very easy to paint - also he had amazing features. His eyes in particular - the shade of amber that was almost like whiskey that both Kuroo and Kenma shared I'd forever be jealous of.

"Thanks" I smiled

"You have an amazing talent" he smiled and I was moved. I sat down on the end of my bed, him sitting beside me in very close proximity and I felt my heart race quicken. I pulled my sketchbook on to my lap, opening it to the first page where I drew Hinata mid air.

"Woah, it looks just like him" Asahi breathed, his breath trickling over my ear as he leaning to look. He made more compliments as I skimmed through the book, making me blush very hard. He smiled softly at the drawing I'd done of him.

"These are amazing... Eri" he said and I think my heart leaped into my throat at the use of my first name

"Thank you, Asahi" I mumbled and I felt him relax as if he wasn't sure he was overstepping a line by using it. He stood up, looking at the photos pasted on to my wall.

"Do you get these printed?" he asked curiously

"No I have a Polaroid" I said pointing to it on my desk

"Woah, my granddad has one of these" he said, looking at it in awe. I smiled as he brushed his hair behind his ear - itching to do it for him. He looked over at me, a soft smile of his face as he offered his hand to help me up.pulling me to my feet. As I stood up I realised how close he'd pulled me to him. He didn't drop my hand either and I looked at him through my eyelashes, I felt my heart race quicken as I realised he was leaning down, closer to me - his entire face up to his ears red. I copied his actions. His lips were an inch from mine when the door opened and Asahi jumped away, his face flushing even brighter red.

"Did I interupt something?" My mother asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"N-no" I stuttered, not looking at either of them.

"Well, dinner's ready" she smiled, leaving the room and I scurried after her. Embarrassed as hell and then some.

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