Heart of Circuit Boards

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I yawned into my text book a few days later, Kiyoko giving me a look over the top of her glasses as I sat doodling in the margin of my page when I was supposed to be studying. We had a test coming up and we were hauled up in the library over lunch in attempt to do some last minute cramming.

"Araki-kun" she said

"Mhh?" I said vaguely, looking up from my text book.

"Are you alright, you seem kinda dazed today?"

"Oh, right I'm fine" I said "I just didn't get too good of a nights sleep"

She smirked slightly "didn't you have a date with Asahi yesterday?"

I instantly blushed "N-not like that" I shook my head violently "just a touch of insomnia, I get it sometimes"

"Hmm, well, get an early night tonight" she said, turning back to her book.

~(this is a flashback lol)

"Did you like it?" I grinned at Asahi as we walked out of the latest movie by my favourite director.

He nodded with a soft smile as we headed in the direction of my house "I really did"

"Good" I chuckled as he took my hand "cause if you didn't I'm afraid I'd have to dump you" he gave me a shocked look and I felt my heart melt a little "I'm kidding, you oversized dork"

"Oh, right" he said, blushing and I couldn't help but smile at his cuteness.

A drop of something cold landed on my nose "Oh?" I managed before the heavens opened up and it started thundering rain. Asahi tugged on my hand and we squeezed into a shop doorway to avoid getting soaked.

"Nice weather we're having" I said sarcastically and he laughed warmly. We waited for 20 minutes but the rain showed no sigh of easing up.

"Should we run for it?" I giggled

"It's a good an option as any" he sighed, then slid his jacket off, dropping it around my shoulders "I don't want you to catch cold"

"But won't you if I take your jacket?" I rolled my eyes

"No cause I'm big and your small" he joked

"Is that the scientific reason?" I grinned

"Mhm" he nodded, taking my hand again as I pulled up the hood of his jacket "come on, lets get you home"


 I got a slight fright as the chair next to me was pulled out, Daichi flopping down in it and ripping me from my thoughts. Suga sat beside Kiyoko on the other side of the table - I frowned at the lack of my boyfriend's presence.

"Where's Asahi?" I asked, chewing my pen lid.

"Not in today, says he caught the flu" Daichi said "I think he's just trying to get out of dive drills"

"That dumbass, I told him" I sighed, the three of them frowned "we got caught in the rain and he gave me his jacket - I said he'd catch cold" I pouted

"What a ridiculous gentleman" Daichi chuckled "you could always go see him after school, would probably cheer him up"

"Yeah" I said vaguely.


The cup of chicken noodle soup radiated heat into my hands as I stood outside Asahi's, I jabbed my finger into the doorbell. I waited for a few minutes but there was no responce, taking the soup into one hand I pulled out my phone to dial his number.

"Hello?" came his voice - it sounded like he was underwater

"Hey, I'm downstairs" I said

"W-what? Why?" he said quickly

"I brought soup, Daichi said you caught the flu" 

"There's a key under the mat" he said half heartedly

"Be up in a minute" I grinned before hanging up. I pushed the mat with my foot and scooped up his spare key and let myself in, his parents usually worked quite late and wouldn't be home for a while. I walked up the stairs and knocked softly on his door.

"Come in" he coughed violently, I pushed open the door to see him under a pile of blankets and discarded tissues. I smiled in pity to see his flushed face, his nose bright red and his hair was loose and sat around his shoulders. I took that in for a moment, never seeing his hair down before. I really liked it.

"I brought soup" I said warily and he sneezed over the end of my sentence

"Thank you" he smiled, rubbing his nose "but you shouldn't have, I don't want you to catch it"

"Eh, I'll be fine" I shrugged "my immune system is as tough as me" I sat down on the end of his bed and cracked the soup open, dipping the plastic spoon Ukai had given me when I bought it from his store - he even let me use his microwave to heat it up. I think it was in self interest to get their ace back but I'll ignore it "Open"

He blushed but opened his mouth anyway, letting me spoon some soup in "I can do it, Eri" he smiled

I rolled my eyes and handed him the carton "do you need anything?"

"Well, I haven't taken my medicine in a while.." he said, the coughed 

"I'll get it" I smiled

"It's in the bathroom, just beside the sink" he said and I nodded, going of to find it. I read the back on my return to his room and popped out the recommended amount and handed it to him to take with his soup and I sat down opposite him on his bed, my legs tucked beneath me. I could tell his cheeks were flushed a bit more at my presence.

"Never had a girl in your room before?" I smirked

"N-no.." I stumbled adorably "you've had boys in yours?"

"Two at the same time" I smirked and his eyes widened "I mean if you count playing Mario Kart with Kenma and Kuroo" he chuckled at that, mixing the soup with the spoon "Asahi, can I ask you something?"

"Of course" he smiled sweetly

"Have you ever had a girlfriend before?" I asked curiously, his face went the colour of a tomato as he choked on his soup.

"Why do you ask?" he coughed

"I'm curious" I giggled

"Well, n-no, not before you..." he blushed "have you, yanno, had a boyfriend?"

"Not a serious one" I shook my head "Tetsu plays the over protective father since I don't... well he scares them away" I chuckled awkwardly

"He's really protective of you isn't he?" Asahi asked

"Yeah" I shrugged "I think it's because I grew up without a dad and with no older siblings - he took it upon himself to be my personal protector... even now"

"I'd really like to get to know him better, Kozume too.." he said quietly

"I'd definitely love you to meet them" I smiled "maybe start with Kenma, I need to tell Tetsorou about us first.. I've been putting it off"

"Okay" he smiled

"Couple things about Kenma" I said "he's crap at socialising, like if you're talking and he starts playing on his phone don't take it personally - he's still listening"

"Right" he chuckled

"And he talks very quietly, so be careful to listen out. He hates repeating himself"

"Okay" he smiled

"Also be very nice, he assumes people don't like him a lot even if they do..." I realised I'd been blabbing and closed my mouth "but you'll love him, heart of gold... and circuit boards"

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