The Beach

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I sighed happily as I sat in the front seat of Kiyoko's on the ride to the beach - Asahi, Daihi and Suga crammed into the back seat. At least the journey was short as it was just round the cove where we were going. Kiyoko pulled up in front of a beach I had never seen before and I grinned, it was a sealed off cove so no wind was getting in, making it feel a lot warmer than it really was. The sand lovely and white, blue waves crashing softly into the shore.

"This is gorgeous!" I smiled, the wind blowing through my long hair as I stepped out the car.

"It's so warm" Suga smiled, running long fingers through his silver hair. Kiyoko just sighed happily as she took my arm, leading me down to the beach to find the perfect spot for a tent. Our car seemed to be the first ones there - the first and second years were yet to arrive. Asahi, Daichi and Suga helped us set up our tent and as more cars started arriving it got more fun. The first years were one of the last to turn up and by then there was food being grilled and tents were going up everywhere. Kiyoko was running off to get some drinks so I hurried after her, not wanting to be alone. She tossed me a soda out of our cooler and I cracked it open, taking a few sips.

"Araki-san!" Nishinoya grinned, appearing at my side dripping wet, I took a small step away from him "come swimming with us!"

"I'm okay for now, Noya-kun" I smiled and he pouted

"Come on, Eri" Asahi said appearing at my side, leaning down to speak into my ear 

"I'll go later" I mumbled, looking away from him and blushing.

"Okay" he smiled, nudging my arm, causing me to spill soda down my shirt. I gasped at the cold liquid and he looked completely mortified. I shot him a death glare.

"You're a dead man, Azumane" I jokingly hissed and he just took off running for the water, peeling his shirt off as he did "get back here!" I yelled, running after him, pulling off my clothes as I did. Earning a whistle from Tanaka. Asahi was running through the waves, I ran past Daichi and Suga after him - who were laughing at us.

"I'm sorry!" he yelled, running down the length of the beach beside the water. I sped up and managed to meet his pace, I launched myself on to his back and he stumbled under my sudden weight.

"Can't breath...!" he joked, dropping to his knees "losing...altitude... can't go on!" he flopped down and I squealed as he rolled through the cold sand until I was kneeling above him, my hands either side of his head, one of his sitting on my waist, his hair had fallen out of his bun, now framing his face.

"Alright, you got me, so what now?" he laughed, seemingly unfazed by the position we were in.

"Dammit" I muttered "I didn't think this far ahead" he chuckled but then wolf whistles sounded from the other camp members and I quickly climbed off him. I held out a hand to help him up.

"Truce?" I offered and he smiled, taking it. I helped him half way up then let go, letting him fall back on his ass "okay, now we're even"


I snapped awake from another nightmare. My eyes blinked in the darkness and for a second I forgot where I was, I heard the sound of the sea and Kiyoko's soft breathing from next to me and I remembered. I sat up slowly, yawning widely. I checked the time, just past 4 am. I decided to get up and take a walk, I pulled my boots on and zipped the tent open. As I stepped outside I was hit by a warm wind and I smiled at the smell of the sea. I walked down to the water and instantly took my shoes off, letting my toes sink into the sand. I pulled the tie out of my hair letting it fall down my back and the wind whip through it. I sighed happily, watching at daylight started to peak over the horizon and suddenly felt the itch to sketch it. I felt a hand drop on to my shoulder and I almost let off a scream before it was muffled by a hand going over my mouth.

"It's just me" Asahi's voice chuckled into my ear. I turned round to see him smiling apologetically.

"You gave me a heart attack!" I pouted, slapping his arm.

"Sorry" he smiled at me, his eyes twinkling in the dull light.

"What are you doing up?" I asked, he shrugged

"Daichi's one hell of a snorer" he said "What about you?"

"Couldn't sleep" I said, looking back out to the ocean

"Bad dream?" he frowned

"Yeah, I'm getting them a lot lately" I shook my head "no idea why, I can never remember it" 

I sighed slightly unhappily, my brows knitted into a frown until he stepped forward and pulled me gently into his chest and I smiled, sitting my arms around his waist, I rested my head against his chest and looked out to sea, just enjoying being here with him - his heart beating under my ear. I felt him slowly run his fingers through my hair and I felt sleepy again. We stood in silence, both of us just watching the sun rise.

"Asahi" I said quietly after a while, looking up at him.


"I'm glad I moved here" I said softly, he smiled.

"Me too" he replied, twisting a strand of my hair through his fingers. I caught his eyes and felt my heart thumping as he leaned closer to me. I did the same, closing my eyes and letting his lips mould on to mine. He cupped my cheeks in his hands, I had to crane my neck 90 degrees to kiss him, even when I was on my tip toes. He pulled me gently closer to him, one hand moving to my waist. The kiss was short but slow and sweet and when we pulled away my cheeks were flushed and I dropped my gaze to my feet.

"Eri?" he asked quietly

"Yeah" I mumbled, his finger chucked under my chin ad brought my gaze back up.

"Do you feel like going on a date sometime?" he said, a rosy dust speckling his cheeks.

"Yeah" I said softly, his hand was so warm as it clutched my chin.

"Okay, good" he nodded, looking away "Eri?" he repeated

"Yes?" he turned to me again, his cheeks crimson.

"Can I kiss you again?" he mumbled. I didn't even answer, I just pushed on to my toes, pressing my lips to his. 

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