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After eating dinner. We three moved to my room. I want to tell them about Daniel.

How I felt for him when he is around me. When he smiles, cute dimples that play on his cheeks which started affecting me so much. His voice. His touch. His glittering chocolate orbs.
Even now his presence affecting me so much.
I want to tell them everything so that I can get rid of these thoughts. Though he is a playboy and his asshole behavior frustrates me. Even I kissed him when he was provoking me.

Hey, I want to ask you about something and I want perfect solutions for this. Got it. Rubbing my hands with anxiety.

Uhuh .," Ti
She teases me and they both laugh at me.

Whatever.. I'll tell you every single thing. But promise me. After listening to my problem you both wouldn't laugh or tease me. I say with a low voice

It depends on what type of problem will be yours. .," Jessica
Giggles with Ti
It's not fair. Please for me.
I cried.

Okay..!! We will. Now tell us what is it that bothering you so much ??..," Ti
They both giggle again. I tell them everything. How I felt. How I was jealous when Jennifer passed a smile to Daniel. How his presence affecting me. And also our kissing incident.After my little article about what's going on between me and Daniel. Though we are not on speaking terms still am jealous if he hooked up or be with any other girl. It didn't affect me for years. we are friends since childhood. He hooked up with many and I don't give a shit about it. But somewhere I do give a shit now.

Jessica and Tiara both started making faces.

You promised me. I narrowed my eyes. Embarrassed and making drawing with my finger on the bedsheet.

We didn't promise you that we wouldn't be amused..," Jessica
Raising her eyebrows .she teased me with that smirk.

Arghhh...So what do you think about it? What's going on with me.?
This time they knew that am frustrated.

I think you are in love with him.," Ti
She says in a calm voice. She knows me so well. That thing that I don't want to accept in the first place than am get irritated.  And this loving daniel is something weird and even new for me .yeah I like him but love it's different and we fought so much and even he is not a commitment person. How can I even expect from him these things?

What not in love with Daniel. No way....!! I rolled my eyes. Pretending that am not satisfied with their observations.

You are Chris.. you are in love. Your feelings about Daniel all show that you love him. , "Jessica
Pointing on love thingy again. She narrowed her eyes. Pulling my hands into her.  Squeezing a little with her thumbs.

Exactly. She's right. Remember when Jennifer was staring at Daniel and You stand between them. That shows that you don't want to see him with any other girl," Ti ....not anymore.
That makes a little point that maybe am jealous of Jennifer.

It's love sweety..," Ti
This time they genuinely said without any smirk or grin.
Ok. So tell me. How do I know about his thoughts that he loves me too or not ..??
Thinking about how he changed his girls randomly. And I fell for a stud. Wow ...Great
It's up to you .just tell him. how you felt about him ...," Jessica

Oh so here's the thing. Girls tell me that am in love. That might be true in some sense.  But the fact is how the hell, I got to know that he has the same feelings. Or maybe there's someone else in his life. Maybe that Jennifer hits on daniel first.
Ugh.... am fucked
Suddenly Jessica's voice pulled me out of my reverie.

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