Ch. 3 "His name is Louis".

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Harry was lying on Niall's bedroom floor, they were spending their weekly Wednesday night together. Movie marathon's night, tonight was 'Chick flicks' night'. 
"I don't know, man" Niall said as he stuffed a fist of popcorn into his mouth. "But if I were a girl I would absolutely do Heath Ledger".
Harry chuckled "But he is dead" he said between his giggles. 
"Don't be a party pooper, Harold" Niall said seriously but then he couldn't stop his laugh anymore. 
They were watching '10 things I hate about you', laughing occasionally, 'aw'ing when necessary and trying not to cry too much. 
When the part of the movie in which Heath sang in the stairs came, Niall looked at his friend.
"You should do something like that" He said and then sipped at his soda.
"Like what?" Harry said with his eyes glued to the screen and with popcorn close to his mouth but never going inside it. 
"To Louis. You know, so that he notices you" Niall said and paused the movie.
Harry sighed and looked at him "He'll never notice me" he said sadly looking at the popcorn bowl. 
When Niall noticed the change in his friend's mood he said "Of course he will! C'mon, Harry you're a very good looking lad, and very tall too. He'll sure notice you" the blonde tried.
"I don't even know if he likes guys. He probably does not. Why would he? He has every girl in the school falling for him. Or at least those who have that bad boy fantasy", Harry chuckled humourlessly.
"So, do you have a 'bad boy fantasy' too?" Niall teased him. He was trying to change the subject because he knew that it was a very hard thing for Harry.
"Oh! Shut up!" Harry exclaimed blushing but still smiling a bit as he pushed Niall away jokingly. 
They ended the conversation there, but Harry never forgot. He thought about it all night after their last movie ended, the next morning and during the rest of the week. He frequently zoned out in class, but not enough for his teachers to notice; during lunch he was more quiet than usual. 
"What's wrong, lil' bro?" Gemma, Harry's sister, asked one day when she found his younger brother lying beside the crimson couch on his tummy looking to the coffee table's base. 
"Nothing" Harry said without looking at her, but she could hear the sadness in his voice. 
Gemma didn't believe him and sat cross legged beside him, she pocked his side with her index finger. Harry still ignored her. 
They were in silence until Harry rolled on his back, his flower crown of the day -daisies- fell on the floor but he didn't seem to care. He placed his hands over his long torso and emotionlessly asked to his sister, "Do you think someone could like me?”
Gemma looked at him plainly, because she didn't know what to say. 
After thinking about it for what to her seemed minutes, but really were just seconds, she said "Of course, Harry. Everybody likes you, you're really lovely".
"No. Not like that" Harry sighed and closed his eyes "I mean, like me like me" when he finished his sentence he opened just one of his eyes. His nose was crunched in disgust and he was nervously playing with his thumbs. 
"Oh!" Gemma said and looked at him surprised. 
Until that day, Gemma thought his little brother was asexual. Literally, his brother never had said anything about liking someone or seemed interested in other person. She stared at him and then smiled.
"Yes, I'm sure. You're really handsome, bro". She said smiling.
Harry smiled a little and flushed slightly, "Thank you". 
"Who's the lucky one?" She asked grinning, as every sister would do. 
"His name is Louis" Harry said smiling and looked to the ceiling.
Gemma looked at him startled. Him. Harry liked a ‘he’. Well, fuck. 
Harry laid there in silence, he was thinking about Louis. His bright eyes, those thin pink lips and the way he placed gently the cigarettes between them, how he pouted them when he blew the smoke out. His with teeth that showed when he laughed. Oh! His laugh. Harry had never heard such a beautiful sound, it made him feel tingly every time he heard it from the distance. 
The boy suddenly realized his sister was still beside him, when he looked at her she was staring into the space with his face drained from emotion and her hands were curled into fists. 
"Gem?" Harry whispered, like he was afraid his voice could break her, and it did. 
"No" she said plainly and then ran up towards her room. 
Harry sat on the floor looking at the stairs where his sister disappeared seconds ago and then heard a loud sound, Gemma's door slamming closed. The curly boy sat there for almost half an hour, he was numb. This couldn't be happening to him, his sister, his oh so beloved sister probably was now disgusted by him. He knew this was a bad idea, he knew he shouldn’t have told anyone about Louis. 
A sob escaped his chest and it was followed by multiple tears, he covered his face with his hands and let himself fall completely onto the floor. He laid there curling into a shaking ball, the only sound that could be heard was the one of his sobs, whines and occasional gasps for air. After more than an hour of crying nonstop his eyes were dry, he was cold and the lights were totally out. He was there lying in the darkness, dry sobs coming out of him and his eyes were locked into the side of the couch; his daisies, long forgotten on the floor, were already dying slowly, crumbling like his own heart. 
He was such a loser, he had just lost his sister because he liked a boy that probably would never notice him. His bright world had fell down to pieces in less than two minutes, and all because of four words, "His name is Louis".


Ok, I almost made myself cry with this one. I actually feel like crying, poor baby Harry, he doesn't deserve such a thing. It'll get better soon, I swear.

Oh! It was my first cliff-hanger... well, kinda.

Are you guys really liking it? I almost had a heart attack because the reads got duplicated on Friday after the second chapter. I love you all!

Please comment, vote and the whole thing.


Ps. I'll try to update tomorrow!

The flower crown. (AU. Punk!Louis-FlowerChild!Harry)Where stories live. Discover now