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A/N: please check out my other stories when you're done :D

Harry had always been amazed by how, even in your sleep, you could feel and hear things from 'the outside'. How the beeping sound of the alarm could mingle with the soft voice of your lover asking you to buy green bread for breakfast or, in this case, how small steps running closer and closer got confused in his mind by raindrops and suddenly a puma jumped onto him making him wake up with a gasp and jolting off the bed.
"Goddammit!" He exclaimed as his eyes adjusted to the light and he came back to reality realizing that on top of him was not a puma but a human body.
Giggles erupted from the body against him making him chuckle back.
"You scared me!" He said against the head of chestnut hair.
"Sorry, papa!" The kid said grinning as he sat on his chest.
Harry caressed his hair and smiled at him, then he saw his clothes with different stains of paint. "Oh, god. Tom! What happened to your clothes?"
The kid just smiled wider until it reached his blue sparkly eyes and his cheeks dimpled, "Was helping daddy!" The kid said simply and Harry smiled back at him.
"Getting a bit messy, huh? He knows is not okay to let you help in new clothes" he said sitting on the bed and hugging his child to his chest kissing his curls.
"But papa! This are not new. I got them on my birthday!" The kid said flashing him a grin.
Harry shook his head fondly, "Oh, right, last month" Tom was so smart and cute he couldn't get mad. "Let's go get daddy, okay?" He said as he got up carrying the little boy on his hip with his arm around him.
Thomas talked to him excitedly about some cartoon he watched with his father yesterday and Harry made sure to assure him he was listening. He took them down the stairs and then walked through the living room towards the studio. He opened the crystal door with his free hand only to find his husband covered in paint in front of a huge canvas.
"Good morning, sunshine!" Harry sang sweetly as he carefully stepped through the mess on the floor.
"Oh! You're awake!" Louis said tearing his eyes apart from his work and looking at his family.
"Yeah, this little buddy here decided it was a good idea to jump on me" he chuckled looking at his son.
Tom giggled and hid his face in Harry's broad shoulder. Louis whipped his hands with a rag and threw it away before walking closer to Harry.
Harry leaned in for a kiss and Louis caressed his naked side with his colorful hands. "How long have you been awake?" The curly man asked against his lips.
Louis grinned and kissed his cheek before taking a step back "Uh... Not much" he shrugged walking back to the canvas.
Harry was about to say somethig when the boy in his arms squirmed and then whispered "Papa, I have to pee!"
"Oh! Down you go!" He chuckled
smiling fondly at the boy and put his son back onto his feet who ran of immediately.
Once he was out Harry placed his hands on his hips an looked at Louis with an arched eyebrow, "Now, sir. How long have you been awake again?" Harry said in a mild threatening tone as he went to stand behind his husband and wrap his arms around his waist.
"Uh... Four hours? Maybe more" Louis said as he placed his hands on top of Harry's arms.
Harry sighed and kissed his neck "You're not getting enough sleep" he said against the warms skin.
"I know, I just wanted to finish it" Louis said as he turned around in Harry's arms before kissing his jaw. "Missed me much, curly?"
Harry giggled into his hair as he nodded and tightened his grip around him, "What's the point of sleeping together if you're going to leave me to sleep on my own" he said pouting making Louis chuckled.
"Is for the sake of art!" Louis exclaimed dramatically before kissing him again, this time tangling his fingers with Harry's messy, long curls as the taller man placed his hands on his hips.
"I did it!" Tom's little voice echoed through the house and his little steps approached until he was running towards his parents letting Louis pick him up.
"What did you do, buddy?" He said to him smiling as Harry stood behind him to look at his son.
"I peed just in the toilet!" He exclaimed excitedly as he clapped his hands while Harry and Lou cheered.
"That's amazing!" Harry said and kissed Tom's cheek.
"Oh! Papa! Have to show you what I made!" He said and looked at Louis, "Put me down! Papa needs to see my art!" He said and Louis obliged.
"His art?" Harry asked confusedly and Louis chuckled nodding, "Yep. We have a very talented kid"
Harry grinned dimply when Thomas walked back to him with a few sheets of paper in hand.
"Here, papa! Its my art!" He said showing his dimples as he handed 'his art' to his papa.
Harry looked at it not really finding the form or knowing what it was but smiling fondly none the less "It's so cool, Tom! But what is it?"
Tom shrugged and looked at his dad "Most of the time I don't know what Daddy's paintings are. That's what makes them pretty!"
Louis laughed an scooped his kid into his arms kissing his head, "Thanks, love. You're pretty good yourself" he said making Thomas blush a bit.
Harry leaned in slightly to whisper in Louis' ear, "so the paint on his clothes is watercolor?" Louis just nodded and Harry sighed, "good, cause those clothes are new"
Louis barked a laughter and Tom laughed too even if he didn't know why.
Eventually Louis' took his son to change his clothes and have a shower that he needed too. Harry stayed in the kitchen making pancakes because those were his family's favorite.
"Need any help with something,love?" Louis asked from the middle of the kitchen as Tom ran past him to win his favourite spot on the kitchen table making him stumble a bit before regaining his balance, "Whoa! Take it easy" the boy just giggled.
Harry placed a plate with three small pancakes in front of Thomas.
"Thanks!" He cheered and then looked up at him pouting "Milk?"
Harry chuckled and went to the fridge to retrieve the milk before pouring some in Tom's small superman cup before returning it to the fridge and giving the boy his milk.
"Yay milk!" He said and took a careful sip from it.
Harry smiled before serving his and Louis' plates and just wen he was about to sit down Louis looked up at him pouting.
"Tea?" He said and Harry actually laughed. He served them both a mug of tea and sat dow beside Lou.
"Thanks, love" Louis said and kissed his cheek, "You're the best"
Harry smiled fondly at him and took a bite from his pancakes "I know"
Louis chuckled and leaned in to kiss his cheek again.
"So... Are you going to go to school on Friday?" Louis asked
"Uh... No? Aren't we going to be in New York?" Harry said confusedly.
Louis shrugged "You don't like to abandon your alumni" and then took another bite.
Harry smiled "I don't but certain artist is having a big even in a gallery at New York and I heard he's pretty good so I think one day off won't hurt. Besides..." He leaned in and kissed Louis neck a few times before reaching his ear, "I heard he has a butt to die for".
Louis pulled him in a kiss and then said against his lips "Yeah? Sounds like a good Idea. I heard he has a beautiful husband and a kid, though"
Harry grinned, "I'll guess I'll just watch then".
Louis slapped his side and then they were startled by a loud plastic bang.
When they looked at the other person in the kitchen, Tom had a sheepish smile, "Oops?"
Harry laughed and smiled fondly at him as he shook his head, "Be careful, Tom" he said as he went to get a paper towel to clean the floor.
"Sorry, papa!" He said as he looked at Louis for support.
"He's not mad, baby" he said and kissed his head before taking his plate to the sink, "Just be careful next time".
"So... Mister Tomlinson-Styles. Are you ready to drop uni and go to the states?" Louis said amused as he picked up his son before walking to his husband.
Harry just nodded and kissed his cheek and Tom's, "you, mister, corrupt me"
Louis grinned, "But just in the good way, right?"
"Yes, love. Just in the good way" Harry said fondly before hugging his husband and son.
"What's corrumpting?" Tom asked against Harry's bicep and both men just laughed lightly.
"That's for you to explain, professor" Louis said and placed Tom on Harry's arms.
"Oh, hush you!" Harry said as Louis ran out of the kitchen.
"Gonna shower!" Louis shouted from upstairs making Harry shake his head fondly.
"Papa, can we go outside?" Tom said looking with hopeful bright eyes to his father.
"Sure, babe" Harry said as he carried him to the garden, "Wanna make a flower crown?"
"Yes! But I don't like them in my hair... I like them in yours!" Thomas said as he ran off towards the bushes of different, colorful flowers.
"That's what your daddy used to say" Harry said with a face splitting grin.

It hurts D: part of my soul has just been ripped of my small body. Oh god.*sigh*
Thank you so so much for reading, you have no idea how much it means to me! I know it could have been better but hey! It was my first fic EVER! I hope you enjoyed the ride and the feels as much as I did!
There won't be a sequel... But there will be more Larry fanfics.
Thank you again! You're the bestest! And please don't cry because.... I'll cry!

Please comment, vote and the whole thing!

Love you!


The flower crown. (AU. Punk!Louis-FlowerChild!Harry)Where stories live. Discover now