Ch. 24 "Helping brings great experiences".

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"Lou" Harry whimpered against his boyfriend's lips as he gently pushed him away.
Louis pouted and this made the curly boy laugh.

"I'm here for a reason, Lou. Mom said I had to get home early and I have to walk there" the tattooed boy sighed and looked up at him with a pained expression.

"I'm sorry you have to walk. I'm sorry I don't have a car to take you home myself" the blue eyed boy sighed and got up before offering Harry a hand to help him up as well.

Once both boys were up to his feet Harry hugged Louis close to his chest, leaving the shorter boy no other option than press his face against his chest and enjoy his sweet essence as he wrapped his arms around Harry's long torso and thin waist.

"It's okay that you don't have a car. I don't mind at all. I like walking and if I have to walk with you it's more time that we can spend together, right?" this words were whispered into Louis' ear with the charming and deep voice of his boyfriend, which made him feel warm in the inside and better with himself immediately.

"I... I'll show you the sketchbook, yeah?" Louis said as he separated himself from the boy's chest reluctantly. He walked towards the desk and begun looking into the drawers, with all the tidying he didn't know where the things were. "I was thinking you might could help me to choose the ones I should give to Frank"

Harry grinned at him, well, at his back. Louis just asked him with something as important a that. He just asked him to judge his job and Harry just wanted to give him a crushing hug and kiss him all over.
"Thank you" he said softly and threw himself at his boyfriend and hugged him.
Louis lost his breath as Harry's chest collided with his back, "Easy, Curly" he chuckled and dropped what he had in hand to use his arms to hug back the taller boy's waist.
Harry giggled into his neck and peered over Lou's shoulder, "Is that the sketchbook?"
The tattooed boy nodded and picked up the bloc of paper again. He wiggled his shoulders to liberate himself from the younger boy's hug and with his free hand he pulled out the chair from the desk and sat down looking down at the object in his hands.
Harry stood awkwardly on his same spot, at first his long arms at his sides uselessly and then he begun fiddling with his fingers before playing with the crown on his hair. He didn't say a thing, just stared at the boy and waited for further orders.
After a few moments of silence Louis looked up at him confusedly, almost as if he had forgotten the boy was there. He lifter his eyebrow and said, "Are you going to stand there all day or what?".
Harry opened his eyes in surprise and looked around frantically for a chair where to sit. Before he found somewhere to do so he was being pulled down harshly. A gasp made it's way out of his lips and he closed his eyes waiting for the imminent pain of the impact against the floor, impact that never came. Instead of the floor he found himself falling gracelessly against another body, another pair of thighs. The curly boy opened his eyes and encountered a beautiful extension of flesh covering a prominent clavicle, he looked up and found stubble, and a stunning smile before high cheek bones and sparkling eyes. Harry blushed.
"It looked like you needed a bit of help. This doesn't bother you, right? If it does I can stop doing it" the green eyed boy shook his head and readjusted himself on Louis' lap muttering a bit of an okay.
Lou adjusted his arm around the boy's waist and kissed his cheek softly before placing the book on Harry's legs and caressing the cover with his hand.
"Just don't be to mean with the critics" Harry giggled at that and uncovered the sketchbook himself.
Never in a million years Harry could have imagined something as beautiful as those drawings could be condensed anywhere but the Louvre, let alone a little notebook.
Louis picked some of his favorites and said that he didn't want to sell those because he wanted them just for himself. Harry didn't argue, he understood and even proposed some ideas to keep the drawings safe and pretty for a longer amount of time.
Louis also sowed him some that were inside a binder, the older boy explained that he kept there those which he had already get inked on his skin of he had used them for some other propose, lots of them being already on the wall and the last one was healing on Liam's arm.
After choosing and marking a few of the designs Louis threw away the sketchbook and sized Harry's hand between his hands, he didn't do anything, he just stared at Harry with a silly grin on his face.
"What?" Harry asked with his pouting lips between his squeezed cheeks.
"You are really pretty. Cute. Like a bunny, all fluffy and innocent and beautiful" Louis kissed his nose and the curly boy blushed.
"Stop it" he whined and the tattooed boy chuckled. Harry rolled his eyes, "I'm not cute".
Louis laughed and kissed his pouty lips, "You are cute as a baby bunny".
Harry crossed his arms over his chest and looked away offended, "Nope. I won't kiss you again if you don't stop saying it".
Louis gasped and tightened his grip on Harry, "Then I'll have to star saying some unappropriated things I think and don't say when I call you cute".
Harry looked at him with narrowed eyes and said, "Like what?".
"Well, you are the hottest guy I have ever seen. With your fuzzy curls and kilometric legs" he moved his lips close to the younger boy's ear and whispered sultrily "You make me want to pin you down on my bed and lick all over your precious body until you scream my name".
Harry gasped loudly and stared in sock at the floor, he was afraid to look at Louis, "I- I think... I think I like 'cute' now" he stuttered.
Louis smirked and kissed his earlobe pulling at it gently with his teeth, "Whatever you want, baby. By the way, you're cuter when you blush".
Harry felt his red cheeks become hotter and Louis' wet lips against the skin of his jaw. He turned his head towards the boy only to be rewarded with a kiss on his mouth.
Ultimately their make out sessions had had increased in intensity, to put it some way. Nothing unappropriated to perform in public but lately Louis had found himself craving for more. He would never do something that Harry didn't want to do but they were alone and he was not going to let the opportunity pass. The blue eyed boy placed his hands securely on Harry's hips and lifted him slightly, the other got his hint and straddled his thighs with his own legs barely still on the chair. Lou took the back of his knees and pulled him closer making the boy's legs fall completely over the sides of the chair and his weight on Louis' lap completely. Harry whimpered at the sudden move but didn't stop kissing Louis at any moment, just tightened his grip at the boy's neck.
The smaller boy licked his way inside the other's mouth and moaned silently at the taste and feeling. He massaged Harry's hipbones with his thumbs, tracing small circles over the shirt that covered Harry's skin, and the curly boy caressed the hair on the back of his head with his big gentle hands making it all messy.
It was the heavier Snogging session they had experienced at the moment and both boys were enjoying it amazingly.

I am really sorry. Please don't kill me. I have my reasons and I'll compensate yeah?

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