Ch. 22 "Roller skates and dark secrets".

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"Would you accompany me to the parlor?" Louis asked and took another bite of his chocolate muffing.

Harry sipped from his cup of coffee and swung his feet under the table, "You're going to take the designs?".

The blue eyed boy nodded and reached for Harry's hand. The boyfriend squeezed back and let his drink on the table.

"I want to see the drawings, please" he said and batted his lashes earning a chuckle from Louis.

"I'll take you to my house and you can see them there" the tattooed boy said and leaned in to kiss Harry's lips.

They didn't go there that day, because it was already late and after their coffee and a walk in the park they went and ate hamburgers in a place close to Harry's house.

Both boys had fun in the place they ate, amazing 80's music and they even had the opportunity to put on some borrowed roller skates and have fun.

"How did you even find this place?" Louis said with a grin on his face as he buckled his skates.

The boy in front of him shrugged and sat straight on the bench, "One day I got lost with Niall and we ended up here".

Louis got up and offered his hand to his boyfriend who took it and both boys rolled to join the other people that were on the rink in the middle of the restaurant.

"UUUUUUUH SEE THAT GIRL! WATCH THAT SCENE!" Louis shouted the lyrics as he twirled Harry by the hand making the boy duck under his arm simply because he was notably shorter.

Harry laughed joyfully and kept on 'dancing' along the music until he tripped with his own feet and felt on the hard floor. Louis was happily rolling still holding the younger boy's hand when he was pulled down and onto the chest of said boy with an 'ooff'. Both boys laid there trying to regain their breaths and once they did nothing could stop the laugh that bubbled out of their joined chests. Louis sat on the shiny floor and gave his boyfriend a hand to sit the boy beside him, the blue eyed boy fixed Harry's crooked flower crown and kissed his nose before getting them both up the floor before someone stepped or 'rolled' on them.

Eventually they got out of the rink and went to their table, between giggles they finished their food and took off the borrowed articles; they walked just in their socks towards the gentle elder woman that had provided them the skates and recovered their own shoes.

As always, Louis walked Harry home and then made his way back home, not without kissing the taller boy's sweet lips and promise him they would see each other soon. This time Louis didn't call Zayn, he opted for walking home, it was not that far away and he could always take the bus. The boy pulled the hood of his jacket over his head and a cigarette out of his pocket, he lightened it on and pulled on a bit before blowing the smoke away seconds later. It was a cloudy night but Louis couldn't smell the moisture in the air and knew that night wouldn't really rain, at least not soon so he could make it home safe and dry.

It was around ten when he got home, Simon wasn't in the city so there was nobody to tell him he had to get home early. He took off his shoes as soon as he was inside his room and put out the cig against the wooden door before throwing it into the waste bin beside the door. The boy took off his jacket and shirt, leaving only his jeans on until he was inside the bathroom and unburdened his bladder, he took them off then, along with his boxers; he dropped the clothes onto the floor and got in the shower.

Louis enjoyed having long showers, he wasn't a big fan of baths so he took long warm showers instead. He liked showers because the bathroom was a great place to think. He felt as if the warm steam of water helped his ideas to flow and the tailed walls prevented them to go too far away so he could reach them easily when his train of thought required them. Also, the hot water relaxed his muscles and made all the tension of the day drain from his small but perfectly equilibrated body. Yes, it was nice to shower.

The next day Louis decided it would be a wise choice to skip the first three periods at school and stay home so he could tidy his room a bit. There were a lot of things he didn't want Harry to see when he visited him that afternoon.

Lou got up early and got a big black bag from the kitchen. First of all he picked up all the garbage that was scattered on the bedroom floor, he found cans of beer and soda, some cigarette butts and lots of wrinkled sheets of paper with failed drawings. He was surprised to find that after picking up all the dirty clothes and cd's he found a mat with tribal designs he didn't even remember was there when he moved in.

After an hour or so of cleaning he had only a few things left, one was the thing he had to hide the most. There was a big carton box in a corner close to his desk, it had at least twenty new sketchbooks, three binders with their respective sheet protectors, some of them full with beloved master pieces Louis treasured.

Maybe it didn't look so weird, he drew a lot, what was somehow doubtful was the fact that all of the articles were in big packages, not individually bought as usually places like OfficeDepot did, actually they were not bought at all. A few months earlier a shipping from the factory got some problems because when they realized the inventory at the store there were a few things missing, such as a full box of sketchbooks. The executives didn't pay much attention to the incident because the inventory back at the factory had been made out of the usual working hours so they assumed it was a mistake of the poor man that had to work at three in the morning just because the store had a sudden flood in the warehouse and they needed new paper immediately. The thing was that it had nothing to do with a human mistake but three teenage boys who decided they couldn't let the opportunity of a lonely trailer in the gas station they had stopped to buy some beer and cigarettes.

So, yes, they were stolen and Louis didn't want to have to lie to Harry or worse, he didn't want to involve someone as innocent as his boyfriend in his shady business.

In the end Louis opted for putting the whole box inside the closet and all the different drawing pencils boxes inside the drawer.

When the lad thought the place looked safe and presentable he picked up his dirty backpack and took a taxi so he could make it to school on time for lunch. When Harry asked why he wasn't there in the morning the blue eyed boy just kissed his lips and said he had a few things to do before he could take him to his house before stealing the curly boy's flower crown – little purple mezereons – and putting it on his own head making all of the boys laugh when it fell on his eyes because it was not for a head as small as his.

Harry didn't ask more, he was kind of flattered for the fact that Louis was putting so much effort in something as simple as taking him to his house, but he figured he would probably do the same.


Hello! How are you guys? I'm good! I think I'm actually getting that bunny. Anyway I wanted to ask you a favor, my little sister is writing a story and she is the best writer I know and she is only 12! There's only one problem, the story is in spanish so if you guys can read spanish please go and check her story and if you can't plase ask google chrome to traslate it for you because she is awesome and it is a great story and all! And I can't give her my wattpad account because there's some smut in my other stories that I don't want her to read! YAY!

The story's name is "El diario de un Catacum" and her username is DanyShiwa. The code of the story is 30068981 and I'll leave the link in this chapter's extern link. THANK YOU!

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The flower crown. (AU. Punk!Louis-FlowerChild!Harry)Where stories live. Discover now