Ch. 31 "Let's party!"

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"A pretty successful meet the parents, I would say" Zayn said before pulling from his cig.

Liam smirked at Louis, "So... The Tommo was nervous, huh?"

Louis shoved him away making him fall from his sitting position completely onto the ground, the boys laughed hysterically.

"I was not nervous" Louis lied trying to keep his pride intact, not that his friends believed him one bit, of course.

They were currently sitting on the ground of the parking lot. Louis had convinced them to wait for Harry, who was still taking some lessons.

"Do you think loverboy is going to take too much more? I have to go home early" Zayn said as he styled his hair.

The other two lads stared at him wide eyed and jaw slack before looking at each other and smirking.

"Why? Momma Malik wants Zaynie to be a good boy?" Louis said mockingly making Liam bark a laughter.

A light blush ran through Zayn's tan face as he hushed them "Shut up, twats"

Liam and Louis just laughed more.

"It's not that!" The dark haired boy said.

"Then talk" Liam stated trying to stop his giggling.

The boy sighed and pulled from his cigarette again, "I... Have a date"

Louis cooed at him and pinched his cheeks before Zayn swatted his hands away, Louis rubbed his hands grinning "And who would be the lucky one?"

Zayn blushed, this time enough for his friends to notice and looked away to take a bit more of his cig before blowing the smoke away and saying quietly, "Perrie Edwards"

His friends stared at him in shock, "Are you serious?!" Liam exclaimed flailing his limbs, "She finally said yes?"

Zayn nodded and stared at the ground "Actually, she was the one who asked me out".

"Holy fuck" Louis chuckled, "Congrats, mate. Just don't get her preggers and everything will be alright" he joked.

Zayn just smiled to himself, "They would be pretty babies" he said simply and Liam laughed.

"Absolutely. No offense to her, mate, but you are far more good looking than her" Liam said and took the tube from his friend's fingers and pulled from it too.

Louis was just reaching for the little now tube when he felt a pair of ling arms embrace him immobilizing his arms and soft bouncy curls tickle his neck.

"Hi" Harry said with his deep voice as he kissed his boyfriend's smiling cheek.

Louis pulled from the cig before blowing the smoke away by saying, "Hey, darling".

Harry scrunched his face at the bitter smell, the movement was so gentle non of the boys noticed. And of course he wouldn't say nothing.

Louis stood up and kissed Harry's cheek after stepping on the cigarette and holding his hand.

"Hey, Harry. Are you coming on Saturday?" Liam said with his gentle smile.

"Huh?" Harry was confusedly looking down at Louis who just smiled at him and kissed his neck.

"Liam is throwing a party, would you like to come? Niall can come as well" Louis said smiling up at the curly boy who just smiled.

Harry circled his arm around Louis' waist and kissed his head, something he knew the boy hated because it was like acknowledge his short height but he didn't say anything because well, it was Harry who was doing it, he couldn't get mad at Harry.

"Sure" the green eyed boy agreed greedily and then waved at the boys, "See you later!"

"Bye, guys. Use protection" Zayn said smirking and Harry's face turned from a pale as a candle shade to a red tomato in matter of seconds.

Louis just chuckled and pulled Harry by his side and through the parking lot.

"You're so red, darling" Louis giggled as he caressed his hot cheeks making him blush even harder. Lou just stepped on his toes making his converse screech and cupped Harry's red cheeks into his hands to kiss his lips gently.

Harry smiled into the kiss and gently grabbed his waist.

"So... Party?" Louis said smiling up at Harry who just nodded happily and tangled their fingers together before start walking again.

During the rest of the week Harry excitedly planned what he was going to do. Like, he asked to borrow the car, called Niall to take him with them at the party and even made Louis help him with his 'outfit' which was, pretty commonly, a withe v neck shirt and some tight jeans. Obviously, Louis made Harry promise him that he was going to wear a flower crown and the curly boys was more than happy to agree.

A few days after that, Harry ate dinner with his mom and Gemma, who, being the big sister she was, just teased Harry to death.

"I'll go and buy you some condoms, we don't want surprises" Gemma said smirking as she ate from her plate.

"Gemm!" Anne exclaimed as she shoot her a pointing stare, "Why don't you better give him 'the talk'" she giggled.

"Mom!" Harry blushed even more and let his head rest on the table. "I'll just go now" he sighed.

Anne kissed his curls and then begun picking up the dishes "Please tell Louis I want you home before two in the morning".

Harry nodded and texted Louis

"Ready to go, babe xx"

"On my way, hazza xx"

A while after that the doorbell rang and Gemma practically jumped from the couch to open it first.

Louis was checking his phone and when he heard steps coming close he pulled from his cig and then stepped on it.

Gemma looked at him with a quirked eyebrow, "Well, you're really attractive. H was right. You better don't get him pregnant"

"GEMMA!" Harry shouted and pushed her aside. Louis was giggling and let himself being dragged away from the house from a blushing boy.

"You look so alike" was the only thing Louis said.

Harry just sighed and hugged Louis "She's crazy!"

"Don't worry, love. Siblings are meant to be annoying" he kissed his cheek and took his hand "Let's just go to the party, yes?".

Harry nodded smiling and they walked together their way to Liam's house.


Hey! I'm sorry! Again! I'll try my best yeah? We're making LesMis at school so it's hard to write and sing and cry all together.

Please comment, vote and the whole thing!


The flower crown. (AU. Punk!Louis-FlowerChild!Harry)Where stories live. Discover now