Ch.45 "He's a lovely lad"

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Of all the things that Louis' ming had been occupied on imagining, the current situation wouldn't have been one in a million years.

It had been two years since he left home for the well being of his younger sisters and now, after all this time, he was standing there at Simon's doorstep with his mother hugging him as tightly as it was humanly possible. He didn't know that the feeling had been missing for so long, but finally he felt at home.

Her sweet scent, her gentle voice, her warm touch was all around him and he was feeling so much the tears were freely rolling down his cheeks.

He was happy.

Anyway, the embrace was broken by a small hand pulling at the hem of the hoodie he was wearing. He pulled back slowly, not letting go entirely of his mother and using one of his hands to wipe away the tears.

Looking determinately at him, there was the little girl who opened the door.

"Why did you make my mummy cry? You... You! Mean person!" She exclaimed with a frown on her face.

"Daisy! Don't talk like that to your-" Her mother said but was interrupted by Louis chuckling. He looked at his mother who was still teary eyed and smiled at her before leaning down until he was face to face to the girl.

"I'm sorry, little D" he said smiling and hugged her small body close to his chest.

"Mummy! Help!" She exclaimed and Jay just giggled.

Louis let go of her with a grin on his face and said "Now, that's not the way to greet your big brother is it?"

The girl stared at him with a confused expression "You're not my brother!" She said "Louis hair is brown and soft and he doesn't have those drawings on his skin!" She said pointing to Lou's arm were the hoodie was rolled up to the elbows.

Louis shrugged, "Guess I can't say nothing to change your mind, huh? You determined little thing" he said before getting up and looking at his other sisters. "What about you? You believe I'm your brother or I should just go?" He said with a smirk and his open arms at the girls who were immediately running towards him and cashing him with hugs.

He groaned as the air left his lungs but held them as tight as he could, kissing both of their heads.

"LouLou?" Phoebe said shyly as uncle Simon lowered her to her feet.

"Hey, Phoebs" the boy said with a grin and the little girl ran to hug his leg making him stumble a bit.

Daisy was still staring at him with narrowed eyes.

"You still don't believe me, huh?" Louis said amused.

"When is my birthday?" She asked as if that was the hardest prove.

"Are you serious?" Chuckled Simon and Daisy looked up at him. "He's your brother, darling"

Louis grinned at his little sister who looked back at him, "C'mon, Daisy! Join the hug!" He said and then the girl walked towards them and hugged one of Louis' leg.

"You still have to prove it" she muttered as she hid her face in Louis' hip making her brother chuckle and hug her gently.

Harry had been entranced by the adorable scene and almost jumped when a gentle hand landed in his bicep.

"Hello, darling. Are you Louis friend?" Jay asked with a bright smile on her face.

"I... I-" he looked a bit alarmed in Louis direction "I am, yes ma'am" he said.

Jay gave him another smile as she closed the, until that moment open,door.

"We were about to have dinner, boobear" Jay said to her son just as the girls let go of him and walked towards the kitchen.

Harry saw how Louis' cheeks became reddish as he scratched the back of his head awkwardly. With an amused grin and when Louis' mother wasn't looking he mouthed to his boyfriend "Boobear" before giggling as he walked towards Louis. The tattooed boy looked at him offended and slapped his bum muttering "Shut it, Curly".

Harry kissed his hair earning another slap and a chuckled as they walked together to the kitchen.

Dinner was amazing, Louis' family was amazing. Even if they pretty much ignored Harry the whole meal he wasn't uncomfortable, he was happy. Happy for Lou.

When all the girls left and there were just both boys, Simon and Jay sitting in the kitchen, the curly boy got up ready to leave.

"You leaving?" Asked Louis with a worried expression as he got up as well.

"It's late... Don't want mom to worry" he said with a small bow of his head towards Simon, "Thanks for the dinner" he said with a small smile and looked a Jay to say nice to meet you.

"It was lovely to meet you, Harry" Jay said before kissing his cheek.

Louis walked Harry to the door.

"So... You leaving" he said casually as he held his hand.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow?" The green eyed boy asked hopefully and Louis grinned at him.

"Of course, Curly" he said before kissing his jaw. He hugged Harry's middle and then aimed for his lips, taking them into a slow, sensual embrace.

"I've missed you a lot, Hazz" he whispered with his lips brushing Harry's gently with each word. "Love you"

"Love you too, Lou. A lot" Harry said and hugged him tightly before kissing his nose and letting go. "See you later"

"Okay, sweetie" Louis said grinning and kissed Harry's cheek again.

They walked together to the car and once Harry had left he jogged back into the house hugging himself, trying to warm his body.

"So... Harry" Jay was leaning against the nearer wall with her arms crossed over her chest with a big smirk on her face.

Louis blushed madly as he closed the door, "I... Mom I-"

"Oh, baby. You don't need to explain yourself to me, at least not because of this" she walked towards him and hugged him close. She kissed the boy's forehead and said "He's a lovely lad"

"Yeah... Well, he is very charming" Louis chuckled

"He makes me very happy"

Jay nodded and kissed his cheek "Then there's nothing for me to say. I missed you a lot, boobear. C'mon, its time for bed"

Louis laughed "I'm old enough to stay late you know"

"You might be but with me near, even when you're fourty you'll do what I say" she said smirking and slapped Louis bum making him squeal, before laughing as she went upstairs to her room.

"Love you!" He shouted from his room and just heard a muffle me too as he closed his bedroom door.


Hi! I'm back at school and regularly on youtube. Please check out my videos ? :* I'm Lil'Xime btw

I apologize it takes so much. It's just that this is comming to an end and well... I dont wannt to. I'm planning on another fic but this one will be smuttier what do you think?

Please comment, vote and the whole thing!

Love ya!


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