Ch. 17 "Family conversations".

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Louis felt the cold air hit his skin but he didn't care, he was way too warm inside to do so. He hugged himself rubbing his hands over the tattooed skin his tank top didn't cover, he adjusted his beanie and for a brief moment he wished he didn't give his jacket to Harry but then shook his head. No, if Harry was fine then everything else didn't matter. Lou walked until he reached an old restaurant; he stood on the sidewalk covering himself the best he could. After a few minutes a familiar blue tattled car parked in front of him, the widow was rolled down and a well known smirk appeared. "He's better worth it" the boy said from the inside of the vehicle.
"He is. He totally does worth it" said Louis with a smile plastered on his face.
"Hurry up, Tommo. I don't have all night, you already owe big time"
"Shut up" Louis snickered and rolled up the window.
Zayn drove him until he was in front of his house, the boy stopped the car but kept the engine going.
"Now, in all seriousness. How was it?" The boy with the quiff said looking at his friend.
"Best Date Ever" Louis said grinning to himself more than to his friend.
Suddenly he was being pulled towards Zayn chest roughly as the boy stroked violently his hair.
"My Tommo has it bad!" He exclaimed and then pinched his cheeks, "You're adorable".
"Fuck off, Malik" he said shoving the boy away and opening his door.
"You're welcome, mate" Zayn shouted to him as the shorter boy walked away showing his middle finger at the boy with out looking at him, "I love you too!".
The sound of the tires screeching the pavement filled the air and Louis walked over the fancy wooded door. He opened using his key and closed it as silently as he could, Lou walked towards the stairs but a low voice stopped him on his track.
"I thought we had a deal, Louis. I gave you money, I didn't ground you, and that's how you pay me?", Simon said clearly angry.
The blue eyed lad sighed and turned around still on the third step of the stairs.
"I'm sorry, Si" he said looking at his uncle, "It won't happ-"
"Of course it won't" The man interrupted him, "It won't happen EVER again. I'm not stupid, Louis. You can't fool me so easily. You can't take my money and spent it on those delinquents you call friends and then come to my house at ungodly hours whenever you please".
"SHUT UP!" Louis shouted and stumped towards Simon until they were just a feet apart, "DON'T CALL THEM THAT! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO SO!"
Simon stood a little bit taller and straighter, "This is my house, I won't let you talk to me like that when you're living under my roof", the man said firmly without raising the voice.
Louis rolled his eyes and groaned, "You can't just judge the people like that. You think you know everything but you don't" the boy muttered between his teeth.
"Oh! Then please enlighten me, Louis. What did you do with the money I gave you, huh? Where have you been all day and why you came until now in your friend's, who drives like a mad man, car? Tell me, Louis" Simon was already breathing a little bit heavier than his usually calm state, "Did you spent the money in drugs, huh? That's it?"
Louis looked at him wide eyed and with the jaw slack, "What the fuck is wrong with you?!. I didn't come here early and you immediately think I'm on drugs?! Are you mental?!".
"We'll then. I want my money back"
"I- I don't have it" Louis stuttered.
Simon chuckled bitterly, "What did you spend it in? Candies?".
Louis jaw went tight and his eyes burned as he tried to hold the tears, "It's non of your business" he spatted before turning around and begin running up the stairs.
"You won't tell me? You're grounded then. I'll take you and pick you up from school starting tomorrow".
"WHAT?!" Louis ran back down the stairs, "You can't do that to me".
"Watch me" Simon stated.
"Fine" Louis huffed once he was in front of his uncle again,"You wanna know. You'll know. I went on a date".
The man actually laughed, "Yeah, sure. You spent two hundred bucks in a date. What was it, a five stars prostitute?".
Louis looked at him furiously and said with his voice full of rage, "I don't have to pay for sex like some old man" he looked at him from head to toe and then continued "If you care so much why don't you call that restaurant you like so much, maybe they'll give you some relevant information".
And with that Louis stormed upstairs and slammed closed the door of his bedroom before punching the walk angrily and then proceed to slump on his bed with his clothes still on.
Simon sighed pinching the bridge of his nose and walked towards his studio.
The man sat on his chair and looked at the phone, maybe he should call the restaurant just to try his luck.
"Lotto restaurant. Good night, may I help you?" A girly voice came from the speaker.
"Good night, miss. I needed to ask something about one of your clients of tonight" Simon said in his business voice as he played with a pen between his fingers.
"Oh! I'm sorry mister we can't give you info about our customers. Privacy policy. Sorry" the girl apologized
"It's nothing mayor, I assure you. I just need to know if my nephew, Louis Tomlinson, was there tonight" he decided it was better to just say it.
"Mr. I.... Wait. Who are you again?"
"Simon Cowell" the man said smirking, he absolutely was going to get the information.
"Oh, God. I'm really sorry, Mr. Cowell I didn't recognize you. This is Sandra you're talking to." The girl said sounding ashamed.
"Hello, Sandra" Simon chuckled,"Now, would it be possible you tell me if my nephew was there tonight"
"The young man you brought the other day. Isn't it? Blue eyes about your height?"
"The same" Simon smiled to himself.
"He was, actually. I think, it's just that the boy had a nose ring and some other piercings, also some tattoos... Well, lots of them. Was it still him?".
Simon frowned a bit, Louis was there looking like he usually does, "He is, Sandra. Was he alone?"
"Heavens no!" The girl gushed "He was here with a really tall boy. They were quite adorable, such a good couple if you ask me".
Simon smiled to himself and shook his head, "Thank you, Sandra"
"Did it help?"
"Yes. You practically saved his life" Simon chuckled and they said their goodbyes.

The next morning Louis woke up with the same clothes he was wearing the day before. He groaned and turned off his alarm sighing 'It's saturday, idiot' he told himself, he sat on his bed for a while rubbing his hands over his face and his hair. Eventually, he stood up and went to take a quick shower; he quiffed his hair and checked his snake bites.
Wearing a tank top he walked down stair and into the kitchen only to find a note on the fridge, he walked towards it and read it.
"You are not grounded, you can go out. I'm still taking you to school on monday, though."

Louis threw it into the trashcan and walked out of the house.

The night before Harry stood on his doorway for like ten minutes. When he finally went inside he found out nobody was there. His mom had left a note on the microwave saying in there was some food if he was still hungry and that she and Gemma had went to the movies. Harry smiled at the kisses and hugs his mum left at the end of the note and then went upstairs to his room.
Harry liked to be alone sometimes, he would go and take a silent bubble bath before going to sleep, and that's what he did. He went directly to the main bathroom and stripped down his clothes while the tub was being filled with warm water and bubbles.
The curly boy hummed as he lowered himself into the water and let the moist air fill his lungs, he could see his toes because he was a little bit too long to fit into the tub; sometimes, like today, he bended his knees close to him and they pocked out of the soapy water.
He looked at Louis' jacket hanging on beside the door and a warm fuzzy feeling came to him making him grin goofily and blush for the millionth time that day. That was one of the things he liked the most about Lou, he was always a gentleman.
The boy washed his hair and washed every other part of his body that was necessary before taking his time enjoying the warm water around his milky skin.
In the morning, when he woke up naked (he liked to sleep naked. Not that anyone knew) and with his hair even wilder than the usual wild he had during the day, he yawned lazily and stretched his limbs. The boy ran his fingers through his hair untangling and taming it a bit, he got up and put on some clean boxers and some sweats leaving his chest naked. He walked downstairs taking his time, smelling the air and trying to figure out what would he be having for breakfast.
"Morning, H" said Gemma smiling at his brother as she took another piece of watermelon from her bowl.
"Morning" he said and leaned down to kiss her head gently.
"Hey, Honey" greeted his mom and he kissed her cheek while taking the plate she was offering him in his hands.
They all sat together to eat their breakfast, which was weird considering they had crossed schedules in the mornings, but not today, today was saturday and it was perfect.
"What time did you guys get home?" Harry asked after swallowing some previously chewed cereal.
"Around midnight. We went shopping and then to the movies" Anne said smiling at her son, "And you? You didn't come home too late, did you?"
Harry shook his head and drank some orange juice, "No, maybe around ten or something. I didn't check"
"And?!" Gemma almost squeaked as she slapped his arm gently.
Harry blushed furiously and looked at his bowl.
"It was fine" he muttered with a smug smile on his face.
"Fine? Just fine? C'mon darling, was it all?" Anne asked
"Yes..." He said trying not to blush anymore.
"That's not true!" Gemma teased, "C'mon, Harry!! Tell us what happened! Are you boyfriends?"
And in that moment Harry realized something. Louis had said he liked him back, he calls him names and holds his hand he even kissed him on the lips last night but... Were they boyfriends?
Harry shook his head as he looked at his sister confusedly, "I don't know" he said just a bit above a whisper.
Both women 'aww-ed' and Anne took his hand, "You get along well, yeah? He took you on an official date. I'm sure it's just matter of time".
"Is he fit?" Gemma asked grinning at his brother who shoot her a a grateful smile for changing the subject.
"Very" he said and felt his face getting warmer and warmer with every passing second.
"Where did he take you to last night?" Anne said looking at his son amused as he ate some yogurt.
"That fancy restaurant that's close to your friend Carl's bookstore" Harry smiled at the memory.
Mother and daughter gasped in unison before both exclaimed "He took you to the Lotto?!".
Harry stared them wide eyed at them, "I know is not cheap but... He said he could afford it and he actually did. He even paid with cash" Harry muttered playing with his cereal.
Gemma and Anne looked at each other with concerned eyes and then back to the curly boy.
"Does he have a work, hun?" The woman said worriedly.
Harry thought for a minute and then he frowned in realization, "He's not a robber, I don't know if he has a job but he is not what you think he is! He's good, especially with me so I would appreciate if you stopped doubting about him" he said and took his plate on the sink before going out to the garden without another word.

Harry knew Louis was not like that, people always thought that kind of things because he was coated in tattoos and piercings, but even if he didn't know him for too much time, the curly boy was sure Lou, his Lou, could never do something like that.


Hey! it's friday! So... I'mm going out of the city tomorrow and sunday as well. I might be able to update sunday night but I'm not sure, if not I'll update on monday, yeah?

Please comment, vote and the whole thing.


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