Ch. 43 "Won't let him go"

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"He'll call you soon" Harry said as he grinned at the man.

Both boys were standing at Harry's doorstep as the man waved at them from his car before driving away.

Harry had his long fingers intertwined with Louis' as he opened then door and took them inside into the dark house. Without turning the lights on the curly boy took them upstairs and into his room, he closed the door and then turned around to look at Louis.

"Hey... You okay?" Harry said carefully and silently.

Louis nodded and chuckled before hugging him by the middle with his face pressed against Harry's chest, "Yeah, just a bit startled I guess. Didn't know you had that kind of friends Mr. Styles" he said teasingly making his boyfriend giggle.

When Louis looked up with his hands still around Harry the curly boy was smiling. They shared a slow chaste kiss and Louis said "I missed you, curly" against the other's lips.

Harry held him close and nuzzled his face against Louis hair "Me too, you scared me".

Harry's hands traveled down Louis' back and then curved his fingers around the hem of his shirt. He took their shirts and pants off, no the underwear though. Louis let him, and just stood there smiling like an idiot. Harry offered him his bed and once they were under the covers facing each other Louis tangled his fingers into Harry's curls and massaged his scalp slowly making the boy sigh happily as he snuggled closer to Louis.

"I'm sorry" Louis said quietly and Harry kissed his collarbone.

"You don't have to be" he answered.

Louis was about to argue but he had so many thing to say that in the end all of them got stuck in his throat and all he could do was hold Harry tightly and kiss his hair.

They fell asleep like that, embracing each other, breathing each other's smell and feeling the warmth of the other. Louis felt as if he was floating, even though Harry's bed was much more comfortable than his "bed" at that place he was pretty sure that Harry was why he felt so comfy and warm.

The next morning Louis opened his eyes slowly and when he was able to focus he found Harry's soft neck, the back of it more specifically. The small hairs curled gracefully against his pale skin and Louis could barely hear tiny snored coming from the boy in his arms.

As Louis found himself more and more awake discovered that his crotch was dangerously close to Harry's bum but he also discovered that it didn't feel wrong, he didn't feel anything dirty or any kind of carnal desire. He was just really comfortable, and extremely happy of having his boyfriend so close to him, feeling his warmth and how his smooth legs brushed with his own and Louis feet were warmly tucked between Harry's calves and the blue eyed boy deposited a small kiss in the nape of Harry's neck.

After a few other kisses the boy began to squirm as he groaned gently.

"Five more minutes" he muttered and Louis' though that he'd like to listen to Harry's morning voice for the rest of his life.

He grinned and kissed his neck some more, "Lou, no..." He whimpered as he wiggled more into Louis' embrace. Then he turner around still between his arms and nuzzled against Louis' neck as he hugged him tightly.

Harry still had his eyes closed when he said "Can we stay like this forever?"

Louis' heart ached of love for his boy and he chuckled "Whatever you want, darling" he said and kissed Harry's curls.

They laid there for a while, both feeling like they were meant to stay like that for the rest of their lives, as if that was their place in the universe. Inhaling each other's essence like the most delicious perfume, as if it was like oxygen to them, as if the other's arms were home because in a way it was for both of them.

Eventually they had to leave their cocoon, not without an extreme scene of whining but hey, they were teenagers getting up, you cant blame them.

Harry made them some pancakes while Louis sat happily by the table. Harry was quite a sight if you asked him and he moved gracefully around the kitchen, something Harry didn't do often being as clumsy as he was.

The curly boy had a smile plastered on his face and was humming softly as he cooked, he was wearing sweatpants and a plain shirt with his extremely messy hair which made Louis want to jump on him and ravish his delicate body. All of this thoughts stayed merely inside Louis' head because as much as he wanted Harry he was sure he would wait until him wanted because, of course, Louis would do everything Harry asked him to, no matter how crazy or impossible it was he would do it without blinking an eye in hesitation.

The curly boy served two plates and placed them both in front of a confused Louis, "Babe, I don't think I can eat them all. I mean, I'm hungry but..." He said to the boy who was retrieving the milk from the fridge.

Harry looked at him and snorted, "Then it's fine that those are not all for you" he said as he poured the milk in two glasses before placing them in front of the place and them sitting on Louis' lap instead of a chair.

"Oh... Oh!" Louis laughed and kissed his cheek soundly as he hugged Harry tightly.

Harry wiggled a bit on Louis' lap until his back was pressed againts his chest and began eating, somehow the shorter boy managed to eat as well without telling go of him because he wouldn't let go of him ever again.


So short :( sowwy.

I'll try to write more this week ;)

Please comment vote and the whole thing!!

Love you!


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