Ch. 47 "Together as one" (the end <3)

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At such a young age Louis life had been a disaster, he was grateful that after all the drama and that had enveloped his life for so long, it all fell into place.
Their graduation came faster than they thought and sooner than expected Liam, Zayn and Louis were there receiving their diplomas. They weren't alone, of course not. Right by their sides were the curly boy, his blonde friend and that pretty girl with the purple hair, kissing their cheeks as they threw their hats in the hair.
"Harry, love. I don't think you need that much, we're going to Leeds. I mean, is not as if you could shower there anyway" Louis said before chuckling.
Harry turned to look at him with a pouty face and a shirt between his hands, "But we're going to be smelly" he whined.
Louis laughed and hugged Harry by his middle, he kissed his jaw and smiled up at him.
"You always smell good, baby" he said sweetly.
Harry laughed and kissed his nose, "But I'm going to be with you the whole weekend"
"Oi, shut it, Harold" Louis said offended as he pushed him away playfully.
Harry just laughed and hugged him tightly to his chest, "I love you" he said and Louis kissed his chest.
Surprisingly enough, both boys had been dreaming about going to Leeds festival for years and now they decided they were going to go together, as their fisrt and last trip together in a while because of Louis' moving to London for school.
After saying their goodbyes they took off in Louis' car, the one that Simon had given him as graduation present.
And really, that festival was everything they ever dreamed of, with the sweaty and smelly people, the portable restrooms, the stupidly expensive food and of course the amazing music.They attended to every concert they could without caring if they knew the band or not.
Harry received lots of compliments for his flower crowns and at the night of the first day Louis improvised a headband for him to tame his curls with a piece of fabric from his shirt that got stuck and ripped off with the zipper of the tent.
"Here, Curly" he said as he sat behind him and tied it behind his head "You'll be able to see this way" he kissed Harry's dimpled cheek.
"Thanks" Harry told him and tackled him onto the tent floor.
Louis whimpered when his chest was being trapped between his lover and the hard ground, well, their sleeping bag but it was still hard.
They laid there for a few minutes with an unknown band playing in the background. Louis kissed Harry's head as the younger boy caressed his inked arm.
"I'm going to miss you loads, babe" Louis said and hugged the boy tight.
"But we will talk everyday, right?" Harry asked hopefully as he supported his weight on his arms and aligned his face with Louis'. The blue eyed boy just chuckled and caressed Harry's curls, "Of course we will, love. Besides, we have to wait just a little before you come to London and we can have our own flat together", Harry beamed at this statement and kissed all over his face before laying down again and nuzzling his face in the crook of Louis' neck.
"I'm glad... I had the courage enough to give you the flower crown" Harry whispered against Louis' collar bone.
"Me too, I'm actually surprised you liked me enough in the first place" Louis chuckled.
Harry Smiled and kissed his exposed skin, "You're pretty fit"
"It was all the tight jeans' fault, right?"
"Yeah, one can not simply ignore that bum of yours, and those preciously sculpted..."
"Abs?" Louis said and Harry laughed.
"I was going to say ankles, actually" he said and Louis cackled, "Besides, you don't have abs, not really"
"I'm gonna stop you right there, Mr. Perfect body" Louis said and sat up taking Harry with him, "Were you looking at my bum before we had a relationship? I thought you were different, Harry. Though you were a gentleman" he said dramatically.
Even if it was a joke Harry blushed so fast he felt how hot his face was getting and covered it groaning.
"Oh my God!" Louis chuckled "You actually did, you dirty little shit" he laughed and Harry used one of his big hands to push him away by his face.
"Stop! You're making me feel like a creepy stalker" Harry said and Louis just laughed harder before kissing Harry's hand.
"Harry, darling, you were a creepy stalker. I don't blame you, though, just look at me."The shorter boy said with a cheeky green.
"I wish I could have the whole view" Harry muttered without looking at him.
"What?" Louis asked dumbly.
"I... Um... Nothing. Good night" He covered himself with a blanket and hid.
Louis stare at him for a moment and then spoke softly, "Harry, love, do you... Do you want to... Y'know?"
"I'm sorry. You're just so beautiful and I mean, I'm a teenager, you know? And there's things I can not control and even if we didn't do anything You have no idea how much I wanna see you like, admire you cause I just... Ugh" he rambled.
"You wanna have sex?" Louis asked confused as he tried to pry the blanket away from Harry's hands.
"God, it sounds so... God" Harry groaned again.
Louis chuckled at how incredibly cute the curly boy was being, "Harry, love. There's nothing wrong with that, we've talked about this before... Sex is coming some time in our realtionship"
"Why do you sound so mature? You're never this mature" Harry said with his face beneath the blanket.
Louis sighed and laid beside him, then he took away the fabric and threw it away. "Hazz" he said softly with his hand on Harry's jaw turning his head to face him "I love you, and you love me. You just have to say the word and I'll give you whatever I can to make you happy" he said sincerely and kissed his lips softly.
"But what if... What if I'm not good enough?" Harry asked with a trembling voice and Lou just kissed his nose.
"Then we'll just have to practice" he said smiling lovingly.
Harry latched himself to Louis' body hugging his limbs around him and laying his head right beside the smaller boy's neck, "I want to... I-" he sighed and squeezed tighter "I really want us to make love"
Louis smiled at Harry's words, of course it wasn't going to be just sex for Harry, it had to be a whole new level of affection. Of course, this just made Louis tummy to twirl with emotions.
He kissed Harry's hair, "Then I'll give you my everything to make this the best experience of your life, till now, of course" he said and then he leaned in to kiss Harry sweetly on the lips.
It was easy as that. Easy as everything in their relationship had been, things always fell into place.
Harry was nervous, the most he'd ever been but he knew that in reality he didn't have anything to be afraid of, he had Louis to take care of him. He always had Louis to take care of him.
Louis kissed his cheek and then intertwined their fingers together before squeezing his hand. He leaned in and kissed Harry's neck slowly and the curly boy caressed his back under the fabric of his tank top with his eyes closed.
Harry could hear soft and wet sucking noises from Louis' lips, he could hear the people talking like a soft murmur in the distance, and in the background of it all there was music, strange indie mixed with something else but it was calm and comforting. Harry felt like flying but he was certain it was all inside his mind. He was high with the overwhelming feeling of Louis and he was so happy about it.
Louis hot breath cooled his mouth wet track on Harry's neck making the younger boy tremble as his breathing become laborious.
"Lou" the sound left his lips as his fingers twitched on his lover's shirt. "Lou.."
"I'm here, darling" the blue eyed boy said now facing the boy with his eyes closed, "I'm here, baby".
Louis felt his heart pounding on his ears and he lost his breath to the sight before him. His boy was laying there with his face flushed and his curls all over their sleeping bags.
Clothes were taken off between gentle kisses and loving words, Harry's big hands caressed Louis' sides as soon as his tank top was off and he didn't let go after that.

Didn't let go ever after that.

You hate me? Please don't. It took so long because I was planning on a bit of smut at the end but mothing came out right. I couldn't give it smut after how pure their love was so... I didn't. Please forgive me?
Comment, vote and the whole thing!
Love you!
Don't panic. No, not yet. I'll write an epilogue :3 (did you catch my song reference?)

The flower crown. (AU. Punk!Louis-FlowerChild!Harry)Where stories live. Discover now