Ch. 15 "Even More Perfect".

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This is the second update of today! If you haven't read "Ch. 14 Inappropiate thoughts" you should go and read it! (Cuz a lot of things wont make sense if you dont :))

Louis sighed in relief as the bell rang indicating his math class was over. His teacher surely could make a hell of maths. 

               The boy wanted to run out in the moment that precious sound came to his ears signaling his freedom but then a sudden fear came to him along with huge excitement; he was taking Harry on a date. It was not his first date but it was the first that he really cared about. 

               Even if he had a lot of experience in this kind of things Louis knew this time was different, because Harry was different. Earlier that day, when he asked Harry out -'when he thought I was talking dirty to him', he thought- he was really nervous because the curly boy maybe, even if it was impossibly politely, could turn him down and say he only wanted them to be friends; he didn't and Louis was extremely glad because he had already spent the little money he had in the reservation. 

               He was feeling kind if guilty because Simon had given to him some money but instead of buying the paint thy needed he decided to take Harry to that fancy restaurant Simon took him the other day. Louis didn't tell his friends about the money, he was afraid of they hating him as everyone else did, and even if he knew they might understand he didn't want to risk it so in the moment Simon gave him the money he also asked him for the phone number of the restaurant. 

               He was so nervous about his friends he even skipped lunch, saying he was sick and needed to stay in the restroom for his Heath. None of them questioned it.

               Now he was walking towards them and he was sure he could be sick in any moment, because even if he was as badass as he was, loyalty and honesty was always the most important thing in their friendship and he was about to put it in danger because of the curly lad.

               "You better, mate?" Asked Zayn as he lit up the cig he had between his lips. 

               Louis swallowed hard and nodded, "Yeah, bad dinner".

               Liam snorted,"Told you all that facy food would make you sick" 

               Lou smiled and took the cigarette he was being offered before lighting it up and pulling from it. 

               Moments later the curly boy appeared beside them smiling shyly.

               "Hey, Harold. Want a cig?" Zayn said as he blew the smoke away.

               Harry simply shook his head as he said, "Hello".

               Louis smiled up at the boy, "Hey, Curly. Wanna go to the park?" 

               Harry blushed lightly and smiled, "I'd like that but Niall...".

               "Oh! Blondie?" Liam interrupted their conversation, "We can take good care of him while you lovebirds go making out in the park". 

               Louis nodded gratefully at Liam but Harry just blushed madly, "We're not going to make out".

               Louis chuckled and placed his hand gently on Harry's lower back. 

               "Just take Niall home safely, idiots. If somethig happens to one his blond hair I'll murder you" Louis said playfully and nodded at Harry.

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