Ch. 8 "Shaking with fear".

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After Friday, the day he and his friends had to go to the flower shop to buy flowers for Zayn's mom, Louis couldn't stop thinking about the boy that helped them via text message. He was hoping he could see him again, lately Curly haven't been where he usually sits after class and Louis wondered why. Maybe Curly was sick, and the short boy couldn't help smiling at the thought of that overly tall cutie with his nose rosy and his curls even messier than normally, because Louis liked to call Curly things like 'Cutie' and 'Darling' inside his mind, maybe it was mostly because he didn't know his real name or maybe it was because he just really liked calling that 'cupcake' names like that when he knew nobody else did.

In that moment Louis breath hitched, he was not sure if Curly had someone to call him sweet nicknames already. That made him stop the cigarette halfway to his lips and then he suddenly didn't feel like smoking anymore so he tossed the little tube away and stepped on it with his boot.

"Wow, Louis. You just ruined a perfect day to yourself" he muttered and continued walking across the pavement and towards that hell people called school.

He adjusted his messenger bag on his shoulder and put on his headphones before letting his iPod reproduce 'Should I stay or Should I go' by The Clash, he sighed thinking about how classic and good was this song even if he couldn't sing the Spanish part very good.

When he arrived the old building he couldn't stop thinking of how beautiful it was and how much he would probably love the structure if he didn't hate the reason why he was there. When he was about to trespass the big frontal door he heard a whistle that he knew perfectly even over the music he was loudly playing directly into his ears. He looked around until he found the owner of the powerful call and waved at Liam before changing his direction and walking towards his friends.

Louis took off his headphones and left them hanging from his neck as he stood in front of his friends as fist bumped them as a greeting.

"Morning, mate. You look like shit" said Zayn smiling as he blew the smoke of his cigarette "Want one?"

Louis just shook his head and looked at Liam who was drinking from a paper cup that said 'coffee' on it, he arched his left eyebrow and Liam rolled his eyes.

"It is coffee. Geez! Why do you see me drinking anything and think is something else?" said coldly.

Louis snorted and then looked at Zayn who was laughing as well, "Because you live to drink alcohol and get drunk, Liam. That is your aim in life".

"Oh, shut up", Liam said but he knew it was kind of truth because he liked to drink a lot.

"Who did the flower thing went?" asked casually Louis, who was still thinking about the curly flowerboy.

Zany just shrugged and placed his cig between his lips once again. The bell rang and everyone groaned, even the people who weren't close to them and Liam could have swear he saw Mrs. Johnson, their math teacher, groan as well. The boys decided it was time to move, Zayn put the cigarette out on the tree that was beside them and then they walked in the building. Not that they wanted too but all of them were on the verge of being expulsed so they didn't risk it.

Harry was standing just meters way from the door in his way to find Louis when the bell rang and he let out a huge sigh; he smiled and loosened the grip he had on his backpack. He was relived because maybe it was too early in the morning to be rejected and probably beaten to unconsciousness. The boy soon realized he was going to be late because his first class was at the other side of the school, so he ran as fast as he could with his flower crown almost falling and getting inside the door three seconds before the teacher closed it.

The flower crown. (AU. Punk!Louis-FlowerChild!Harry)Where stories live. Discover now