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"Jared I'm not your marionette,you cannot twisted and play me on your strings,ok? I'm human,with feelings,emotions and you can't call whenever you want me for few hours then don't give a sign until next time. Now excuse me,I have something to do,bye" and you hung up. Throwing the phone on table you start crying;he can't use you anymore like that. Is hard because you start falling in love of him but you can't endure the situation,being his pillow when nobody is there.
After few days you go out at a blind date. The guy was cute and after few moments you feel uncomfortable like someone is spy you.
Looking around your jaw dropped and froze;Jared was at another table with a man and his eyes was burning of anger. You knew that look,it wasn't good to stay more.
You said some excuse and the guy offered to take you home.
After an hour,wrapped in a towel,you turn the water to fill the bathtub for a long and hot bath. Hearing how your door is under attack,because someone is knocking almost violent you open but in seconds Jared pushed you inside and start searching nervous trough the rooms.
"Jared what the hell,is nobody here"
"Where is that motherfucker? Where? I will take his heart off. Did he touch you? Nobody can touch you,only me,do you hear what the fuck I'm saying now? And why the fuck you are naked only in towel?" Jared yelled at you after he grab the towel and trow it.
"Because I wanted to make a bath Jared,that's why, and no he didn't touch me at all. And why do you fucking care about it? We are not together and I need someone in my life,to be there when I want,not to be used,alright?" You said very calm making him to calm too.
"Listen,I'm not using you. Is just that I don't like to see other men around you." Jared approach and takes you in his arms,his lips meet yours and he continue on the same softly tone "the truth is that I start to have feelings for you,I start loving you. Let's make this work,I promise that I will be there anytime you need me" you undressed him and both enter in bathroom. There,in bathtub,tight embrace,new feelings was discovered.

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