Sing to me

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"Jared,please leave,I don't wanna see you anymore"
"But honey..." And you smash the door in his face. You saw him and he can't deny;the way he keep her in arms and they laugh made you have an heart attack.
"I will not go,you understand? Oh,I know that you hear me,,,I will sleep in front of the door,but no,I won't go anywhere until you open the door to talk with me;to tell you the truth. Do you wanna sing? I will sing,I will do anything but please open the door"
Wiping your tears and smile,he will not go and you know it "Sing,I dare you,sing to me a song I never hear it"you said while opening the door.
Jared enter inside and after closing the door he take your hands and while looking straight to your eyes,he start to sing in the most deepest and beautiful voice you ever heard "It's a little strange how/Without her the day doesn't have color/And in a moment with a smile/she changes your life/It's a little strange how/Someone can change a night/Just holding you in his arms and you can dream."
Then he start kissing you,squeezing your body,whispering over and over again "I love you,I need you,I can't live without you" ; and you feel the same............after a time both falling asleep,you with the head on his chest hearing his heart beat and he keeping you tight in his arms.

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