A memorable Christmas

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Two or three time a week he was coming at her,make love then leave in the same night. Had a special request,that all the time to be dark in house. She barely knew how he look like;helped her once when her car broke in a night and so their story had begun.
After a while she wanted to see how he look the man with sexy voice,soft skin but it was afraid to ask. So she decide to wait,to see how far this sex game will go.
In one night he was coming a little later than usually and after they made love,the sleep surround him....he was sleeping for almost an hour and she was listening his breath.
Was a night with full moon and she dragged a little the curtain from the window;coming closer to the bed she remain without words. A beautiful man with kind hair and a few tattoos was sleeping.
"So this is how you look,sexy beast" said to herself dragging the curtain back.
Next day after a serious thinking she decide to let the things how it was and maybe one day he will tell her the truth.
Two days until Christmas. Her mom send her a plane ticket to spend the Holidays in New York;finishing packing all and a final look in the house she opened the door and saw him;Couldn't take her eyes from hose gorgeous blue eyes and when he smiled,melted her heart.
"Hey,it's me. I decided that is time to know me better,or should I say see me in the sun light. I've came to invite you to spend the Christmas with me and please say yes. You know that I don't accept to be refused"
Approaching slowly,he put a hand above her head;looking up she saw that he was keeping a branch of mistletoe. Both started to smile and started to kiss,with hunger.
She cancel the flight then leaved with Jared at his house. When they arrive saw how the fire men's tried to get down a person dressed as Santa who remain stuck on he roof. Shannon was laughing with tears and said that Tomo is that person;wanted to make a surprise but something gone wrong. Was an memorable Christmas because after,on his birthday Jared said that he want from her a long,very long serious relationship with her. What can be the most beautiful than two person who discover true love in this wonderful time of the year?

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