Chapter 7

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Okay so you guys got to 130 reads! YAAAAAAY I'M SO HAPPY!

when this story gets to 170 reads i'll update again it doesn't matter how soon it is I will I promise. but if it doesn't get there in three days i'll update anyway, just coz I am nice and have nothing better to do with my life, even though this week is my yearly exams and really important. hahahaha meh worth it!! so without further adieu I give you Chapter 7 :)

-RiRi xx

Chapter 7:

Louis’ POV:

I woke up Sunday morning absolutely exhausted, but I was not about to let that stop me from doing something. Hmm, but what?

I checked my phone: no one loved me. I scrolled through my contacts and then decided to text Harry. We were best friends, so he had to at least tolerate me.

To: Harold :S

You and me and Mo if you want, are going to do something today. Fancy a day downtown?

I sighed and then walked into the lounge room.

“Louis!” my little sisters yelled.

I grinned at them and as they came running I lifted up Daisy and Phoebe, placing one on my shoulders and the other on my hip.

 They were both five and were still in the Princesses faze, which is why they were both wearing princess dresses.

“Hey Charlotte,” I said to my 12 year old sister.

She looked up and smiled at me.

“Hey,” she said simply and then she returned back to her iPad.

“Do you girls know where Mum is?” I asked.

“She’s in the kitchen with Fizzy, they are cooking cookies and we aren’t allowed to touch or they’ll get mad,” Daisy told me as she held onto my forehead for balance.

I laughed.

“Oh I see,” I replied.

“Lou, can we go to your big game on Friday?” Phoebe asked.

I looked at her, since she was on my hip we were at eye level. I gave her a kiss on the nose and then smiled.

“Of course you can, if Mum wants to take you.”

She grinned and wiped her nose.

I put her down and then reached up and put Daisy on the lounge. They giggled and then ran off outside somewhere.

I walked into the kitchen.

“Hey Mum,” I said as I kissed her cheek.

She stood in front of the stove mixing some awesome sweet smelling thing, while Fizzy sat at the island bench putting faces on the little gingerbread men.

“I thought you were making cookies?” I asked as I opened the fridge.

I grabbed the milk and drank it from the carton.

“I thought Mum told you not to drink from the carton?” Fizzy replied back with a smug grin.

Mum turned to me and shook her head.

“Louis, how many times must I say it?” she demanded.

“No drinking from the milk carton,” she and I said in unison.

She looked at me and sighed.

I smiled at her making her bite her lip, meaning I was off the hook.

“So Mum, today I was wondering if I could go and chill with Meg and Harry?”

“Where?” she asked.

“Uh just down the street I guess,” I replied.

“Yeah I don’t see a problem with that.”

“Okay, well I’m going to go and get ready.”

I walked out of the kitchen and had a shower.

I checked my phone.

From: Harold :S

Yeah, love to, Mo is coming along. Pick us up at 11?

I looked at the time now: 10:20.

To: Harold :S

Yeah I can do that.

Zayn’s POV:

I ran as fast and hard as I could, I needed to be able to match Harry. I knew I couldn’t match Liam, no one could, but if I could just match Harry I’d be happy.

I took the steps two at a time, the burn in my calves as I ran up them made me want to stop, but I didn’t. I kept going. I had to. I had to be noticed at this big game, I needed to get this scholarship. My parents didn’t exactly approve, they didn’t disapprove but it’s not like they made an effort to come to every game, but they promised they’d be there on Friday.

Finally I reached the top. Sweat soaking my grey singlet shirt around my chest, underarms and back. My jogging shorts were beginning to chafe me, but I ignored that.

I’ll fix it when I get home.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead, freeing my damp black messy hair from my skin. God, it was hot!

I looked out at the view of the town, the green grass, the beautiful tree line. There were bright vibrant green grasses and beautiful flowering trees and the view of the mountains was gorgeous a beautiful grey blue. I smiled, this was beautiful.

Now that I’ve made it up here…back down I go.

I sighed and began my way back down.

“Oh my God, I’m sorry!” someone exclaimed as they slammed into me, sending me rolling down the grassy hill. Thank fuck I’d just got off of the stairs. I felt my arms and ribs get beaten as I rolled. I cried out in pain as I finally reached the bottom.

I lay on my stomach, my head tilted to the side as I was pressed up against the dirt.


A shadow formed over me.

“Oh my God! Oh my God! Are you okay? I knew I shouldn’t have gone running. Heaven forbid I ever get out of my room. Something bad always happens when I go outside!” someone was saying frantically. A girl.

I looked up, not moving a single part of my body, just peering up through my eyelashes.

She had black hair that was just passed her shoulders and slightly shaved on the right side.

“Hey, wait a second, I know you,” she said.

“And I know you,” I replied with a smirk that probably looked ridiculous seeing as I was face first on the ground.

“You’re in the basketball team.”

And you are the girl of my dreams.

“Hey Raven.”

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