Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

A week later

"Come on Styles pick it up, faster!" yelled Coach.

Harry growled and pushed on faster than before. Louis, Niall and I sat waiting our turn to be tortured. Zayn, Jason, Tim, Nick and Ross were running with Harry, while Lou, Niall, Kendal, Max and Joe sat waiting with me.

Poor Harry was being pushed harder and harder, even though he was about a metre in front of Zayn and Zayn was a half a metre in front of Ross.

"Malik, what do you think this is a casual stroll! Faster, faster, faster!" Coach yelled.

I looked to Niall and Louis as Harry's group was told they could take a break.

"Oh no," Niall said softly.

"Right up! Go, go, go!" Coach yelled to us.

We all got up and began running fast, I was in front of them all within two laps. But I trained hard, I ran every morning and afternoon and I had done since I was 10. I had a tolerance for running. After ten laps I could feel the burn of my lungs and my legs began to throb.

"Pick it up Payne!" I was told by Coach. I pushed myself, ignoring the protest of my legs as I ran harder and faster.

I had no time to look around but as I turned the next corner I could see Niall and Louis two metres behind me and they were the same distance from the others.

"Go Horan, come on, you're slowing down!"

I heard Niall groan in protest as I kept running, trying to keep my heart from pounding out of my chest.

"Tomlinson! Are you tired? I'm sorry to be keeping you awake! Get going!"

Louis growled angrily.

"Lynch step it up! Get going! You too Gilbert! Go, go, go!"

I ran hard, ignoring my legs that were screaming at me to stop, my lungs urging me to take a break. I couldn't, but I felt the burn in my chest and legs and throat.

"Okay boys, take a seat," Coach called.

I nearly fell over in relief and as I neared the bleachers I slowed down and then collapsed beside Zayn.

"You okay man?" Zayn asked as he clapped me on the back.

I nodded, panting hard as I tried to get enough water inside me.

"Now we have the big game in just six days men. That means pushing ourselves and keeping ourselves healthily exhausted after every practice. I want you all to be on your game for the next week, after that I couldn't care less what you do, but that game needs to be played at everyone's highest standard. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes coach!" we all said.

"Good, now go for five laps warming down and you can shower."

I internally groaned but got to my feet and began to run with Harry, he was the only one who could almost match my stride.

"I think I'm going to pass out," Harry told me as we ran fast, but didn't push ourselves.

I laughed, "You're not alone there mate."

{hey guys so if you could please vote and comment and share this that would be awesome!! As soon as this can get 2 votes and 55 reads ill update again promise xx}

-RiRi xx

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