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The sun was shining brightly by the time the plane had landed in Seoul. And to think that only 13 hours ago, I was leaving behind my life in LA.

But now, I was finally ready to start fresh in Korea, and leave my geeky self back in LA. Here in Korea, my superior English abilities are treasured, but back in LA, that was a different story. It still makes me wonder how I stumbled across BigHit, of all companies. They were offering a program looking for people with special English teaching ways, and I took it. I graduated top of my class, but for some reason I was ashamed of that. I guess the people that I was constantly around made me think that.

But not any more.

I was changed and ready to see what Korea had to offer.

My legs felt weak and numb after sitting in the same seat for hours on end, but my heart was beating rapidly as I thought of what awaited me at the front gates.

Come to think of it, I had completely overlooked this part.

I honestly had no idea what was waiting for me by the front gates, all that I knew was that I would get to meet with the managers today. I swiftly made my way through the people, and moved through the airport, trying to find some sort of sign or direction to the exit. I slowed down when I saw someone standing some feet ahead. I squinted at the person who was smiling at me like a maniac. I slowly trailed my eyes up from him to the sign he was holding. It read:

Brinley McAdams, LA Girl, Welcome to your new home!!!

I grinned at the very sweet gesture of a poster as I made my way over to the person. As I got closer to him, his features became more prominent and I realized he didn't look much older then me. He was very attractive, to say the least. He was wearing a plain white shirt with black joggers and Timberlands. He was simple, yet so effective. His skin was sun kissed but fair, and his hair shiny in all the right places. His mouth had the perfect pout to them, and teeth were perfectly straight, slightly resembling an adorable bunny. He was very stunning, beautiful even.

At this point, the guy had started to become slightly weirded out, based off of my staring. I snapped myself out of my trance and I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks out of embarrassment.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, you must be so weirded out, I was just caught in a trance and-" I stopped myself. His face contorted to confusion as he cocked his head to the side.


He can't speak English. 

I had studied some Korean in case I got the job a couple months back, but I hadn't kept up with it because of my hectic schedule. I hopelessly searched my brain for phrases that I remembered.

"Oh yeah..um...Annyeonghaseyo." I bowed my head, and he did the same.

"Jungkook ibnida." He said, his voice giving me butterflies instantly.

What is happening to me?

"What a nice name." I said, trying to hand signal my thoughts, but also trying to repress them. Somehow he understood, and smiled with his cute bunny teeth. He gestured me to follow him as he lead me to the exit of the building, and outside. I hadn't realized how much fresh air I had missed until I took a deep breath, and the nervousness all went away. I also hadn't realized that Jungkook had been looking at me this entire time, with an unreadable expression on his face. I looked back at him, and he instantly looked away.


As if on perfect timing, an all white van with tinted windows appeared, and Jungkook casually walked towards it to open the car door. When he did, he hand gestured as to say "Ladies first," and I shyly got into the van as he followed after.

As I looked out the window, a huge sea of girls emersed from the airport doors. I was blinded by the flashes of cameras and phones. I couldn't understand what the girls were saying, but I could definitely hear their screams and "I love yous".

Were all these people here because of him? 

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