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It was past midnight, and somehow, I had myself following Namjoon back to the boys' dorm.

To be honest, we hadn't exactly formulated a plan as to how we would get Jungkook to forgive us.

It was a hit or miss.

"Namjoon, are you sure that he's even awake at this time?" I asked as he pulled out the key to the dorm, "Of course he is. Why do you think he always sleeps in your lessons?" He asked as I furrowed my brows at his response.

"Does he always sleep this late?" I asked as he pushed the key into the keyhole and began to twist it slowly.

"Usually." He responded as he opened the door painfully slow.

"Sorry for the mess." He whispered as I shrugged and stepped around the scattered shoes surrounding the entrance.

"Jungkook's room is the third room on the right." He whispered to me as I nodded and gave him a thumbs up before heading down the hall.

I had tried to act as calm as I could, but as I got closer to Jungkook's room, I could feel my anxiousness beginning to bubble up in my stomach. I thought maybe that I wasn't ready, and that I should turn back, but I stopped myself.

No, I thought. I need to do this. For my sanity.

No matter how much I thought that, my legs were saying otherwise, as they begged to turn away and run for the hills.

I inhaled sharply as I somehow arrived in front of his door, after what it seemed like a long battle of internal conflict.

Light was escaping through the space between the floor and the door.

I tapped softly on his door as I rested my body on the wall closest to the door.

"Jungkook... It's Brinley." I whispered softly.

I almost immediately heard shuffling from the other side of the door.

"Jungkook? I know you're in there." I said as he went silent.

"You don't need to let me in, I just want to talk." I murmured softly as I let out a sigh.

I was already beginning to feel demolished by fear as I waited to hear his response.

Out of nowhere, an arm reaches out from behind the door and pulls me into the room quickly as I let out a small squeak.

"H-How you get here?" He asked me as he closed the door once more and looked down at me.

We hadn't talked in what felt like forever.

And the moment when he opened his mouth to speak to me, it sounded like pure bliss.

"Namjoon let me in." I smiled, but he didn't smile back.

"Namjoon? You guys hanging out now?" His eyes squinted as he looked at me.

I crinkled my nose at his words as I laughed slightly.

"No, no... we wanted to fix things with you." I said, watching as his eyes widened slightly before returning back to normal.

"Oh really?" He said, with an undertone of sarcasm as I fumbled with my fingers.

"I missed you, Jungkook. So much." I breathed out as he stopped pacing and paused in front of me.

"But you hurt me Brinley. A lot." Jungkook ran his fingers through his hair. Jungkook hadn't had proper meals, a proper sleep schedule, or even been dancing and singing the same since the incident. He was so caught up in what had happened, simply because none of this had ever happened to him before. He was so in love with her despite her deep rejections and bruises she's left on his heart, but she was the only Band-Aid.

He wanted to solve things, and hug her and kiss her and tell her he's sorry, but he didn't know if she'd just hurt him again and again if he forgave her so easily.

Again, something Brinley would never know, because Jungkook just couldn't find the right words.

"I know. But I need you in my life, I'm not me without you. " I hung my head in shame, but mumbled the last part.

"I can't change what I said... But I'm really trying to get things back to normal. Trust me, Jungkook, I'm trying." I said as I sat down on his bed and looked up at him.

"How do I know...if you being serious?" Jungkook felt the waterworks beginning to threaten his eyes at the state Brinley was in.

She was a mess.

But, oh, how she looked so beautiful even still.

"How do you want me to prove it? I'll do anything. Please." I was practically begging. I wanted to fix our relationship more than anything in the entire universe, it was her only wish.

Jungkook thought how he would word this. He had forgotten what this word meant in English, so he had to think back to when anyone he knew in his life would have used this word.

He remembered a while back when Jimin was teasing Taehyung about wanting to kiss someone and then he-



That was the word he was looking for.

"Ki-ss." The word sounded foreign coming out of his mouth, as he sounded it out slowly. It didn't help that his voice was now hoarse from wanting his lips on hers.

I lifted my eyebrow in confusion.

"Kiss? Like me kissing you..?"

My breath hitched at the thought. I had dreamed about this moment for many nights laying awake, but I never thought it would actually happen, so...soon.

"Yes." He sauntered towards me, and I stood up.

"Well, in that case, Jeon Jungkook," I pursed my lips in thought of whether to say what I was really thinking.

"I'm all yours."

And with that, he leaned in quickly, and my heart stopped, but I had never felt more alive in my entire life then in this moment.

All of the anxiousness, regret, nervousness, and any other negativity withered away into the twinkling night sky above us.

I could sense every movement he and I made; from his hands lightly on my waist, to every scattered breath he inhaled, to my hands snaking around his neck as if it was an instinct, and my body flush up against his.

I felt at home.


Our lips had just barely brushed against one another's, and I could already feel the butterflies erupting in my stomach.

It was as if everything had finally fallen into place.

And then it had to be ruined.

Of course. 

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