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Who would be visiting me at such a late time? I thought as I groggily made my way to the door.

As I looked through the peephole of the door, my heart instantly dropped.

Why is he here? I thought as I watched him pace back and forth in front of the door, holding something in his hands.

He knocked again, only this time, it was slightly louder.

I rested my hand on the doorknob; contemplating my options as I took a deep breath and turned it completely.

"Jungkook...? What are you doing here?" I breathed out as he immediately jumped and turned towards me.

Meanwhile, I thought. I actually did tell him to a long time ago. But I'm just too much of a coward to admit it.

"H-Hi Brinley. Can I...come?" He asked tentatively as he gestured towards the inside of the apartment, not answering the second part of my sentence.

I stepped to the side as he walked in carefully, almost as if he had never been here before.

I watched as he pulled out something from under his jacket.

In his hand, he was grasping onto a small bouquet of flowers that was held together by a delicate ribbon tied into a bow.

But one thing was different about these flowers.

They were wilted.

They were drooping slightly, and the colours had already started to fade. It was like he had bought them previously, and waited until the time was right to personally give them to me.

Despite any of that, they were still beautiful to me.

"I got... f-for you." He said; holding the bouquet out towards me.

"I pick them myself." He whispered quietly as I smiled at his gesture.

"Thank you, Jungkook. They're lovely." I said as I reached out towards the flowers.

And just then, our hands brushed up against one anothers.

I saw Jungkook blush, his crimson cheeks lighting on fire as it did with my heart.

He set my heart on fire.

And I was addicted to it.

"Sit down." I said, and he smoothly glided over to my sofa.

I followed him, and sat directly in front of him.

I looked into his deep brown eyes, and melted under his gaze.

I was originally going to be harsh with him, and tell him that he shouldn't be here because I basically told him to not come here ever again, but when I saw him, all of that flew out the window. Seeing him here, for me, vulnerable and desperate, made me weak. I couldn't just send him out again after seeing him with Namjoon, and now directly in front of me.

"Are you okay? I saw you earlier today when I was with Namjoon and you looked really upset." It was all I could think of to ask him, my mind was only flooded with the events of earlier today.

"No. I not fine Brinley." He ducked his head into his hands, as I tentatively reach out to caress the crown of his head. He flinched, then darted his head up to meet my worry filled eyes.

"The thing is that...I..." Jungkook started.

I nodded to encourage him to keep going.

"I j-just..got angry." He finally said.

"About what?" I asked right away, my mind was pleading to know.

"I no explain." Jungkook held the bridge of his nose; he was clearly frustrated.

"Just try." I murmured as I leaned in a bit closer, due to interest in what would come out of his mouth next.

"Namjoon...he..not nice." Jungkook shut his eyes tightly, teeth clenched.

"What do you mean, Jungkook?" At this point I was starting to become a bit frustrated as well.

"Lie. He lie!" Jungkook yelled, standing up.

"There's no need to yell, Jungkook." I stood up with shaky legs.

"I...can't find the words." He sighed heavily, looking defeated.

"Find the words for what, Jungkook? You're really confusing me." I took a step towards him. I suddenly forgot about the other girl.

That had to be the reason he's acting up, I thought.

"Is this about the other girl? Did she hurt you? I swear to God-" I was cut off by Jungkooks loud groans.

"No girl, Brinley! There is no girl!" Jungkook yelled once again, and I flinched at the impact.


"There is no girl. No girl." He repeated again, and this time it clicked.

Jungkook was going to ask me out. 

"Oh my god." I whispered.

He took a step towards me.

"Yes. It's you. It's always you." He said this in perfect English, he had to have had rehearsed this.

"Remember when I... ask you about words that..nothing to do with lesson and..advice? It's because I was trying to ask you... I wanted to figure out on my own. If I ask the other members for help, it would be too much danger for band if manager find out." He explained, his body getting lighter with the weight of his shoulders being lifted by the news.

Jungkook wanted to explain so much more to Brinley, but these were the only things he could say that he knew. He wanted to tell her that her eyes reminded her of the twinkling stars and swirling galaxies when they lit up, or that when she was teaching she'd sometimes bite her fingernails in hopes that they'd understand, and he'd always notice this and thought it was irresistible. Or that the way her light brown, almost dirty blonde hair fell around her face made his heart skip a beat. He wanted to tell her that the way she said his name made him lose focus for a second, and that he never thought he would like someone like her, but he did, and fell hard.

But, he couldn't explain any of that in any way that she'd completely understand, and that would frustrate him for the rest of his life.

"Brinley." Jungkook finally said, making me snap out of my trance from just looking at his glorious face.

"Yes?" I whispered. I had been wanting him to feel the same as I did for so long, and I didn't fully come to that conclusion until this very moment, right now, at midnight, on my sofa, with withering flowers and a half English speaking boy.

"Will you... go out with me?" 

Jungkook awaited with a hopeful expression plastered all over his face as he slowly reach for my hand and intertwined it.

I inhaled. 

a/n this made us so emo writing this bYe

oh ya also were spamming updates so all today so stay tuned ;-) 

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