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Another day, another lesson, I thought to myself as I made my way down to BigHit to teach another English class.

Don't get me wrong, I genuinely enjoyed my job here, but it did tend to get a bit tedious, especially since we often reviewed the same phrases every class.

But as I walked through the doors of BigHit, the aura of the office somehow felt... different.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Brinley!" A lady greeted me as I smiled at her and waved back.

I had come to recognize several faces here at the office, seeing as there weren't a lot of workers around.

Almost immediately after I made my way to the elevators and pressed the button to go up, the doors opened and I was met with the faces of the boys that I had acquainted myself with the past couple of days.

I jumped back slightly as they all laughed at my reaction.

"W-What are you guys doing here?" I asked as Namjoon stepped forward and linked arms with me as they began to walk back towards the front lobby.

"We have a day off. That means that you do too." He said as I took in his words.

"So, that means I can go home?" I asked, with a twinge of hope hidden behind my words.

"Or you can come and spend the day with us. How about that?" Namjoon asked as he smirked down on me slightly.

I heard the rest of the boys murmur slightly as they carried on without Namjoon and I.

"Uhh... Sure. If the others don't mind." I said as I looked ahead to the group.

I noticed how they were watching us but as soon as I turned my head, they began to look around the room as if it were the most interesting place they'd ever been.

That was when I realized that one boy was missing.


"Where's Jungkook?" I asked Namjoon as he looked down at me.

"He's coming down, he said he needed to do something quickly before leaving." He explained as I nodded slowly.

Last night's event kept replaying in my head as I thought back to how I felt when we were dancing.

It was truly the happiest I'd been in a long time.

Jungkook was so carefree. He didn't care that there was a barrier between us, and that more of the odds were against us rather than in our favour. He just wanted to be around me, in my presence. The thought was surreal to me. Jungkook was an idol, and the girls were all over him. My mind was trying to wrap my head around the fact that he wanted to be around me.

I just didn't get it.

Jungkook didn't speak a lot of English, but I knew he would be just fine without those extra lessons, just by how much he pays attention to me. He wanted those extra lessons because it was me who was teaching them, and I knew that for a fact just based off of his body language towards me.

But, why?

Namjoon snapped me out of my train of thought as he called out to Jungkook.

"Yah, Jungkookie! Let's go!" He called out as Jungkook jogged down the corridor to meet us.

When he caught up to us, Jungkooks eyes instantly locked with mine, and I could feel my palms begin to sweat and my stomach churn.

Why was I always so nervous around him?

Jungkook adverted his gaze, and if I wasn't mistaken, I thought I saw his face blush slightly.

"Um...Namjoon?" I tore my gaze off of Jungkook to him.

"Yeah?" He looked back, and there was a sudden twinkle in his eye that he never had, until Jungkook showed up.

And that's when I realized I was still linking arms with Namjoon, and Jungkook was staring right at our arms so tightly knit together.

I slowly slipped my arm away from his and stepped away from him slightly.

"Where exactly are we going today?" I peered up at him and he was still smirking. Honestly, it was like his smirk never left his face, like it was tattooed there.

His smirk widened.

"We're going to the city."


A million shops and pounds of street food later, I found a nearby bench to sit down in. I sighed heavily as today had been extremely exhausting, and I was definitely ready to head home.

Jungkook had been avoiding me all day, and I'm guessing it had something to do with what happened this morning.

I took out my phone and immediately got a text from Namjoon.

namjoon: where are you?

me: i'm sitting on a bench near-

I stopped typing and looked around. I realized that I had no idea where I was. I panicked as I came to the conclusion that I must've wandered off from the group. I stood up and began whipping my head around frantically, trying to somehow spot them in the massive crowds. I began wandering, and my eyes never blinked once, thinking that I would somehow lose them in the crowd if I did find them.

I suddenly felt a pair of warm, strong arms around me.

I tried to scream but the person covered my mouth with his hand.

He whipped me around and I internally frowned as the person in front of me wasn't the person I wanted it to be.

"Hey! I've been looking everywhere for you." Namjoon held the small of my back as I walked slightly in front of him.

"Sorry, I was just tired and needed a break." I informed him, probably sounding more cold than I intended.

Namjoon sensed this, and kept walking, saying nothing more.

When Namjoon lead to the rest of the group, I spotted Jungkook right away. His eyes were bloodshot; he looked just as I had a minute ago. 

When his eyes landed on me, however, it was like a 360 degree change. A number of different emotions ran through him; it was first relief, then anger, then happy. He settled on somewhere in between the three as he strided over to me, and said nothing. We stared at each other as I was waiting for him to say something. He swiftly wrapped me in his embrace, and for a second I thought I died.

Like actually died.

Because of my petite figure, his body towered over mine, so my head laid directly in his chest. His scent was something of faint cologne and musk, and it was making my head spin at how good he smelt.

His chest was warm, and comforting. It was like his chest fit my head in perfect size and harmony, like his chest was meant for me, and me only.

"Do not do that again, please." Jungkook half whispered, as his soft voice sounded like a symphony in my ear.

It was strange, because when he said that, I couldn't even notice his Korean accent. Jungkook had gotten extremely better at English in such a short amount of time, and I hadn't fully realized it until now.

He pulled away, and my heart yearned for more of his touch, but was cut short by Namjoons tugging on my arm.

"Brin, let's go." His words sounded like he was underwater as it was quite muffled, simply because I wasn't listening.

The only person I wanted to listen to, and worth listening to was right in front of me.

And his name was Jungkook. 

a/n sorry this is super long i wanted to fit it all in one chapter lol

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