Old Friends

103 5 3

Favourite Character nominee: Veronica


The next morning started off on an exciting start. I woke up feeling like the queen of the world. I washed my hair and straightened it for a change. I decided to wear my favourite black leather dress. It was strapless, was figure-hugging and was just the right length so my dad wouldn't faint. I paired it with a black choker with metal spikes and my spiked boots. In order to stop my dad from calling me Goth I wore no make-up, just a little lip gloss then I ran downstairs.

'Happy Birthday!' An army of diseased bulldogs screamed at me on my way down the stairs.

My idiot family had decided to wear bulldog masks in a failed attempt to scare me. They would pay for their little joke.

I rolled my eyes and muttered a good morning to all of them. They removed their masks and slumped their shoulders in defeat.

'Guess we'll just have to come up with something better next year,' Mark sighed.

I rolled my eyes again. 'You guys suck at pranks. Who's idea was this anyway? Bulldogs? Seriously?'

My mom and Mark laughed and I could tell that Papa Bear had come up with the genius plan this time. Last year they tried to scare me with white masks and a chainsaw-it didn't make me scream but it was a whole lot better than bulldogs. I might hate dogs but that doesn't mean I'm scared of them.

'Whatever. I'm getting breakfast before heading over to Vicki and Nessi's house.' I announced, walking down the stairs.

Before I had time to grab breakfast and go fetch my besties in my car, the doorbell rang. Both my parents stiffened but then I thought it was just my imagination. I mean why would they be nervous about the doorbell ringing?

Rosalie, however was over-excited and she screamed 'I'll get it!' on the way to the door. I saw her quickly fluff up her hair and check her breath. Amused, I went into the kitchen and grabbed my toast. I was chewing when I heard a deep male voice. Not Dad's and definitely not Mark's.

With my half eaten toast in one hand, I went to the living room to see who it was. I was greeted by the sight of perfection: a tall, blonde guy was leaning in the doorway. The sun was behind him so I couldn't see his face properly. He walked in as I choked on my toast.

He had pale blue eyes and hair that looked as if a hand had been running through it. He was wearing a black sweater with 'player' written in leather and black ripped jeans with Timberlands. The guy had style. And he was good looking.

He looked at me and suddenly a tingle of recognition went through my brain. Something about his crooked smile looked familiar.

'Hey Nica. Happy Birthday.'

Suddenly I remembered. 'Ozzi!' I screamed and jumped into his arms.


'Happy birthday, Nica.' said the little boy with messy blonde hair.

'Happy birthday Ozzie,' the little girl with green eyes replied, cream smeared all over her cheeks.

They smiled at each other as their families sang happy birthday for both of them. On the count of three the 2 best friends blew out each other's candles

They hugged each other and then they hugged their parents.

'Happy birthday Austin and Veronica.' read the home made banner between two palm trees.

***end flashback**

'Whoa, Nica, you're choking me,' Austin said in my hair. My arms were strangling his neck and my legs were around his waist but it wasn't awkward. Well, not for me at least.

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