Funeral Arrangements

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'Veronica! Open up!'

I turned in my bed, covering my head with my pillow. I wasn't going to go to school - not after what had happened yesterday. When Austin had been declared dead, my parents took me home. I didn't talk to anyone when I got home - I just went straight up to my room and locked the door.

The pain had increased when I got into my room. Austin's jacket was lying on my bed. It still smelled of him. I wore it and got into bed. I hardly slept-spending most of the night crying and if I did somehow manage to fall asleep, I dreamt of him.

'Hey Nini, its Mark. Please let me in.' another voice said.

For a second, I wanted to let him in and cry on his shoulder. I was just about to when I stopped myself. I wanted to be alone and remember Austin by myself. The memories from the day before were still imprinted on my mind and the look on his face as he said he loved me burned on my eyelids when I tried to close them.

'Please Nini. Just say you're ok so I can leave. I'm not going until I know that you're fine.' Mark said.

I smiled weakly. He remembered the time I had so pitifully tried to kill myself.

I threw off the covers and walked shakily to the door. I unlocked it and let him in. He had on his headphones again and he looked...tired. His brown eyes were red-rimmed and he looked as if he'd been up all night.

I had never seen him with red eyes before and it was a bit odd to think of my super big brother crying.

He walked in and closed the door behind him as I headed for my bed.

'Nini look at me,' he said softly, grabbing my hand.

I turned slowly and looked up at him.

'Are you good? Urgh stupid question-don't answer that,' he pulled me in for a huge hug and stroked my hair as I sobbed quietly.

'You wanna talk about it?' he asked.

Before I could answer, he carried me to my bed and sat me down on his lap.

'He -he,' I cried into his chest.

He smelled of mint and grass, which meant he had probably played a little soccer in the garden for a while. I loved his smell. I loved the familiarity of him and how comfortable I was around him.

'Shhh. Don't talk if it hurts ok?' he said.

We sat there for a while. Me crying into his chest while he whispered softly into my hair.

When I finally told him what had happened, he checked my wound, cleaned it and redressed it then called the maid to bring me breakfast.

'Did you see who it was?' he asked me.

'No. I'm not even sure where the shot came from. The person must've followed us but I didn't notice anything. I wasn't paying attention. I should've sent Austin off as soon as I was shot but...but...'

'Hey don't you go blaming yourself now. It was neither your fault nor Austin's. We need to find who did this.' He said, clenching his jaw.

I wiped the remaining tears off my face. 'When is his funeral?' I asked.

Mark looked at me as if the thought hadn't even crossed his mind. 'Why don't we go ask Mom and Dad about that?' he said.

I shook my head. 'No, I can't handle seeing anyone now. I won't be able to stand all the pity and stuff from them. Maybe later,' I said.

'Ok. Should I go to work or do you want me to stay here with you?' he asked.

Only then did I notice that he was wearing my school's tracksuit bottoms and a sport vest. I'd almost forgotten that Mark worked as a soccer coach at our school.

'Oh no, I ruined your vest. I should really stop crying on your clothes,' I said, smiling weakly.

He grinned back. 'Oh it's ok. I have another one. So should I stay or should I go?'

Suddenly I had an idea. 'No you can go. I'll talk to you later,' I said.

'Ok cool. Text me if you feel like crying again.' He stood up and left.

I took a quick shower then plugged in my laptop and went onto Google.

Now, how does one plan a funeral for one's best friend/boyfriend?

I arranged and hired all the catering people. I decided that the ceremony should be held in Hawaii and that his ashes would be scattered here-at the place he died.

I knew that Austin had no family so I took it upon myself to arrange his funeral-Mom and Dad would probably suggest a formal ceremony but I knew Ozzie well enough to know he wouldn't want that.

After a couple of hours on the internet and making a bunch of phone calls, I took a nap.


Everything was white and glimmering and in the distance I could see Austin calling me. I tried running towards him but I couldn't move. He ran to me instead. He was dressed in white jeans and a white t-shirt. He looked handsome, his skin glowing in the white clothes.

'Nica,' he grinned.

'Austin, come back. I dared you not to die, you wimp,' I said, tears rolling down my face.

He looked at me sadly and just touched my face.

'I'm sorry - I won't go. I'll stay,' he said.

I frowned and looked behind him. His parents were standing there, also dressed in white and they waited with their hands open.

'Oh Ozzie you need to go to your parents,' I said.

He looked back then turned to face me.

'I can't go. I can't leave you here all alone.' He said and I could see the pain and sadness in his shining face.

'I'm sorry for being so selfish. I won't rest until I find out who took you away from me, ok? Just go to your parents now-they're waiting for you,' I said, crying silently as I touched his smooth face.

'I'll go when I'm sure you're ok. First you need to find my killer and then I'll go to my parents.' His blue eyes were filled with tears but they didn't spill out.

'Don't stay because of me,' I said stubbornly.

'I can't go Veronica. I just can't,' he said, looking torn. I could sense his unrest and I wanted to make him feel better.

'Ok. I promise I'll avenge your death. I love you,' I said.

'I love you too, Nica,' Austin said, giving me a hug.


'Veronica, wake up.'

I slowly woke up to see my mom kneeling beside my bed.

'Hey Mom,' I greeted her.

'Hi love. It's time for dinner. Do you want to come downstairs?' she asked softly, stroking my hair.

'Yeah, I'll be right there.'

Mom nodded and left, closing the door behind her.

#PLAYLIST song...Breathing by Jason Derullo

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