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Picture of Mia

It's Sunday morning and I woke up feeling completely exhausted.

The party last night seriously had me feeling like shit even though i didn't drink at all.

I tried to remember what had woken me up but my mind was completely blank.

Then I heard the doorbell and realised that was the reason.

I groaned but quickly jumped out of bed and went downstairs to answer the door.

Mom and dad are probably still asleep and didn't hear anything.

Kim, Jade and Josh all stood there with huge smiles plastered across their stupid faces.

"What the hell are you guys doing here and why are you so happy. Didn't you drink last night?" I grumbled annoyed.

Kim's smile just widened, if that was even possible. "First of all, its after twelve in the afternoon so we're all better now and second go get ready before I bathe and dress you myself."

"Ready for what?" I raised my eyebrows clearly confused.

This weekend was suppose to be my time to kick back and relax.

"Just go get ready" Kim repeated, clearly getting annoyed and impatient.

I grumbled but stomped up the stairs to my room with the guys following behind.

I grabbed my towel and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower.

"Hurry. You have twenty minutes to bathe, wash your hair, do your makeup and most importantly brush your teeth because your breath smells like ass honey. We'll pick out your clothes while you do that. Now be quick." Jade yelled behind me as I walked out the room but not before mumbling a chorus of profanities.

I exited the bathroom soon after and saw the clothes they chose for me laying neatly on my bed.

They chose, black ripped jeans, a white long sleeved crop top, a black beanie that says 'DOLL' in white and my white wedge heels.

"Ok guys, where the hell are we going?" I asked getting impatient and wanting to know what was going on.

"Oh my dear, you'll see when we get there." Josh smiled giving me an evil look while rubbing his hands together like those evil villains from cartoons.

I gave him a strange look, then went to put my clothes on.

"Ok now sit. No questions asked." Kim demanded, yet she still pushed me down on the seat in front my dresser before I could do it myself.

She started working on my hair and I realised she was straightening it.

She put some strands to hang in front my eyes and left the rest out.

"Ok let's go. Grab your things now because we're going to be late." Jade demanded as soon as Kim finished.

I did as I was told without question and put my beanie on then headed out, but not before leaving a note on the fridge telling my parents I went out with the guys.

"People! I didn't eat breakfast!" I blurted when the car exited my driveway. "I'm gonna die. How am I suppose to survive without the most important meal of the day? Oh my God."

"Would you calm your tits? From the place we're going, you'll get your breakfast. Just calm down geez woman." Josh argued flailing his arms.

"Was the hand movement necessary?" Jade asked annoyed.

"Yes it was. Problem?!" He snapped clearly irritated.

"Yes I have a problem! That's freaking annoying. If you do that again I'll pull your arms out and throw them out the window."

Josh flailed his arms again and purposely hit Jade in the face, which was a bad idea.

She screamed then launched herself at him and all hell broke loose from there.

Let's just say throughout the entire drive, Josh and Jade were fighting while Kim and I tried to calm them down.

Kim wasn't really much help, considering she was driving.

When the car came to a stop and was turned off, I looked out the window to see we were at the mall.

I groaned out loud. "Please don't tell me we're going shopping because I swear I'll break my legs just so I don't have to walk."

"Oh stop being a big baby. We're going for something to eat, then to the movies." Kim answered, rolling her eyes.

I sighed in relief. "Oh ok. Well that doesn't sound so bad. I guess that's ok with me."

"Yeah? " Kim murmured. Then she said something about keeping that in mind when we got inside.

"Excuse me?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

Kim turned to me with wide eyes. "You heard that?" I shook my head no and she sighed in relief. "Well let's go" she exited the car.

I gave her a weird look but followed none the less.

Jade and Josh were walking behind us arguing about who won the argument on our way here.

I seriously don't understand those two. They argue over the stupidest things.

I guess I won't understand considering I'm an only child.

When we walked in, Kim lead us to an arcade and I scrunched my nose and raised my eyebrows in confusion."I thought we were going to get something to eat?"

"Yeah we are. But we just have to meet some people first." Kim muttered looking around.

My brows even higher at this and I was about to ask Kim what she meant when she started pulling me in the direction of some racing games.

When she came to a halt, I bumped into her back as I wasn't expecting her to abruptly stop like that.

"Kim are you kidding me?! What the hell is going on?! I swear if you don't tell me now-"

My rambling was cut short as my gaze met his.

What the hell?!

Oh my god.

They planned this and didn't tell me.

These bitches are so dead.

"Oh hell no!" I found myself screaming right as Alec hissed, "Oh fuck no!"



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