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I am collecting the groceries from the post office, and they are in here, cautiously putting things into their pockets as they sneak out one by one. Yep, Mum was right, nothing but trouble. Rolling my eyes, I grab the milk, bread, cheese, and a veg box, pay for it, and head home. 

       I step outside, and the boys are there, leaning against a wall smoking something. They're all giggly and spaced out, something illegal then, I assume.

'Nice ass.' One of them hollers, the blonde one in my chemistry class I think. I continue to walk away, and make a mental note not to wear those sweats out again. I ignore them, trying to blank out their wolf whistling.

      'Back Mum.' I shout from the front door, walking through to the kitchen and putting the bag down.

'You'd better go to bed Nicola, school tomorrow.' She says, walking into the room and rifling through the bag.

'Ugh Mum it's only 9:30!' I protest, heading up the stairs.

'Come one, you know Dad doesn't like you getting to bed late, and he'll be back soon.' She explains, handing me a new tube of toothpaste. I sigh and raise my eyebrows, heading upstairs.

I hope Mum doesn't make me go to the shops again tomorrow, Those boys are always nicking stuff from it and smoking outside. What is that blonde one's name? Ugh he sits next to the short one, Billie Joe I think, in chemistry. Argh what is it? Matt? No. Mitch? Nope. Marc? Nah. Mike? Yes! That's his name, Mike.

*Next morning*

I swat my alarm clock with an extended arm, and roll out of bed - literally. Looking in the mirror, I realise I forgot to take my make-up off yesterday, I actually look like a Panda bear. Oh my God. I wipe my make-up off and re-apply it onto a blank canvas. When I'm ready I head out of the door. Chemistry first. Great...

'Hey Mel!' I greet my friend Melissa, who is already waiting in chemistry.

'Miss Spence, this is not the time for greeting your friends, you're late. And why do you have a bag with you?' Mr Boren (Or Mr Boring as we like to call him) asks me over the top of his glasses.

'Sorry Sir, I couldn't get to my locker.' I reply, batting my eyelashes. He huffs and points to the board, where there is instructions for an experiment set out. Mel already has everything set out, so I put on a pair of safety glasses and start fixing up my hair.

'Right, if you write the table, I'll start getting the compounds onto the splints.' Melissa says, she is so good at chemistry. I sniff the air.

'Who's left their gas tap on?' I ask, as the room fills up with the smell. No-one owns up, but I catch Mike and Billie Joe giggling to themselves.

'Very mature guys.' I fake laugh, leaning over their desk to turn their tap off. I can practically feel them leer down my shirt. I shake it off and go back to doing the experiment.

'Mike...' Mr Boren warns, and I look round. 'Mike, don't do it!' he warns again, as Mike pours an entire tub of mixed compounds into the Bunsen burner, creating a mess of colours. He and Billie are now practically rolling on the floor laughing.

'Right, boys, I didn't want to have to do this, sorry girls, but Mike with Nicola, Billie with Melissa, and you can stay that way for the rest of the year.' They are just standing they, jaws wide open, as are we.

'But sir!!' All 4 of us groan at once.

'I'm sorry but you boys need some shaping up, and these girls are the two to do it.' He replied. Mike grabbed his bag and threw it over by my desk.

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