I'm wearing my heart on a noose

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*A week later - Nicola is making a good recovery, she's back at school (but now it is the Christmas break) and Mike has temporarily moved in - Nicola's POV*

Mike and some other boys are playing football on the field, it's quite entertaining and I'm rather surprised at how good he is.

'Goaaaal!!' Mike shouts, running and jumping onto  Billie's back. It's extremely hot at the moment, strange as it's Christmas tomorrow. I can't ignore how sexy Mike looks with his slightly sweaty forehead whilst panting.

'Right, Mike, Tre, Billie, Steven, Jamie - skins, me, Ethan, Sean, Dom and Matt - shirts.' Chris announces, he looks at me, 'Nicola, you can play skins if you like.' He winks. Mike squares up to him and raises his eyebrows. 'Sorry dude.' He laughs and Mike laughs too, patting him on the back so that he knows he was joking. Mike takes off his black shirt and chucks it to the side of the pitch. I catch a glimpse of something on his left shoulder blade, a tattoo?

'What does your shoulder say Mikey-boy?' Billie teases, turning Mike away from him to read his tattoo. 'Nicola! Aww how cute!' Billie shrieks and I almost die with happiness. He smiles shyly.

'Yeah.' He mumbles. I jump up and walk over to him.

'That's so freaking cute.' I coo and he smiles, wrapping his arms around my waist and giving me a kiss.

'Mike?! You playing or what?' Chris shouts.

'Keep your hair on, just giving the Mrs some love.' He remarks and I kiss him goodbye as I go to sit back on the side line.

They play for the next ten minutes or so until they declare that Mike's team has won. I give a cheer and he does a little victory dance, grabbing his shirt from the grass. He pulls it on over his head and I stand up and kiss him.

'I can't believe you got a tattoo of my name - that's so cute.' I whisper and he pulls me close with an arm hooked behind my waist.

'You've done so much for me already, and I love you so much.' He replies and I smile.

'I love you too.' He kisses me and I kiss him back.

'Oh yeah is it alright if I go over to Billie's tonight? We are working on new material that we really need to get on with.' He asks.

'Of course it is! I don't own you!' I giggle and he kisses me on the head, running off after Billie as I begin to walk home.

I walk past the town centre and I stop and look around. WHSmiths, Marks and Spencer's, Shades of Ink. Hmm, I wonder if that's where Mike got his tattoo done? That was such a sweet thing to do. Maybe I should return the gesture?

An hour and a half and a lot of pain later I have Mike tattooed on my lower back, just above my bum. It looks really good from what I can see under the cling film. It's quite dark when I get home, and the phone rings.

'Hello?' I answer.

'Yes is this Nicola Spence?' The male voice replies.

'Yes it is?' I reply, questioning in my voice.

'It is Officer Chemley, I just called to tell you the good news! We've found your father and he has been put in custody until further notice. I don't think he's going to see the light of day for a long time.'

I practically shriek.

'Oh my God! Thankyou so so so much! Mwah! Oh wow that is amazing thankyou so much!' I say, hanging up the phone just as Mike comes in.

'What's all that about?!' He asks and I jump into his arms.

'They've caught my Dad - I never have to be beaten by him again.' I scream and Mike kisses me as he spins me round.

'That's amazing!' He shouts, putting me down and placing a hand on my lower back. I wince. 'You alright there babe?'

'Yeah, erm, little surprise for you.' I say, turning round and lifting up the back of my shirt.

'Oh my God Nic! I love you so fuckin' much!' He replies and he kisses me softly.

'I love you too.' I whisper. 'I'm so tired, I think I'm going to go to bed.'

'I might head up as well. Soccer really takes it out of you.' He winks.

'Soccer,' I mock him, 'Football sounds so much better.'

'Oh really?' He asks and I nod, sticking my tongue out and heading up the stairs.

'Mike, you know you don't have to sleep in the spare room.' I call to the next room.

'You sure?' He laughs and I switch my light on, walking into his room.

'Yes.' I giggle, sitting down on his bed making the white sheets crumple. He gently pulls me down and I lie next to him as he cocoons me in his arms. He's so warm. I turn to face him and we look into each other's eyes.

'You have the most amazing eyes.' He says and I blush.

'Thankyou, you aren't too bad yourself.' I joke and he smiles, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, his hand resting on the back of my neck. I lean forward and kiss him.

'Night, I love you.' He says.

'I love you too, sleep tight.' I reply and we both drift off to sleep.

I wake up without an alarm the next morning.

'It's Christmas!!' I shout, jumping on Mike as he grunts in pain. 'Oops sorry baby, but it's Christmas!!!' He jumps up and whoops, picking me up and spinning me round.

'Merry Christmas babe!' He shouts, putting me back on the floor and kissing me. He grabs a box from under the bed and hands it over to me. To Nicola, the love of my life, merry Christmas from Mike xxxx the label reads. I open it to find a leather guitar pick wallet (note, Mike has been teaching me the bass).

'Awh thank you.' I say, feeling it's smooth surface.

'Open it.' He smiles, and I carefully unzip it to see a beautiful silver ring with little jewels encrusted in a swirly pattern.

'Thank-you so much! I love it!' I squeal, giving him a massive kiss and wrapping my arms round his neck. 'Thank-you thank-you thank-you.' He puts it on my finger and I kiss him again before going to my wardrobe to get his present out.

'Close your eyes.' I shout from the next room. I walk back in and hold his present in front of him. 'You can open them!' He opens is eyes and they go wide.

'Holy shit Nic!!' He shouts, picking up the shiny black bass with a red bow and caressing it. 'How did you know it was this one I wanted?!'

'I asked Billie when he was round "babysitting" me a few weeks ago. He helped me find it.' I explain and he places it down carefully before wrapping his arms round my waist and pulling me into a kiss. He gently throws me down on the bed and we make love even more passionately than the first time.

We spend the rest of the day visiting friends and family (I also went and put some nice flowers on my Mum's grave.) and when we get home I manage to conjure up a pretty convincing roast dinner. A few months ago, I never thought that I'd be here, without either parent, with Mike on Christmas day, but it's been perfect.

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