Make-out Party

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'And where have you been young lady?' Mum asks me furiously. 'I was worried about you all night!'

'Sorry Mum, I went over to tutor a friend and sort of fell asleep there.' I explain. Just in case you were wondering, I didn't do anything with Mike last night, we were watching a movie and we fell asleep on the sofa.

'I was worried sick about you! Always tell me where you're going in future young lady!' She rambles, and I nod in all of the right places. Suddenly, my phone buzzes.

Mike: Hey babe, party 2nite at Billie's. Gonna be great. U up for being my date? Luv Mike xxxx

Me: Sounds awesome. What's the address? xxxx

Mike: Don't worry about that, I'll pick you up at 8? Don't worry, I won't literally pick you up like last time ;) xxxx

Me: Aha I bloody hope not! See you then! Love Nicola <3 xxx

'Ooh who are you texting?' Mocks my Mum.

'A person.' I reply sarcastically.

'Which one?' She badgers.

'One of them.' I say shortly.

'A male one?' She says flirtily.

'As a matter of fact yes, his name's Mike.' I respond.


'Shut up.'

I can feel myself blushing, so I decide to head up to my room and pick out what I am going to wear tonight. I end up choosing my denim acid wash skinny jeans, my Ramones tank top and my small black heels. After hours of procrastinating, Mike finally arrives. He is wearing a black leather jacket, black skinny jeans and... his Ramones shirt. Hey gives me a big smile.

'Hey.' He says quietly. 'You alright?'

'Better now you're here. And yourself?'

'Better now I've seen you, you look knockout babe.' He's so sweet. It really doesn't feel like I hated him only two days ago.

'Bye Mum!' I shout, and she reminds me to call her if I need her blah blah blah.

We walk out of the door and begin down the road.

'Thanks for agreeing to be my date for this.'  He says humbly.

'No problem. Thanks for inviting me.' I chatter. Bloody hell I wish I'd brought a coat. Mike must pick up on this because before I can tell him not to he has taken off his leather jacket and slung at around my shoulders along with his arm. I reach across my body with my right arm and hold onto his hand.

'Thankyou.' I whisper, and he leans in and kisses me on the cheek. I am completely grinning like an idiot. Eventually we arrive at Billie Joe's, and when we knock on the door he opens it half drunk.

'How was that sex ed lesson then Michael?' He giggles, then notices me there. 'Well she's here so must've been alright. Aww look at you guys, you match!' We look at each other and smile, his arm still around my shoulder.

We walk in and I can here people talking about us. 'Are they a thing now?', 'He's so hot - she's so bloody lucky.'

'Do you want a drink?' He asks me, and I follow him through to the kitchen, being led by his hand on mine. We both get one of the cups filled with a mysterious liquid. Mike takes a sip and puts it down on the side of the worktop, he moves his hands to my lower back and I move round in front of him. For about a minute we just look into each others eyes, and I wonder what it would be like to kiss him. Amazing I bet. Suddenly Tre comes bursting into the kitchen, completely ruining the moment.

'Come on guys! We're gonna play spin the bottle!' He shouts, looking mightily fabulous in his pink tutu and wizard hat over his regular clothes. I must admit though, his pink tutu clashes with his green hair.

Mike and I enter the living room, me followed by him with his hands on my shoulders.

'Sit down loverboy!' Billie shouts, and Mike and I sit down in the circle. Billie spins the bottle to begin with, landing on Tre. Without any shame, they lean in to the middle of the circle and kiss each other simply on the lips.

It's Tre's turn to spin now, and it lands back on Billie. Everyone is in complete hysterics. They lean in again. Oh God. They are actually open mouth kissing, laughing at the same time. They have had a bit much to drink I think... Billie spins the bottle again. It spins round and round, landing on... me. I feel Mike tense up next to me, and I lean in and give Billie a quick peck on the lips. I spin it cautiously, secretly hoping that it lands on Mike. This is the longest ten seconds of my life.  Yes!! It landed on Mike!! I turn to him and he does the same, and we lean in slowly and kiss. It's amazing. Our eyes are closed and we match each others rhythms. It's perfect. He's perfect. Eventually we break away, looking into each other's eyes.

'There's a room free upstairs guys! I think you're gonna need it!' Tre shrieks, and we break our gaze.

'Haha very funny.' I say, oh God, I sound even more British among Americans.

'Your British accent is so fucking cute.' Mike whispers into my ear.

'Why thankyou!' I reply giggling. I stand up and Mike follows me.

'So you know you came as my date today?' Mike starts. 'Well, I was wondering, do you wanna be my date full time? Will you go out with me is what I'm trying to say.' I grin from ear to ear.

'I would love to Mr Dirnt.' I reply, and he bends down and kisses me softly on the lips.

*Next Morning*

'Good morning sunshine.' Mike says in a goofy voice as I wake up in his arms for the second day in a row.

'Good morning you.' I smile, standing up and moving the beer bottles away from me, God, I'm glad I didn't have too much to drink last night!

'I don't think that Billie and Tre are going to be up for a rehearsal today, so how about we go out?' He suggests, and I agree. I scribble a quick note to Billie from Mike and I thanking him for a great party, and then we head out of the door. 

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