There is no place like home

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Mike and I are going to find out whether we're having a little boy or girl today and we're both so excited. I put on Mike's black jumper and we catch the bus to the clinic where we meet Doctor Gillian. I get up on the chair that I have become so familiar with recently and pull up my shirt over my bump, that's right, I have a proper bump now. The Doctor runs the gel over my stomach and Mike is practically bouncing around whilst squeezing my hand.

'Well Miss Spence and Mr Pritchard, it looks like you're going to have a little boy! Congratulations!' Dr Gillian announces and Mike whoops.

'A little boy! We're gonna have a little boy!' Mike wheezes, out of breath. We ring up Tre and he picks up the phone.

'Hi Tre, we're at the clinic and just thought we'd tell you the news.' I say into the receiver.

'Oooooooooooh am I gonna be and Auntie or an Uncle?!' He squeals.

'No, Tre, you can't be an Auntie, you have to be an Un- oh never mind, we're having a boy!' I screech and Mike is still beaming.

'No waaaay! That's awesome! Do you know what you're gonna call him yet?' He asks and Mike and I look at each other and smile.

'We were thinking Sean.' Mike grins.

'Awh little Sean! Hmm. Yeah so my nephew Sean did the cutest thing today... Yeah, it works, I like it.' He ponders and we laugh as we say our goodbyes.

We thank the doctor and stop off at Billie's on the way home. Adrienne opens the door, her bump about the same size as mine.

'Hello!' She smiles. Apparently she is expecting a boy as well. 'So... What's the news? Sean or Jenny?' Jenny was the name we were considering for a girl.

'Well, we're going to have a baby Sean!' I reveal and she screeches.

'Aaaaaaah!! They can play together!!' Billie comes running down the stairs.

'What's happening?!' He says with a hint of annoyance at the screaming.

'Mike and Nicola are having a boy!' She explains and Billie lets out a cheer of his own, running and tackling Mike to the ground, planting a kiss on his forehead.

'Congrats guys!' He shouts as Mike laughs.

'Woah dude! I love you and all but I thought we weren't supposed to let Nic or Adie know about us!'

'I'm sowwy Mikey, I just want you so bad.' Billie says innocently as Adrienne and I are in complete fits of giggles.

'Get a room you two!' I shout and Mike stands up and dusts himself off, kissing my cheek.

'Anyway Beej we'd better get going.' Mike giggles and I hug both Adie and Billie goodbye before stepping out the door hand in hand with Mike.

I'm lying on the bed looking down at my bump when I feel a strange jolt. It happens again and I giggle.

'Mike! I think we have a little footballer in here!' Mike practically flies over from the other side of the room and puts his hands on my stomach.

'Oh my God!' He whispers with a grin. 'That's our baby kicking.'

'Our baby.' I repeat, a big smile on my face as Mike kisses me. Sean calms down a bit and Mike goes off to make a cup of tea for me. A few minutes later and Mike returns with a cup of tea, he hands it to me before picking up his bass. That's the only problem with being pregnant, I can't play bass anymore which is annoying because Mike was a good teacher and I was learning a lot.

I drink my tea and have a snooze, waking up to Mike stroking my hair gently whilst watching the television. I smile up at him and see him looking really intrigued at the television. Aah, music channel, he's trying to figure out the bass lines in his head, he does that a lot. He notices I'm awake and smiles at me.

'You were talking in your sleep.' He giggles.

'What?! What was I saying?' I ask, amused.

'I'm not really sure, something about marmite.' He chides with a grin and I mock scowl at him whilst getting off the bed.

'Hmm, I don't even like marmite.' I mumble and he snorts, getting up and fixing the sheets.

Mike's POV

I fix the sheets and walk over to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I glance back in the mirror to see Nicola with her hands on her bump. I smile and get back to brushing my teeth. To tell the truth, I'm shit scared, not about having a baby, not about Nicola, but about being a Dad. What if I'm a crap Dad? But as scared as I am, I think I'm about 100x as excited. I lie down on the bed and am shortly joined by Nicola. She puts a hand to my sleepy face and kisses my forehead. I put an arm around her and she quickly falls asleep. She looks gorgeous when she sleeps, well, she looks gorgeous all the time. I soon drift  off.

When I wake up the next morning there's a glass of juice and a bacon sandwich next to me, still hot. I pick it up and eat it thankfully, taking a sip of juice.

'Nic?' I call, and then see a note next to me.

Just popped out, I'll be back at around 11:30.

All my love, Nicola xx

I look at the clock, 11. I decide to sweep and hoover the house so that Nicola can come back to a clean abode. Oh shit, school tomorrow. I was supposed to do an English assignment, and a music paper, and a bunch of chemistry textbook pages. Ah well. I should just drop out. Maybe I will. Nah, I'll give it a little longer, I'm almost done anyway, 2 more months.

Next day

Before the Easter break, no one  knew about Nicola, just the her, me, Adie, Beej and Tre. Her bump was small enough to hide. But now it is bigger, and everyone is going to find out, which I'm actually really happy about, I mean, everyone thought that I wasn't serious about her but now we're engaged and expecting a baby, I really hope people are gonna see how much she really means to me - I am so in love with her.

We walk into school and everyone stares. Nicola looks kind of nervous but I smile at her and squeeze her hand and she takes a deep breath. People are whispering to one another but instead of making me annoyed or anxious it just makes me want to laugh at them.

We're in the drama lesson and we can see everyone staring. I stand up and get onto the small stage.

'Right, everyone, I would just like to clear something up. Yes Nicola is pregnant with my child. Yes we are keeping it. Yes, she is wearing an engagement ring and yes, we were engaged before we found out she was pregnant. Happy? We're having a little boy named Sean, I'm extremely excited and we're gonna get married in the fall.' I announce and everyone looks enlightened that they finally know what's going on. The entire school should know by lunchtime.

I was right, everyone is congratulating me and Nicola at lunchtime as we sit with Billie, Tre and Jason (White).

'What's the congratulations for, Pritchard?' Mr Connery asks me and I smile at him.

'Nicola and I are engaged and expecting sir.' I beam and he looks taken aback.

'Well, best wishes and good luck.' He says with raised eyebrows before walking away. I kiss Nicola and put my arm around her waist as she leans her head onto my shoulder. 

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