Baby eyes

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Nicola's POV

I feel a strange sensation, and my stomach lurches. My water's just broken. I'm about to have a baby. I grab my phone and dial for Mike. It goes straight through to the answer phone. I try again but the same happens. I try Billie and he answers.

'Bonjour!' He says.

'Where the fuck is Michael?' I almost scream.

'Duuuude you're in shit.' Billie says to Mike who I assume is there. 'He's here.'

'Put him on the fucking phone.' I shout in pain.

'Sorry babe my phone was out of battery.' He rambles. 'What's up?'

'Sean's on his way, I need you baby.' I whine.

'I'll bring Tre's van!' He shouts and puts the phone down.

'No way dude, she's not popping that thing out in my van.' I hear and almost giggle.

'Tough, man.' Mike scoffs, and the phone goes dead.

About 2 minutes later and Mike runs in through the door. He kisses my head and helps me to the van.

'Where to?' Tre asks jokingly and I shoot him a look that gets him driving. We arrive at the hospital and just catch Dr Gillian on the way to his car to go home.

'Back that way Doc!' Mike shouts as we walk past him and he turns around to catch up with Mike, Billie, Tre and I.

Ten minutes later and I'm in the special room with Mike next to me holding my hand. The contractions are still few and far between but when I get one it hurts like hell. I squeal in pain.

'Don't worry baby, in a while, it'll all be over and we're gonna have a kid.' He reassures me and I smile at him.

'I just wish the magical moment would hurry the fuck up.' I sing.

13 hours later

'One more push!' Dr Gillian shouts as I squeeze Mike's hand as hard as I can as he winces.

'I can't do it! I just can't!' I cry and Mike puts an arm around my shoulder.

'Come on babe, you've done so well, you've carried him for nine months and you've been in labour for 14 hours, you can do this. I love you!' He whispers and I push within an inch of my life. Suddenly it's all over and I just want to collapse with tiredness, relief and pain.

'You did it! Oh my God honey that's our baby over there! We're parents!' Mike says excitedly, giving me a massive kiss.

'We're Mummy and Daddy!' I chide in and Dr Gillian brings over our little boy.

'He's good and healthy. Does he have a name?' He asks us and we nod.

'Sean Jimmy Pritchard.' I squeak and the Dr hands me my gorgeous crying boy. I hold him and he immediately stops crying. He opens is eyes to reveal a bright shining blue just like Mike's.

'Mike he has your eyes.' I whisper, kissing him on the head and passing him gently over to Mike, who is completely awestruck.

'Hey Sean,' he murmurs, 'I'm your Daddy.' he has tears in his eyes and one rolls down his cheek.

Eventually we are allowed to leave the room after all of the necessary tests have been done on Sean and I.

'Everybody, meet Sean Jimmy Dirnt.'  I announce and everyone runs over with the exception of Tre who has just woken up. Everyone is 'aww'ing' at him and he looks around.

'He has Mikey's eyes doesn't he!' Adie, who just arrived, coos at the small bundle.

'He's perfect.' Mike remarks, stroking Sean's head.

'Just like you.' I smile and he kisses me lovingly.

We stop off to see Ollie on the way home, and we decide that she will be honorary Grannie Ollie. She seems elated at the fact that we want her to be in Sean's life, and she offers to babysit any time we need it. We thank her and just as we are about to leave Adie grabs my attention again.

'Erm, Nicola?' She whispers. 'What did it feel like when you went into labour?'

'I sort of got a pang in my back, and it kinda feels like you've wet yourself.' I reply and her face goes straight.

'Back to the hospital then.' She sings.

'Tre. Back in the van!' I order and everyone piles back in to the van. Mike holds Sean in the front seat as I hold Adie's hand in the back of the good old Bookmobile.

'Tre you'd better bloody step on that accelerator!' She shouts angrily as Billie Joe tries to calm her down on the other side of her.

'I would but I'd rather not crash and kill my best friends, myself and two babies.' He screams, stopping at the red light.

'Nicola! I think he's coming!' She screeches and I begin to panic.

'Tre pull over!' I ask and he does so, seemingly praying to God that no children are born in his beloved van. 'Anyone got a towel or something? And I'll need some water.' Billie Joe digs out a bottle of water from one of the door pockets. He chucks it to me and I grab it.

'Anything I can use as a towel?' I beg as Adie breathes heavily. Mike hands Sean over to Tre and removes his shirt. He passes it to me and I accept it gracefully. 'You know honey, you're not gonna get this back.' I warn him and he shakes his head. 'Thankyou.' I mouth at him and he winks.

'Billie, you might wanna get out.' I whisper and all of the boys take that as their cue to leave the van. Adrienne swivels round and lifts her skirt over her knees.

'Nic this hurts so bad!' She cries out and I lay Mike's shirt down between her legs.

'I know honey, I had to do it for 13 hours, you look like you're gonna take about 13 minutes.' I chuckle and she screams again. 'I can see his head Adie, just one more big push!' She breathes in deeply and clenches her stomach. Suddenly the little baby appears and she relaxes. I retrieve a pen knife from the door pocket, wipe it over with Mike's shirt and some water and then cut the cord. I don't want to pick him up in that shirt, it's a bit messy now... I sigh and remove my own shirt, wrapping it around the little, girl?!

'Adie!' I whisper excitedly. 'You've got a little girl!' She sits bolt upright.

'What? A girl?!' She squeaks excitedly.

'Yeah, a tiny, beautiful little girl!' I reply, I open the door. 'Guys, you can come back in now.' They all fall in, first Billie Joe, who cuddles up to Adie, then Tre, who takes the drivers seat, and then Mike holding a sleeping Sean.

'We have a little girl honey.' Adrienne whispers, holding the 'little girl' in my shirt.

'A girl?' Billie's jaw drops.

'Yep, you have any ideas for a name?' She asks.

'Well, I always liked Lilly Beth.' He admits, staring at the small child's green eyes, that mirror his.

'It's perfect, I love it.' Adrienne awes, as the tiny figure waves it's arms at it's young parents. 'Hi Lilly.'

'Tre can you drive to the hospital?' I plea and he sighs and begins driving. 'I just want to get both of them checked out.'

'Yeah that's cool.' He nods and continues to drive.

'Do you want my shirt?' Billie asks me across Adrienne, tearing his eyes away from his new baby.

'Thankyou.' I whisper and he slips his blue tee off over his head and hands it to me.

'Anytime.' He winks, and then goes back to holding Lilly Beth.

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