Send my love a letterbomb

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5 weeks later

Mike is rubbing my back and holding back my hair as I throw up into the loo for the third morning this week. I have the flu, and I have to practically force Mike to go into school, telling him that I'll be fine. He leaves for school and I brush my teeth again, looking up at my calendar, 4 days late - shit.

I pick up the phone and dial Adrienne, we've become really close over this past month. She picks it up on the second ring, she always does for me and Mike.

'Adie,' I say solemnly, and she replies with a worried 'Yes Nicola?'

'I think I may be pregnant.' I say and I can hear her breathe a sigh of relief.

'I thought I was the only one...' She says, and my head starts spinning.

'What? You too?' I almost shout.

'I think so, I'll be round in 10 minutes with two tests.' She explains and I put the phone down.

Exactly 10 minutes later and here she is. She looks just as worried as I do.

'You take the ensuite, I'll take the bathroom.' I say as she hands me a test and gives me a hug. We both go and do our business and return to my bedroom for the agonizing wait.

'How much longer?' She asks and I look at my watch, my leg bouncing.

'20 seconds.' I reply, looking up impatiently. It passes and we both pick up our tests.

'One line for negative, two for positive right?' She enquires and I nod. We both look up each other with tears in our eyes and nod at each other. For a few minutes we just hug each other and sob.

'What's Billie Joe going to say? We've only been together two months!' She cries and I hold her tightly.

'Bill's a great guy, he'll support you whatever you choose. Mike, we've just gotten engaged, I'm going to completely ruin everything.' I whine, putting my head in my hands.

'He's smitten with you Nic, I was talking to him the other day when he was round Billie's, he was saying that he would like a kid or two one day, and well, I don't think he'll mind that the day came a bit earlier than expected.' I smile and hug her.

'Billie is gonna love that little letterbomb, he'll be a great Dad, you have no reason to worry my love, and you're gonna be an amazing Mum.' I assure Adie and we hug again.

The rest of the day takes a long time to pass, but by 4pm Billie and Mike are back. We sit them down on the sofa opposite us and they look confused.

'Billie,' Adrienne starts,

'Mike, we have something to tell you,' I continue.

'Both of you.'

'We're pregnant.' We say in unison. Their eyes widen, and Billie gulps. Mike's confused face turns into a wide grin, and he leaps on me, smothering me with kisses.

'Mind the little human growing inside of me babe!' I screech and he looks up at me.

'We made a thing!' He laughs, 'A real little human thing!'

'Yes Mike, it's called a baby.' I giggle.

'I'm gonna be a Daddy, and you're gonna be a Mommy.' He says, his eyes twinkling. We look over at Billie Joe, who looks petrified.

'Billie say something.' Adrienne urges.

'You're pregnant.' He says.

'I know that silly.' She laughs.

'Wait, you're pregnant!' He shouts, a smile on his face. 'We're gonna have a baby! An actual baby! Let's call it Christian, and Christina if it's a girl! I gotta buy a pram and shit.'

Adrienne's face lit up that Billie was happy, and they hugged.

'Oh my God, Nicola, we're going to be a family, you, me and Uno.' Mike whispers.

'Uno?' I laugh and he nods.

'Yeah, I figured, it's our first, and one is uno in Spanish. Baby Uno.' He says it as if it is the most simple thing in the world and I should of guessed it. I kiss him and he kisses me back, putting a hand on my stomach and smiling.

Two days later

I look down at my stomach that hasn't developed a bump yet. I have a real thing in there. There's a little thing that is a mixture of me and Mike and it's in there. Mike puts his arm round my shoulder and I hook mine around his waist as he kisses me on the cheek. He has taken his hair back to it's natural brown and it looks gorgeous with his prominent cheek bones. I bury my face into his chest sleepily as the a short podgy lady with glasses comes and shouts, 'Nicola Spence'. We jump up and head into the room to meet an buff young man.

'Hello Miss Spence, and who might this be?' He says in a deep voice.

'Erm, this is my fiancé Mike.' I reply proudly, squeezing Mike's hand as he squeezes it back.

'And may I ask how old you are?' He asks and we blush.

'17.' Mike chips in and I thank him as the Doctor writes something else down on his form.

'Great, I'm Doctor Gillian, and I should be here to see you through your pregnancy. If you'd like to lie down on here and lift your shirt over your stomach we can get started!'

I oblige and he rubs a cold blue gel on my stomach as I shiver.

'Well, the heartbeat is healthy and it all looks normal for this stage in the pregnancy.' He informs us and we both smile, 'Would you like pictures?'

'Yes please.' We say both at once as Mike kisses me gently, Dr Gillian prints off the picture and we thank him before I wipe the gunk off my stomach and we leave with the pictures in my one hand and Mike's hand in my other. 

Mike's POV

I'm walking home hand in hand with Nic. I can't believe I'm gonna be a Daddy. It's so scary but so exciting. A Dad - like a proper Dad - wow. We stop off at Billie's on the way home to show him and Adie the pictures, they're really good for each other those two. They had their appointment yesterday so we have already seen theirs. I've been with Nicola almost every day for half a year, but I still get sparks whenever I touch her. I never thought I could fall in love so quickly, I've been proven so wrong.

We sit down on Billie's messy floor and Nicola buries her head on my chest.

'Babe are you hungry?' She asks me sweetly.

'Is that your way of saying that you are?' I chuckle, I know her inside out.

'Maaaaybe.' She mumbles and I laugh.

'I'll pick you up something on the way home.' I say softly and she smiles, turning her head and kissing me. We say goodbye to Beej and Adie, and then we go on our way, picking up a few pasties from the bakery on the way home. When we get home we each brush our teeth and Nic changes back into my Ramones shirt as we lie down in bed. She turns her body towards mine and pulls me down to her height to give me a kiss before snuggling right up to my side. God I love this woman.

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