If my memory serves me right

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'So where do you wanna go?' Mike asks as we sit on the roundabout at the park.

'I dunno. Let's just do something really random, like, I dunno go to the zoo.' I reply as he kisses my head.

'Yes! Let's go to the zoo haha. Erm I think the number 12 bus goes up that way.'

'Awesome let's go haha!' He half-shouts, jumping up and then pulling me up. He turns his back to me and lowers himself a bit, and I jump on, he's like my personal car. I hook my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist from behind and he starts walking to the bus stop. I lean forward and kiss him on the cheek.

We only have to wait a few minutes until the bus arrives and we hop on and order two return tickets. The bus is quite crowded, and there's only one seat left. I wait for Mike to sit down but he's such a damn gentleman that he just waits for me to sit down. It's like a standoff, eventually I sort of guide him into the seat and then sit on his lap. He giggles and puts his arms around my waist, kissing me on the cheek. I can't quite tell if all of the old ladies are thinking 'awwww' or 'how inappropriate'.

Eventually we arrive at the zoo, and pay for our tickets. We looked at one of the pocket maps and decided to go and see the lions first. I picked up my camera, and took a few pictures as Mike tried to growl at them. We decided to walk over to the penguins and they all waddled up to the fence. The sign read 'Do Not Touch', but of course, Mike doesn't care. He leans over the barrier and pats one of them on the head.

'Haha awesome.' He says, and the security guard comes walking up to us. 'Quick run!' Mike shouts and we bolt down the rest of the park hand in hand, laughing and shrieking. Eventually we lose the security guard and both collapse on the grass by the benches.

'Mike Dirnt,' I pant, 'I fucking love you.'

'I love you too. So, so much.' He replies, rolling onto his side and kissing me with one hand behind my neck. We just lie here for about half an hour, and I look over to see Mike sleeping. He's so cute. I put my face near his and take a picture on my camera before quickly running to buy him a coffee for when he wakes up.

Eventually he begins to stir and I imitate the goofy voice he did earlier.

'Good afternoon sunshine.' I say and he laughs, taking a sip of his coffee.

'How long was I out for?' He asks, seeming quite confused.

'Only about half an hour. You looked very cute though.' I respond and he does a jokey scowell.

We finish the day off a few hours later with the monkeys, and then decide to head home. I have loads of pictures of the animals, and I get an employee to get a few pictures of Mike and I. To top it off, Mike buys me a toy monkey!

We jump back on the bus and Mike pulls me so my head is resting on his shoulder. He kisses the top of my head.

'I love you.' He whispers.

'I love you too.' I whisper back. He rests his chin on my head and we stay like that for the rest of the journey.

We jump off the bus and start walking back to my house.

'My Mum won't be home for hours.' I say, 'And Dad, well, he won't be home for days. So what do you want to do?' He puts his hands on my waist and pulls me towards him. He looks right into my eyes.

'What ever you want.' He replies. Without a second thought I reach up and kiss him and he kisses me back passionately. He pulls me even closer and runs his hands down my back until they are on my legs. I jump up and put my legs around his waist so he is holding me up.

'Where's your bedroom?' He pants between kisses. I jump down and run up the stairs holding him by the hand. We close the door behind us and he gently pushes me against the door, kissing me again.

*A while later*

'That was amazing.' I gasp.

'You're amazing.' He replies, kissing me on the cheek as he plays with my hair.

'I love you.' I whisper, and he says it back right next to my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I reluctantly step out of the warm bed and rifle through my draw to find a change of clothes and grab a massive Rolling Stones shirt and some stripy shorts and slip them on. Mike walks over in all his er, glory and picks out a pink tank top, slipping it on over his head.

'How does that suit you? Like, that is so annoying!' I say, quite impressed that a frilly pink tank top actually suits his muscular shoulders and arms. He slips on his trousers and we go to the kitchen.

'Do you want anything to eat?' I ask.

'If you've got anything.' He replies.

'We could make pancakes?' I suggest and his face lights up like a child on Christmas.

Ten minutes later and covered in flour from our little food fight we are eating pancakes whilst watching TV in the lounge.

'So what's the deal with your Dad then?' He questions me, and I turn white.

'Erm, he isn't around much, and when he is, he, he,' I can feel a lump in my throat but I can't leave it now, Mike is looking at me concerned, 'he beats us pretty bad - me and my Mum.' he looks completely horrified and is choking up.

'Have you told anyone?' He asks, holding me close.

'Well, no, but me and my Mum have been taking photos for evidence for months, but after he does it he'll just go AWOL for a week.' I jump up and reach under the sofa, pulling out a brown leather book. I open it and the contents looks like something off of the news. Red hand marks stricken upon cheeks, black eyes, 5 finger bruises on arms, black spines, swollen lips, everything. I look round at Mike, and he has a tear running down his cheek.

Suddenly a latch goes in the lock, and I throw the book back under the sofa. Mike looks panicked, mainly because he is still wearing my pink tank top.

'Hi Mum.' I shout, and a well built 6,4'' man walks through the door. 'Oh,' I swallow, 'Dad.'

'Who's that poof?' He grunts, directed at Mike.

'He's not a 'poof', he's my boyfriend and he has a name. This is Mike.' I bitterly reply, and he clenches his fists.

'Don't talk to me like that.' He commands, flaring his nostrils.

'Don't tell her what to do! She's human you know!' Mike shouts and I look at him as if to say you shouldn't have done that. My Dad, no, my Father, he hasn't been a Dad to me at all, grabs Mike roughly by the arm and forces him to stand up, swinging his heavy fist and colliding it with Mike's jaw and nose, continuing to try and tackle him. Mike manages to restrain him for a while and I try to yank him off of my bleeding boyfriend. He turns his attention to me, grabbing my jaw and shoving me against the wall, a lot less favourable then the last time I was up against a wall. Mike throws himself in front of me and knees him right in the manhood as we run out of the house, we bolt down the road and Mike guides me to Billie's house, my Dad quite far behind, far enough that he didn't see us go into Billie's garden.

I'm all set to collapse on the floor and bawl, but I'm more concerned about Mike, who's nose is bleeding and has a completely black side of his face.

'Oh my God! Your jaw!' I whisper, just in case my Dad is near.

'He's a fucking maniac.' He stresses, holding me close and reassuring me that it will all be okay. We go up to the back door and knock on it, and Billie's mother opens the door in a state of complete shock.

'What happened to you two!?' she screeches, and Billie comes rushing into the room.

'What the fuck guys?' he shouts, dropping whatever was in his hand.

'Nic's Dad attacked us.' Mike says, trying to calm down about the whole situation. I gently touch my hand to his cheek and he winces.

'I don't think it's broken.' I say, and he hugs me so my face is buried in his shoulder chest area.

'I don't give a fuck, as long as you're okay.' He whimpers and I just cling to him.

'Anyway lovebirds we should really get you to the hospital to get checked out.' Billie's Mum reminds us and we head to her car.

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