She's a rebel

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Mike looks like Marley from Christmas Carol with the bandage tied around his head. He's fractured his jaw and is doing a fabulous fake pout, jutting his bottom lip out.

'Aw you look like Mr Bump.' I say, ruffling his hair.

'I feel like bloody Mr Bump. You promise me you're fine right? If there's anything wrong please, please tell me.' He says in a serious voice.

'I pwomise. Anyway we should get to school.' I groan, grabbing my bag.

'One minute I'm taking this stupid thing off, I only need it when I sleep.' He laughs, untying his bandage.

When we get to school we head into the home room hand in hand while everyone gawps, I'm not sure if it's at Mike's face or at the fact that we're going out.

When all of the fuss had finished, the head teacher comes in.

*Mike's POV*

'Mike, can I see you in my office please.' He says in his gruff voice. I kiss Nicola on the cheek and walk out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

'What?' I grunt, sitting down and putting my feet up on his desk. He coughs and I put my feet back down.

'Mike, no-one in the school has more detentions than you.' He says bluntly. Oh crap. 'What I'm trying to say is, if you carry on like this, then we're going to have to kick you out. You have until Christmas to get your act together.' He shoos me out of his office and I kick open the door to my first lesson, 10 minutes late.

'Sorry Mr Boren.' I mumble, going to sit next in my seat. Where the fuck do I sit? Oh yeah, I sit next to Nicola now! God bless Mr Boren, if he hadn't split Billie and I up then never would've met Nic!

'What was that about?' She whispers, putting her hand over mine.

'Basically if I don't buckle down I'm out. But they've threatened me that so many times.' I explain, and she nods, showing me the work that I missed. Ugh bloody A-levels. Being 17 is hard. At least I have Nicola here to make things easier. She's so great, like really, really great.

At the end of the lesson I head to music.

'Do you have a free period now?' I ask, and she looks at her timetable.

'Yeeep, I think so, why?' She returns.

'Tre, Billie and I are rehearsing and you can come chill if you want.' I offer and she smiles her beautiful smile. She comes with me and Tre wiggles his eyebrows.

'Well heeeello.' He says and I shoot him a look.

'Mike, do you want to practice that one that you sing?' Billie says, tuning his guitar. I nod and pick up my bass.

'He's at it again

And he's gonna win

Gonna take you for a hell ride anyway

He's on your side

Gonna throw you aside

And let the vultures pick apart what's left

Seems like everything was just a fraction of a second from being okay

So run and hide 'cause we're all gonna die

And let the vultures pick apart what's left

I'll be back

I'll be back

I'll be back

I'll be back

He's at it again

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