Walking Contradiction

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Mike and I walk into my house.

'Hello?' I hear my Mum call.

'Mum!' I shout, running to her with Mike following, still holding onto my hand.

'What happened to you? I was so worried! I tried to call but you didn't pick up!' She panics and I give her a hug.

'It was Dad, he came in and got really angry. He's fractured Mike's jaw and tried to get to me but Mike stopped him. We ran and spent the night at Billie's after his Mum took us to the hospital. I left my phone here.' I explain as she calms down.

'As long as you're okay, both of you?' She asks and we nod to reassure her.

'Oh thank God. Shouldn't you be at school?' She says slightly disapprovingly.

'Well technically yes.' I say and she sighs. We hear a car pull up in the driveway and we all freeze.

'Go, hide. Now.' My Mum commands in a stern voice and we do so. I hop into the cupboard under the stairs followed by a heavily breathing Mike.

'Where is she?' Calls the voice of my Father.

'Who?' My Mum replies innocently.

'Don't play stupid with me. You know exactly who I mean, that little slut of yours.' He replies and I feel offended.

'I don't know, I haven't seen for a few days.' She lies and I hear a slap.

'Don't lie to me!' He shouts.

'Get off me Christopher!' She screeches and he roars.

'This is all your fault. You should've gotten rid of her when you had the chance.'

I gasp and Mike covers my mouth with his hand, holding me close to his chest.

'I regret nothing. I love that girl with all my hea-' I hear a bang.

'That's your own fault bitch.' Dad says and I hear the door slam shut. I fling open the door and jump out of the cupboard, running to my Mum's side.

'Mummy.' I whimper, crying as I hold her hand. She looks up at me.

'He may have been a mistake but you were the best thing that ever happened to me.' She strains, touching my face.

'Don't leave. Mum? Mum? No!' I wail. 'Mike! She's gone! She's gone.' I'm in hysterics as Mike pulls me away and holds me just like he did after my Dad attacked us. I dial 911 and ask for the Police. They're here within minutes. Asking for evidence. Mike and I tell them exactly what happened, and I give them the book of injury photos, as well as showing them Mike's jaw. I give them the most recent picture of my Dad and his license plate number and they immediately send out 4 officers to look for him.

I slump down onto Mike's lap on the sofa and wrap my arms around his neck, I lean my forehead against his chin and he kisses the top of my head. I think I'm all out of tears now, I'm dried up.

'We're gonna help you through this, me, Billie and Tre. I promise you.' He whispers into my ear.

'Thank you so much. I honestly don't deserve you.' I hollowly laugh back.

*Mike's POV - three days later*

'She's still completely distraught. I say we have us three rotating round to stay with her each night. Tre, you do Monday, Tuesday. Billie, you do Wednesday, Thursday, and I'll do Friday, Saturday and Sunday? She just needs some support, she was close with her Mum.' I explain to the lads and they nod.

'You really, really like her don't you?' Billie asks seriously.

'Yes, and I'm going to do everything I can to make this as easy as possible for her.' I reply and he smiles. 'All you have to do is make sure she's eating and sleeping etc.'

'Cool bro.' Tre says, flipping his drumsticks.

'Michael,' Mr Morton booms, 'Can I speak to you please?' I sigh and follow him out of the room.

'How can I help you?' I ask sarcastically.

'Three whole days without being told off?! I'm very impressed. I must've gotten through to you.' He sounds kind of smug.

'It wasn't down to you,' I snap, 'My girlfriend just lost her Mother, and I need to be there for her, not pissi- mucking about.' I correct myself.

'Well I'm impressed nonetheless. Who's the girl then?' He asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

'Nicola Spence.' I reply proudly.

'A girl like that bound to do you good. Got yourself a keeper there son.' He laughs and I frown.

'I don't 'have' her, I'm with her, she isn't property.' I snarl and he looks quite impressed.

'Well looks like you know how to treat a girl after all.' He chuckles, walking away. 'Keep up the good work Pritchard.'

I grumble something back at him and go back into the studio.

*Billie Joe's POV - after school*

'Go down Stablebridge Road and hers is number 17.' Mike says to me, going back to his house for the first time in a few days. I knock on the door when I arrive and it is opened by a tired looking Nicola.

'Hello.' She says bluntly.

'Hey, I will be with you Wednesdays and Thursdays until you're back on your feet.' I explain and she nods, giving a half hearted smile and walking away.

'Food's in the fridge, spare room upstairs and first room on the right, TV in there.' She says, pointing like an air hostess as she slumps down on the sofa. I join her, sitting on my hands. A key goes in the lock and she practically throws me to the space in the corner between the two sofas. She puts a hand over my mouth. The door goes again and she lets me go.

'What was that about?' I screech.

'Dad's looking for me, they haven't caught him yet but I have this buzzer thing to press every time he's here. I can't go to sleep or he'll come and get me in my sleep. The solution? Red Bull coffee.' She announces, holding up a mug. I can practically hear the caffeine.

'That can't be good for you.' I ponder and she laughs.

'Well I choose it any day over being attacked by my Dad in my sleep.' She replies and I nod, fair enough. She brings the cup to her lips and takes a sip and I notice something on her arm.

'What's that?' I swallow. She looks startled.

'Nothing.' She squeaks, pulling her arm away as I grab it lightly.

'Wh- why?' I choke.

'It was from years ago. I was only 12 and my Dad said that everything was my fault, everything that was going wrong. I was fat, I had no friends, I was ugly, doing crap at school, being bullied. I stopped when we moved over here.' She explains and I let go of her wrist. I hug her tightly. Bloody hell, I had no idea, she always seemed so happy. She's like, a walking contradiction.

'Y'know, Mike drinks a lot of coffee.' I remark and she laughs sincerely.

'I noticed haha, he's cleared the two tubs we had in the cupboard and he's only been here about 4 days.'

'You really, really like him don't you?' I ask and she smiles like a school girl.

'I really, really do. From the bottom of my heart.'

'He feels the same about you y'know.' I inform her and her eyes light up. My phone buzzes.

MIke: How's she getting on? Is she okay?? Cheers, Mike.

Me: I think she's really turned a corner. Got a new drink to introduce to you as well :P - BJ

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