I kissed your lips and it felt so true

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I'm getting married tomorrow. Married. Married! Mike and I are going to be Mr and Mrs Pritchard. I have a really nice dress, it's simple and flowing with a ribbon around the waist and straps that tie up behind my neck. I'm leaving my hair down, and I've dyed the ends purple to match the ribbon on the dress. I can't be bothered to buy any fancy shoes, so I'm wearing a pair of chucks that are in quite good nick. We're getting married up on Tightwad hill, because, well, why not? The only people coming are me, Mike, Tre, Billie-Joe, Adrienne, Ollie, Melissa, Lilly-Beth and Sean. Melissa is going to take the kids home as she is looking after her cousin in the evening, so can't attend the reception. 

The reception is basically all of us getting changed and going to the Gilman for a gig. Pretty great huh?

I run through a list in my head. Checking off everything that we might need, which isn't much. Mike comes in to the bedroom and wraps his arms around my waist from behind, putting his chin on my shoulder and kissing my cheek. I smile and turn my head to kiss him back.

'This time tomorrow, we'll be married.' He says excitedly and I have a huge smile plastered on my face. We walk Sean's room, and I pick him from his cot as he gurgles.

'Mommyyyyyyy.' He babbles and I giggle, stroking the soft hair on top of his head. Mike sits down on the sofa and I join him, putting my legs on his lap and holding Sean up under his arms.

I rest my head on Mike's shoulder and put Sean in between us. Somehow we all fall asleep, even though it's only about 8.

I wake up to the sound of people talking.

'They're so cute! Take another picture.' I hear someone who I assume is Adrienne, say. I humour them and keep my eyes shut for a few more minutes.

'Why are you in my house?' I ask sleepily.

'To get you ready.' Adrienne laughs and I must look incredibly confused because she prompts me 'For your wedding.'

'WEDDING. I'M GETTING MARRIED TODAY!' I shout and Mike bolts his head up, very awake now after me shouting.

'Correction, we're getting married today.' He chuckles and I kiss him.

'Come on lovebird 1, we've gotta go.' Adrienne urges and I grab my make-up bag. The dress is already at Adie's.

Adrienne jumps into her car and I get in the other side. Today is the day I marry Mike Dirnt. My Michael Ryan Pritchard. Nicola Pritchard. Nicola Dirnt.

'We pull up outside the Armstrong abode and Mike's sister Myla is already inside. I met her at a few family events recently. It's been nice to be part of a family and not trying to get away from one.

Between all three of us we do my make-up and hair. My hair has been left pretty natural, we just curled it a little more so it's in soft curls instead of waves and re-dyed the tips.

'So you excited?' Myla asks me and I nod profusely.

'I can't wait! It feels like we've been together for so long, but it's only been about a year and a half. He is the most amazing person I've eve-'

'Awww okay okay we gotta go! You can't be late for your own wedding!' She laughs as Adrienne fixes her lipstick quickly. We go to get in the car. I go to open the door but Adrienne stops me.

'By the way, you look amazing.' She whispers, pulling me into a hug. I smile and return the compliment before getting into the car.

Mike's POV

'Shit shit shit shit shit shit.' I repeat, almost hyperventilating.

'Dude, why are you panicking?' Billie asks me, patting me on the back. 'You already have a kid with her.'

'Yeah but the issue is I'm not good enough for her. I never have been and I never will be. She's so perfect and I'm some punk shit.' I argue and Billie chuckles.

'Have you never seen the way she looks at you? Y'know, like you're some kind of God? You can see it just from that look how much she loves you. When you guys are laying down together and she draws circles on your arms. When she's tired and rests her head on your shoulder. Helping you quit smoking. The way she acts when you two aren't together. When it's only her and us, she's like she's missing one half of her, and you do exactly the same thing when she's not there. So don't you dare tell yourself that you're not good enough for that girl, because hell knows you are, and she thinks so, knows so, too.' Billie says, getting quite riled up by the end of it.

'Thanks man. I don't know what I'd do without you, I honestly don't.' I reply, fixing my tie and adjusting my blazer slightly. I swallow and smile. I am about to marry Nicola Spence. She could have had any man in this Goddam world and she chose me. I walk up to the makeshift arch and look around at all of the people sat down. There's my Mom (Cheryl), my Dad (Patrick) - sitting on separate sides of course - Ollie, all of Billie Joe's siblings, Melissa, Sean and Lilly-Beth, Al and Jason, then standing with me there's Billie and Tre. Billie is my best man and Tre somehow got himself legally ordained so he could marry us - I know, I know - Tre is technically a minister now.

Her car pulls up and I smile. She steps out and my eyes open wide. She looks like some kind of angel. She usually does anyway, but today she looks even more amazing. She holds up her dress slightly whilst walking up the hill, just enough to see her hound-tooth chucks. I internally chuckle, whilst on the outside my eyes are glued to her and I want to run and kiss her but I know that I can't and it kills me. After what feels like a life time she is up here by my side. I take her hands and stare into her eyes, possibly a little creepily but I don't care. Tre begins.

'Dearly beloved... Are you listening?' He says and then he realises the only person making a sound was him and the babies. He chuckles and continues.

'Rarely do I see two people so perfect for each other than these two. When they met, in a chemistry lesson, everyone knew they'd hit it off, even though they were from two different worlds. In fact, the only time I'd actually heard them talk to each other before that was this one time we were all stoned outside the store and Mike yelled at her that she had a nice ass. Now they have a kid together, and a house, and a life, and if they take each other in sickness and in health, then I would like to do the honour of pronouncing them man and wife.'

Wow, I don't think I've ever heard Tre be serious before.

'I do.' I manage to squeak out.

'I do.' Nicola whispers.

'Then I pronounce you husband and wife!' He shouts, jumping up and down as I stand there almost paralyzed with happiness.

'Kiss her you faggot.' He screeches, pushing me towards her as I put my arms out to steady myself. I place my hands on her waist and she puts hers on my chest and we tenderly kiss.

'I love you.'

'I love you too, Nicola Pritchard.'

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