Give me a long kiss goodnight

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Day four after the fight and Mike is still moping around. We're getting married in a few weeks so he really needs to make amends with his best man. I need to get his mind off of all of this, clear his head. I ring Charlie, the 15 year old babysitter from down the road (strange as she is only 3 years later than Mike and I...) and ask her to come round at about 8 o'clock. I walk into the living room and throw a bundle of clothes at Mike. I lean down next to him and kiss him on the cheek.

'Go shower and change, we're going out.' I whisper in his ear and he half-smiles, standing up and kissing me on the cheek as he heads to the bathroom.

While Mike is in the shower I go to check on Sean, who is happily chewing a set of plastic keys. I chuckle and head into the bedroom, where Mike emerges from the en-suite in a towel, his mid-length now blonde  again hair still damp and his skin with beads of water on. I saunter up to him and kiss his lips with a grin and he hooks an arm around my waist, pulling me closer. I glance at the clock, 7:56, damn. He lets out a moan.

'Baby we can't, Charlotte will be here any minute.' I groan, disappointed.

'We'll just have to save it for later then.' He says with a wink, well he's definitely seeming more back to his old self. Mike puts on his black skinny jeans, Ramones shirt and black leather jacket. He looks fucking hot. I'm wearing a short black dress and a pair of beat up chucks.

A knock comes at the door and I open it to an acne ridden red-head.

'Hi Mrs Pritchard!' She chirps and I giggle.

'Well still Miss Spence at the moment, but not for long! Right, we'll be back tomorrow morning, the guest room is first on the right upstairs, Sean's food is in the fridge door pocket and you can help yourself to anything.' I say, excited as she smiles and goes to find Sean. Mike puts his arm round my waist and I hold onto it with my other hand smiling. We walk down to the Gilman and enter just in time for the first band to start. Mike pulls me to near the stage, to the left of the huge mosh pit. The familiar smell, of weed, sweat and stale beer hits my nose, the smell that I've grown to love. Mike spins me around and we jump about together about 12 songs of the set.

'I'm going to head to the bar.' I shout over the music and Mike nods.

'I'll meet you there after this song finishes.' He replies and I walk over to buy Mike and I a drink. I'm glad that he's cheered up.

I feel a hand on my bum and I spin around, expecting to see Mike. Instead I am greeted with some random man with spiked jet black hair, about 23 years old I reckon.

'Erm, can I help you?' I ask, straightening out my dress at the back as if he tainted it.

'Yeah, you can leave with me tonight.' He winks and I scoff.

'Sorry, engaged.' I reply, showing him my ring whilst giving him an unimpressed look. He pushes my hand aside and brings his face close to mine.

'Well I don't see any man.' He purrs and I take a step back.

'He should be over any minute.' I growl, starting to panic.

'I reckon we have time for some fun before he gets back.' He chuckles, grabbing my wrist with one hand and running his hand up my thigh with his other.

'Please, stop!' I say, trying to shake him off. Unfortunately it's too crowded for anyone to notice.

Suddenly he falls to the floor and I look back up to see a pair of green eyes.

'Thank-you so much Billie.' I cry, giving him a hug. 'I'm so sorry about the other day, it was like an instinct, and -'

'I was way outta line. You don't need to apologise - I fucking deserved it.' He smiles, just as the song finishes and a very hot (in both ways) Mike comes over. He grins and kisses me on the cheek before realising Billie Joe is standing there.

'Oh, erm, hey.' He forces, hooking an arm around me.

'Dude look, I'm so sorry what I said before - I'm just a stupid assmunch. I was just shocked and pissed. I didn't mean it. Friends?' Billie holds out a hand and Mike takes it and pulls him into a hug.

'I'm sorry too bro.' Mike laughs.

'Oh, and sorry I punched you. But I think I made up for it in saving your one true love from that punk creep.' He gestures to the raven haired guy passed out on the floor. Mike looks at me and I shake my head, telling him not to worry about it. They chat for another few minutes before Mike and I decide to leave.

The moment we step out the door lights are flashing in our faces.

'Mike! Mike! Tell us about your new album Dookie!'

'Mike! Over here! And who's this beauty with you?' All sorts of questions are being asked but Mike and I just smile and walk through them all, hand in hand. We eventually manage to get away from them all and we burst out laughing ask we kiss, interlocking our fingers and laying down on the damp grass. We look at the stars for what feels like magical hours, but in truth was most probably about 10 minutes. Mike looks at me and rolls onto his side as I do the same. He leans in and slowly kisses me, I feel like a 15 year old out past curfew.

'Do you wanna get out of here?' He asks and I jump up, pulling him up by the hand as we practically run to the nearest hotel.

We book a room for the night and leg it up to room 107. The moment we shut the door Mike and I kiss as he gently presses me against the wall.

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