1: She's the Voldemort to my Harry Potter

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Katherine McNamara as Stevie

I step out of the airport, back onto the soil of my hometown, Las Vegas, Nevada. There's only thing I can use to describe how I'm feeling: dread. Don't get me wrong, I love my home, I adore it to be quite honest, but it's the memories that have ruined this place of paradise for me.
I've always been known as the quiet, shy girl that everybody could walk all over. I'd get beat up every day, simply because they knew they could. I mean, I'd had a grand two years of high school; the librarian would lend me the back room and she'd give me the books the school couldn't use anymore. Sometimes, she'd even bring me cookies, so I'd, "have a little sweetness in my dull day," while I did my work that was two years ahead of my normal curriculum. I think she was the hardest person to say goodbye to when I left.
When I got accepted to Columbia University School of the Arts in New York City two years back, I was ecstatic. I was getting away from it all, and could mind any less. I'd spent lots of time sight seeing, improving on my art, learning new techniques and styles all while getting my basic subjects in.
But now, two years later with the highest degree the school could offer, I'm back. I'd have gone somewhere else, had I had somewhere else to go, but of course I didn't. All my family is out of touch, and have probably only seen me once in their life, except for my mother. Speaking of her, she was supposed to pick me up.
    I check the time. She's already twenty minutes late. She's probably high in some bar, flirting with some arrogant drunkie. That's all she's done since Dad died six years ago. Even so, I can't believe that my time back in Las Vegas is already off to a bad start.
   I hail a taxi, pulling my suitcases in the trunk before sliding into the vehicle and giving the driver my address. As soon as we start to move, I pull out my phone and earbuds, tapping on my favorite band, Palaye Royale, and listening to all of their songs on shuffle. They released their new album 'Boom Boom Room' a few days ago, and you could bet your booty I preordered that shlit two months prior to it's release.
   I listen to the music the entire way to my old house, sketching a bit when I got bored. After about twenty minutes, though, we reach my destination. I pay the old grouchy driver, quickly collecting my things before he screeches away. Geez, you could at least be nice to the people who pay you.
I shake my head, deciding to go in. Mom won't be home, so I'll have some time to settle back in. I wonder if she'll be too drunk to recognize me. I've changed quite a bit. My normally straightened red hair is worn in its natural wild wavy state, now waste length, while I've gotten a nose stud. My green eyes have dulled a bit, more of a light mosey green, rather than the seaweed shade it had once been. I still dress the same: my signature fishnets, shorts, vintage band tee, and maybe a fedora, depending on my mood. But I've also tuned up the colors. I've gone from my black and grey color scheme to whites and blues and reds and purples.
If my appearance doesn't fool her, though, it'll probably be my attitude. Yes, I've always been known as quiet, but that's just here in Vegas. In New York, I was bold, outgoing, and said what I wanted to. I'm planning on keeping it that way.
As I open the door and walk into the living room, I'm surprised to see my Mom, lounging on the couch, watching TV. Are you freaking serious?! She looks up at the sound of my entrance, and sighs.
"Great, you're here, could you grab me an aspirin? My head's killing me. Got in a bit late last night." I snort, crossing my arms, to which she raises an eyebrow.
"Did you forget something today?" I ask sternly. She shakes her head no. "Um, how about picking up your daughter from the airport?!" She rolls her eyes.
"Don't be such a baby, sorry, alright? Now go get me the damn aspirin." Oh my god, is she serious right now?
"To hell with you," I spit, spinning around and starting to head to my room. I hear Mom stand up.
"Stevie, I asked you to do something! I'm your mother, you don't have a choice in the matter!" I let out a dry laugh, turning to face her. I stare into her matching green eyes, and take in my mother's completion. Same wild, bright auburn hair, same barely sun kissed completion, same height, both of us resting at an even 5'2". She's prettier than I'll ever be on the outside, but internally she's the ugliest thing I've ever seen. In nerd terms, she's the Voldemort to my Harry Potter.
"If I do recall, you've not done a single motherly thing since dad died and you started the drugs and drinking. Therefore, I will not do anything you ask of me because you are stranger to me. Wake up, smell the flipping roses. Act your age," I tell her calmly, not trying to hide the knife in my voice. She's beyond shocked.
"You've never talked to me this way before," she mumbles, her eyes the size of the moon. She even takes a step back.
   Smirking, I respond with, "yeah well, I finally grew a backbone." She leaves the room silently, hopefully to get herself her own stupid aspirin. I decide to text my only two friends I've ever made, which was in kindergarten when I was a bit more social.

S- hey guys, just got back home. Surprise surprise, the witch is exactly the same.
  Reina responds first, then Venna.
R- omg! We've gotta hang ASAP!! Coffee shop in thirty? P.s. I know, she's been getting worse too.

V- YAY!! I'm down for some caffeine. And sorry, Sweets, we did try to stop her. She's just...your mom.

I laugh at Vienna's closing statement, and text my agreement to the coffee idea. Making the journey the rest of the way up the stairs, I walk into my room and start to unpack. Home sweet home for now, am I right?
Once all of my clothes are put back, I do my makeup. I'd have already done it, but I didn't feel the need since
I was only going to be on a flight for over five hours with strangers I'd only see once in my life. all I do is put on my heavy cat eye eyeliner, along with some strawberry colored lip gloss. I decide to put my silver nose ring on in lieu of my stud, walking over to my body length mirror to have a look. My grey, faded Queen tee is the perfect contrast for my light blue ripped shorts,
My dark fishnets under making the colors pop a bit more. I slide into my combat boots right as i get a text from Reina making sure I'm leaving my house to get to the shop on time.
I grab my car keys and head to the garage, hoping my baby is still in tact. I wasn't able to take it to New York with me, not that I would've been able to drive it anyway, but I still missed my baby. She's a baby blue vintage 1953 CJ-3B jeep that I cherish more than my life.
  Sure enough, my baby is still parked, untouched, sparking like the brightest diamond. I jump in and drive to the coffee shop, excited to meet my two best and only friends in the entire world.

I know, I know, I didn't do a super long chapter, but this is me, so...yeah. Btw my new update time is at least one a week, with an occasional two or three a week. Byes! •~^

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