11: Gold Diggers?

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Death Is A Party, Invite All Your Friends - Palaye Royale

"You guys can come back out here," Ash's voice rings out. I quickly pack my amp chord back into my case on top of my guitar and head out of the room, Drea, Reina, and Vienna following quickly behind me. Remington motions for me to sit next to him on the couch and I happily oblige, plopping down next to him with my guitar next to the couch. He hands me a water bottle with a smile, and I take it willingly, draining half of it before tossing it to Vienna, who sips it and hands it to Reina. Drea comes and lays her head in my lap, throwing her longish, slender legs on the rest of the couch, putting them on Our two friends' laps when they join us.
"Here's the deal, ladies," Ash starts, rolling away from his spot at the recording console. "We like you. We really like you. And the fact that spikes over here vouched for you makes your case all the better." He nods his chin over to Remington, who rolls his eyes.
"On behalf of Sumerian Records, we'd like to sign you guys."
It's dead silent from the girls and I, and I believe Drea might even be asleep.
"We are aware that we are a metal record label, but we're impressed. You'd be the first all girl rock band in our label, as well as one of two rock bands in the label in general. What do you girls say?" Nick joins. Drea sits up.
"All due respect, we've only been a band together for a day. And don't you need to record with us first to even see if this will work?" Ash grins, and wheels back to the console, hitting a button.
Suddenly, my voice rings out, powerful and raspy, singing the words to our song.
"I present to you your first single," Nick says with a smile. The band loses it.


On our way out, Remington leads the way to his car, so I decide to run and leap onto his back with a battle cry, causing him to curse loudly and stumble, but he immediately grabs my thighs tightly to keep me from falling. My hands are clasped together, resting over his heart, so I can feel it beating rapidly. Awe, I really scared him! I feel bad.
     While he's trying to calm down, I hug him and apologize profusely, to which he laughs at when he calms down.
   "It's okay, Stevie, just remember that I have high anxiety." I frown slightly and his lack of nicknames for me, but stop. Why should that be a bad thing?
I kick out my legs and say, "down!" As I do this, I stretch back until my hands reach the floor, slipping out of his steel like grip. I successfully summersault upright into my feet, and I see Remington sporting a scared face, making me feel even worse. He then clenched his jaw and stomps over to his car, slamming the door. I cower at the noise, feeling really bad.
    As I'm about to ask Drea if she'll switch seats with me, my phone goes off. The caller I.D. Shows my mother's name, making me frown further, but I answer it anyway. Dread fills me as I hear the noises of a club in the background.
    "S-Stevie! GrEeeeat thaT Ya AnswERred," she hiccups through giggles. The bad feeling gets worse.
    "Where are you?" I ask, my tone deadly serious, and I can practically hear her down a drink as she rolls her eyes.
  "Out having FuUn, not tHhat I've got-Gotta expLaiNN my-sself  to you." I shut my eyes. Deep breaths.
    "And why don't you tell me where you're other three kids are?" I snap angrily. How could she leave them with Greyson?! It's not his responsibility!
     She giggles some more. "T-they're with me." I stop in tracks, the dirt I've been kicking freezing as well. "I sent that annoying kiIid home, trying tOo te-lll mEEee how to Ddo mYy job. He-"
    I've stopped listening. I drop my phone, but I don't care. I sprint back towards the Sumerian Records building,  and then passed it, towards the Club my mother hangs around all day.



    "What the hell is taking them so long," I mutter under my breath while I struggle to stop my hand from spazzing. It happens when I get to nervous, and Stevie nearly gave me a heart attack. I shouldn't have acted like I did, and I couldn't have expected her to know. It's just habit.
   I sigh as I watch her talk on the phone and mess with the dirt with her shoes. Her beautiful flaming hair cascades down her shoulder and gives me a full look at her face. Her green eyes are clouded with annoyance, and it kills me to see her upset. I probably didn't help with that though.
   Suddenly she stands up straight with a terrified look on her face, and she goes off running towards the building. I furrow my brows as I try to think about what could've caused her to run back into the studio. Did she forget something? Probably.
   I watch Reina pick up Stevie's phone and look flabbergasted at the screen, before holding it up to her head while Vienna and Drea call after Stevie. They come running towards the car.
    Vienna opens the passenger seat and says hastily, "we need your help. "
   "With what?" I ask, confused. A pale faced Reina runs up and says something that scares Vienna even more.
   "She went after the kids. Her mom took them with her." Uneasiness fills me, and I listen silently.
    "To Gold Diggers?" Vienna asks with fear, and Reina nods grimly. My eyes go wide.
   "The sketchy club? The club where multiple molesting cases have been investigating?" The girls nod.
   Imagining Stevie going in there makes my anxiety spike again, and I tell the girls to get in.
   I'm not going to let anyone try anything with Stevie or those kids.
Sorry I haven't updated on time! I'll update more over break!

 Sorry I haven't updated on time! I'll update more over break!

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