3: Leaving in About Two Minutes Ago

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Warhol - Palaye Royale

Two years later:

"Stevie, if we don't leave in about two minutes ago, we'll be late!" Reina shouts from downstairs, annoyed. I roll my eyes.
"Chill, Rein, if that's the case then we're already late, so what's a few more seconds?" Vienna chides, trying to mask her own edge. We're about to go to the Las Vegas warped show, and we couldn't be any more excited. Since there are only three shows left after today's show, all of the bands have had time to make their shows looks wicked cool, so we're expecting some unforgettable memories today.
I slip on my checkered, '50 years off the wall vans' drawstring Reina had bought me from one of the Warped shows, since I couldn't go. I had to drive my pregnant mom to the hospital.
   Yeah, my Mom ended up getting knocked up about two years back, and we still don't know their father. And yes, you read correctly. Their.
   Let me just say, three toddlers in their terrible twos running around the house at the same time, is just awful. I mean, I love the little rascals, but at the same time, I can't stand 'em.
  Augustus Owen Kravitz is the eldest of the duo by five minutes, and is a little ball of protectiveness. He watches over his two sisters to the point where I want to die of cuteness. He even threw a pebble at Mom when she scolded the girls for playing fort, much to my pleasure. He has the cutest pair of baby blue eyes, with flaming Crimson hair, twin to my own, only jet straight. He stands at a tall 3'7", which is the average height for a four year old, making him a giant at two.
Then there's my mini me, Clara Constance Kravitz, probably the biggest sweetheart ever. She causes the least amount of trouble, and can't heart a fly. She cried at the sight of a dead squirrel we'd found at a park, and wouldn't talk to either Augustus, Alice, or me for days, much to Augustus's concern. Clara has the same light mossy green eyes as Mom and I, but rather peculiar hair. She has midnight black wavy hair, probably thanks to her daddy dearest. She, as well as all of the women in my family, has a slightly tinted ivory skin color, along with the translucent freckles that run across the bridge of her nose and cheeks. She's the shy one of the three, hence the tiny version of me.
Last but definitely not least, there's Alice Eleanor Kravitz, the wild child of the group, if you will. She's definitely the big troublemaker of the musketeers. She never does anything super bad, thank god, but she does like to annoy the living lights out of our mother and give her lots of grief. Hey, I'm not complaining. Anyway, she has the same hair shade as our grandmother, a pallid white shade, a bit more ghostly than a platinum. She has Augustus's popping blue eyes, and more of a tan than all of the Kravitz girls combined. Still, she's a little pale girl.
She's the shortest of the three, as well as the youngest, Clara being older by a full minute. That being said, she protects Clara like she were older.
The three sweeties are my joy, and I protect them from all of the drunkies and jerks Mom brings home. Yeah, you'd think three new children would snap her out of it, but nope. Half of her pregnancy, I'd have to wrestle her into her room and lock her away from all the alcohol. I even had to name the kids, cause she couldn't be bothered. As you can guess, I'm a fan for the old names.
"Earth to Stevie! It's been-" a small pause, "-a minute! Let's go!" Reina all but screeches, snapping me out of La La Land. "Alright, alright! I'm coming! You've got Auggie, Clarebear, and Ali?" I call as I trudge downstairs.
   "They're in the car with Venna as we speak. She just went to wait in the car with them."
  I smirk. "Since you were rude, you get Ali duty. "
   Reina's eyes widen. "I know it's no use arguing, so if something bad happens to me, I'm suing you." We then fall into a fit of laughter. We both know she'd never. She loves me way too much.

We rush out to Reina's blue 2000 Chevrolet Avalanche, where the rest of our group is waiting at 9:00 sharp. I roll my eyes. She wanted to leave at 8:50. (A/N: this truck is actually the brand my bio dad has, and it's the only thing I like of his XD) I hop into the back seat, making Auggie stand up from his spot behind the passenger's and sit on my lap, since we could only fit the two car seats in here.
   After fighting over the auxiliary cord, I finally win, and put on some Palaye Royale. Their new Album, 'Boom Boom Room Side B,' comes out this Christmas, do for the past few months I've been listening to their old EP and their Side A.
We finally get to the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, and it's surprisingly empty, considering. We each take our old phones we brought to donate so we could skip the line, along with our three tickets. Chaperones get in free, and since the girls and I are all over eighteen, the tickets are basically for the kiddos. I notice Alice looking around, as if she's plotting something. Oh heck no, she's not going to ruin this. I kneel down in front of her so we're eye level.
  "Listen up, butter cup," I start like I always say to her when I address her. She nods. "You're gonna be on your bestest behavior. No screwing around today. You try anything--and I do mean anything-- you're going home with Greyson."
  Greyson is Reina's younger brother, and he usually babysits the kids when I can't watch them. She groans. "Fine, I'll be cool. But only cause Greyson won't let me eat candy," Alice grumbles. I grin, and ruffle her angel locks. We walk in.

    "We are Palaye Royale, and it's a f*ckin' honor to play for you guys," Remington says with a slight smile, and he slightly bows. I blush. The girls and I are in the front, dead center. It's been a long time since we'd seen them, two years to be exact, and I'm pretty sure they don't remember us. But that's okay, most people don't remember people they met two year back for the first time in their lives. I feel Clara screaming and bouncing up and down from my shoulders. Vienna has Auggie on hers, and Reina the same with Alice.
As soon as they start to play a Teenagers cover by MCR, I'm suddenly shoved forward, causing Clara and I to lose grips on each other. I start to fall, shouting out for the screaming little girl while trying to catch her. I'm kicked to the floor, and have lost sight of everything besides the stampeding feet. They're crushing my ribs, my legs, my chest, and anything that can be reached. I can still hear Clara's screaming over the rioting crowd, due to the face that the music stopped, and--

Wait, why'd the music stop? Suddenly, I'm lifted off the floor, and wrapped securely in somebody's arms. I move to see their face. Who could it be? Probably Vienna and Reina, if they worked together.
I look at the only thing I can see of the person as I'm being lifted over the barricade: slightly muscular, tattooed arms. I've seen these Harry Potter tattoos before. I know who this is.
I hold my breath, and lift my eyes to see his face. Sure enough, one extremely sexy Remington Leith is staring down at me from the other side of the barricade, his eyes frantic and worried.
"Are you alright?"
I pass out.

 "Are you alright?" I pass out

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